William Dominic, MD
Professor Emeritus
Surgery - Fresno
School of Medicine

william.dominic@ucsf.edu 559-499-6400

William J. Dominic, M.D., FACS

Clinical Professor, UCSF Director, Leon S. Peters Burn Center, Community Regional Medical Center Specialties: General Surgery, Critical Care

William J. Dominic, MD, FACS, is a Clinical Professor, Department of Surgery at the University of California San Francisco Fresno, and the Director of the Leon S. Peters Burn Center at Community Regional Medical Center, UCSF Fresno Center for Medical Education and Research.

Dr. Dominic received his medical degree from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, and completed his residency in general surgery at the University of Colorado, Denver. Subsequently, Dr. Dominic completed the Burns Fellowship Program at the University of Colorado, Denver and a Burns Clinical Research Fellowship at the University of California, San Diego.

Dr. Dominic currently serves as the Director of the Leon S. Peters Burn Center at the Community Regional Medical Center, known as a major regional burn center. As director he is involved in developing new protocols and techniques for burn care. As a core faculty member for the Department of Surgery he has been committed to teaching general surgery and critical care for over 37 years. His clinical and didactic teaching involve medical students, residents and fellows in Surgical Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery. His focus includes; emergency, general surgery, trauma and critical care services with a broad variety of operations, including laparoscopic and complex abdomen thoracic cases.

Dr. Dominic’s interests in research include resuscitation. Since August 2012, he has been involved in multi-center trails sponsored by the U.S. Army Department of Defense, researching transfusion thresholds in burn patients.

Dr. Dominic is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and a member of the International Society for Burn Injuries, the American Burn Association, and the Fresno Madera Medical Society/California Medical Society.


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Top publication keywords:
SepsisTransplantation, HomologousBurnsAmphotericin BShockAcidosisTripletsFatal OutcomeMucormycosisDebridementLegLeg UlcerInfant, PrematureBlood TransfusionAccidents, Home