Yuri Cartier
Research Data Analyst
School of Medicine


Yuri Cartier, MPH, is a Senior Research Associate with the Social Interventions Research and Evaluation Network (SIREN). SIREN is a national research dissemination and acceleration initiative focused on social care integration into health care. SIREN's mission is to improve health and health equity by advancing high quality research on health care sector strategies to improve social conditions.

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Yuri supports SIREN’s research projects, conducting data collection and analysis, writing research publications, and coordinating project activities and deliverables. She is also an active contributor to SIREN’s dissemination activities. Yuri's passion and focus is on bringing the voice of lived experience experts to social care research and accelerating the development and use of anti-racism research methods.

Yuri received her Masters in Public Health from the the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique (French National School of Public Health) and bachelor’s degree in Women's Studies from Wellesley College.

Publications (22)

Top publication keywords:
ResearchVehicle EmissionsEnvironmental MonitoringSocial WorkPublic HealthHealth CommunicationReferral and ConsultationVaccinationFocus GroupsSocial SupportPopulation HealthResearch Support as TopicHealth PrioritiesOrganizationsQualitative Research

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