Zara Weinberg, PhD
Biochemistry and Biophysics
School of Medicine
Postdoctoral Scholar working in the lab of Hana El-Samad using synthetic biology tools for understanding and rewiring the behavior of cells.
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- NIH IRACDA Scholar, UCSF, 2020-2023
Education & Training
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- PhD Biological Sciences Carnegie Mellon University 12/2017
- BA Psychology Reed College 05/2011
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- synthetic biology
- cell signaling
- systems biology
- cell & tissue engineering
- synthetic development
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Publications (3)
Top publication keywords:
Protein Interaction MappingStructure-Activity RelationshipGenes, SyntheticBinding, CompetitiveHydrogen BondingCalcium-Binding ProteinsPhosphotyrosinesrc-Family KinasesProtein-Tyrosine KinasesCalpainProtein DomainsCatalytic DomainCyclic AMP-Dependent Protein KinasesCatalysisAmino Acid Motifs
De novo-designed minibinders expand the synthetic biology sensing repertoire.
bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2024 Weinberg ZY, Soliman SS, Kim MS, Shah DH, Chen IP, Ott M, Lim WA, El-Samad H -
De novo design of tyrosine and serine kinase-driven protein switches.
Nature structural & molecular biology 2021 Woodall NB, Weinberg Z, Park J, Busch F, Johnson RS, Feldbauer MJ, Murphy M, Ahlrichs M, Yousif I, MacCoss MJ, Wysocki VH, El-Samad H, Baker D -
Sentinel cells enable genetic detection of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein.
bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2021 Weinberg ZY, Hilburger CE, Kim M, Cao L, Khalid M, Elmes S, Diwanji D, Hernandez E, Lopez J, Schaefer K, Smith AM, Zhou F, QCRG Structural Biology Consortium, Kumar GR, Ott M, Baker D, El-Samad H