Wayne Steward, PhD, MPH
School of Medicine
wayne.steward@ucsf.edu 415-502-1000 ext. 14623
My program of research focuses on optimizing the delivery of HIV care and prevention services. This work encompasses studies of health policies and systems of care, as well as projects investigating the impact of stigma among people living with or affected by HIV.
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A major component of the research centers on how the HIV workforce can be mobilized to implement new technologies and service delivery models to improve care outcomes. This constitutes an important line of inquiry within HIV implementation science, which seeks more generally to understand and reduce the barriers to the widespread uptake and dissemination of proven-effective interventions. I began the line of inquiry when serving as the Co-Principal Investigator of the Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center of the Information Technology Networks of Care Initiative, a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Special Project of National Significance (SPNS). The SPNS program is a unique component of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. SPNS supports the implementation and evaluation of promising new interventions to understand how such programs can be implemented effectively across Ryan White-supported clinical care settings. Each SPNS initiative funds multiple demonstration projects, as well a multi-site evaluation center. The five-year Networks of Care Initiative was focused on the implementation of HIV-related electronic health information exchanges (HIE) in six regions of the United States. Over the course of the project, I led the development of assessments to measure HIE implementation, was responsible for overseeing evaluation activities in four of the six regions, and led analyses to understand organizational characteristics that facilitated successful HIE implementation. These findings indicated that HIE success was dependent on sites capacities for reconfiguring their workflows. The technology could make additional patient health information available to providers, but in order for it to meaningfully influence clinical care, demonstration projects had to establish and implement procedures for using the HIE in regular day-to-day operations. These findings helped drive a four-year investigator-initiated project to examine the effectiveness of implementing patient-centered medical homes (PCMH) in HIV care settings. This care delivery model, which originated in pediatric oncology and has since been adopted in family medicine as an approach for primary care, seeks to fundamentally alter the organizational structure and workflows within a clinic. It redistributes patient care responsibilities among physicians, mid-level providers, clinical care staff, and even patients themselves to better align the delivery of services with each patients unique set of needs. Much like the HIEs in the earlier project, the PCMH incorporates health information-sharing technologies, but it moves beyond the HIEs in the attention it gives to re-designed provider teams and tools to enhance patient engagement. For this project, I collaborated with the California HIV/AIDS Research Program (CHRP), a special state appropriation that funds peer-reviewed scientific research, to develop an initiative to implement and evaluate PCMH models in five HIV clinical sites statewide. As principal investigator, I led a multi-component, longitudinal study that examined the impact of PCMH-related changes on the quality of care in the funded sites. Our research findings suggest that the PCMH model is an effective tool for improving HIV related outcomes. Across the sites during the project period, there was an increase in the proportion of patients who were virally suppressed, with the most robust findings occurring in those clinics that have evidenced the strongest improvements in PCMH-related workflows. At the same time, the research suggests that aspects of the PCMH model may need refinement in HIV settings, particularly those serving safety net populations. Providers and patients were most receptive to PCMH elements focused on coordinating and tracking care. There was far less attention to or interest in the model components to facilitate better access to care (e.g., longer clinical hours, patient portals in the electronic health record) or increase patient activation (e.g., collaboratively developed care plans, use of shared decision making). Many HIV patients in safety net settings have faced a history of stigma, and a primary concern when seeking care is knowing that they can trust their providers. To this end, providers and clinical staff have developed their own informal mechanisms for keeping patients engaged, including use of personal phone lines or email, and making themselves available to answer questions and address anxieties as they arise. Whether such strategies are sustainable is subject to debate and further research (as provider burnout is high), but it is clear that the PCMHs traditional strategies for engaging patients are not likely to fully meet the needs of this patient population. Building off of the expertise gained in the course of the PCMH study, I am now leading another SPNS initiative to examine the uptake of practice transformations to enhance HIV care outcomes. The four-year initiative responds to current demographic and temporal trends suggesting that there may soon be a shortage of HIV specialists, relative to the growing demand for their services. In collaboration with colleagues from the Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center (PAETC) and the UCSF Center for Excellence in Primary Care (CEPC), my team and I have adopted the CEPCs Building Blocks of Primary Care as a model for understanding the practice transformations taking place in the 15 funded demonstration project sites. We have identified three primary transformational strategies, each of which responds to workforce challenges in its own way. First, some sites are seeking to expand the overall workforce by training new providers to deliver services to HIV patients and by pairing those new providers with established HIV specialists to co-manage patients or serve as an expert resource. Second, other sites are seeking to improve the efficiency of service delivery by task shafting, or sharing the care. This strategy, which aligns with PCMH tenants, involves developing clinical staff members skills and furthering their responsibilities, thereby freeing up primary care providers to focus on patients most complex needs. Third, still other sites are seeking to better engage patients, most specifically by ensuring that they are reliably receiving HIV primary care services in order to reduce the need for urgent, emergency, inpatient, or long-term care. This last strategy is of particular interest, given the challenges that sites in the PCMH initiative faced in implementing patient engagement strategies. Based on lesson learned in our prior work and in the work of colleagues in the CEPC and PAETC, we developed a comprehensive checklist for launching a practice transformation, which guided demonstration project work in the first year of the initiative. Sites subsequently launched their projects successfully. We are now wrapping up the multi-year evaluation. Preliminary findings suggests that the practice transformations were successful at increasing patient retention in HIV care and viral suppression. My domestic research agenda also includes several projects utilizing community collaborations to respond more effectively to the HIV epidemic. Through a CHRP-supported HIV Policy Research Center grant, I lead a UCSF team of researchers who work in close consultation with two local HIV services organizations (the San Francisco AIDS Foundation (SFAF) and Project Inform) and a parallel research center in southern California to identify policy issues likely to affect care and services in the state. We then design and implement research projects intended to answer key questions of relevance to those policy issues. Recent studies have focused on the best design for a state-funded assistance program for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a biomedical prevention intervention, and the potential impact to HIV care for safety net populations of restricting pharmacies' savings from the federal 340B monies. I also collaborated with SFAF to lead an evaluation of its Magnet clinic, a sexual health services center and community space for gay men. The study sought to understand if the visibility of this centrally located clinic influenced community norms around HIV testing and sexual health. My research in international environments has tackled similar themes, but with a somewhat stronger emphasis on the role of stigma in patients lives. I have been collaborating on a cluster randomized trial of a text messaging and peer navigation intervention in South African primary health facilities. This work, which is funded by the Health Resources and Services Administrations Global HIV/AIDS Program, looked at whether the interventions could improve patients retention in HIV services. My primary roles as a co-investigator were to design the navigation intervention component and monitor its implementation, and now to analyze and publish the trials retention findings. Our analyses indicate that the text messaging component improved patients initial linkage to HIV services after diagnosis. But, on its own, the messaging was not sufficient to enhance retention. The addition of the peer navigation program, however, led to significant increases in linkage to and retention in care over a one-year follow-up period. The navigation intervention was successful in part because it was able to respond to the influence of stigma in patients lives, which served as a major barrier to services.
I have also partnered as a collaborator in multidisciplinary teams studying HIV stigma in India and China. My contribution to these projects has focused on forms of stigma that affect people living with or at risk of HIV. A now-concluded NIMH-funded study in southern India examined the impact of prejudice on health and wellbeing of HIV-infected men and women. As co-investigator, I collaborated on the development of instruments to assess HIV stigma in Indian contexts and took the lead in publishing multiple papers that used the scales to document how stigma affects HIV disclosure, mental health, and care-seeking behaviors. A new, ongoing NIMH-funded study is examining the impact of an intervention on reducing stigmatizing attitudes among healthcare workers. As co-investigator, I have contributed content to the intervention modules. And a recently concluded project in China focused on prejudice against men who have sex with men (MSM). As co-investigator of this NIMH-funded project, I led the development of quantitative assessments to measure MSM stigma. The measures were administered to participants in Beijing, China, and used to examine how stigma affects the mens HIV risk behaviors and the kinds of HIV-related services they are willing to access.
Education & Training
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- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training University of California 2020
- BA Psychology Columbia University
- MPH Epidemiology University of California, Berkeley
- Postdoctoral Studies Graduate Division University of California, San Francisco
- MS Psychology Yale University
- PhD Psychology Yale University
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- Profile at UCSF Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (caps.ucsf.edu)
Grants and Projects
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Publications (100)
Top publication keywords:
Continuity of Patient CarePrimary Health CareHomosexuality, MalePre-Exposure ProphylaxisTrustStereotypingPatient NavigationSexual BehaviorText MessagingMedical Records Systems, ComputerizedPatient Acceptance of Health CareHIV InfectionsSouth AfricaDelivery of Health CareSocial Stigma
Integrating community health workers into HIV care clinics: a qualitative study with health system leaders and clinicians in the Southern United States.
BMC health services research 2024 Fuller SM, Arnold EA, Xavier J, Ibe CA, Steward WT, Myers JJ, Rebchook G, Koester KA -
Syndemic Theory and Its Use in Developing Health Interventions and Programming: A Scoping Review.
Current HIV/AIDS reports 2024 Outram SM, Koester KA, Moran L, Steward WT, Arnold EA -
Correlates of viral suppression among sexual minority men and transgender women living with HIV in Mpumalanga, South Africa.
PLOS global public health 2024 Gyamerah AO, Marr A, Maleke K, Manyuchi AE, Mirzazadeh A, Radebe O, Lane T, Puren A, Steward WT, Struthers H, Lippman SA -
Adapting and testing measures of organizational context in primary care clinics in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
BMC health services research 2024 Leslie HH, Lippman SA, van Heerden A, Manaka MN, Joseph P, Weiner BJ, Steward WT -
Cost Analysis of Short Messaging Service and Peer Navigator Interventions for Linking and Retaining Adults Recently Diagnosed With HIV in Care in South Africa.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2024 Shade SB, Gutin SA, Agnew E, Grignon JS, Gilmore H, Ratlhagana MJ, Sumitani J, Steward WT, Lippman SA
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“Am I going to have to run to get out of this place?” A qualitative study exploring HIV clinical and service provider experiences from California regions heavily impacted by climate disaster.
PLOS Climate 2023 Lissa Moran, Shannon M. Fuller, Shivali Joshi, Simon Outram, Kimberly A. Koester, Wayne T. Steward, Emily A. Arnold -
Rapid start antiretroviral therapies for improved engagement in HIV care: implementation science evaluation protocol.
BMC health services research 2023 Bourdeau B, Shade SB, Koester KA, Rebchook GM, Steward WT, Agins BM, Myers JJ, Phan SH, Matosky M -
Impact of COVID-19 Response on the HIV Epidemic in Men Who Have Sex With Men in San Francisco County: The Importance of Rapid Return to Normalcy.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2022 Liang C, Suen SC, Nguyen A, Moucheraud C, Hsu L, Holloway IW, Charlebois ED, Steward WT -
Prevalence, motivation, and outcomes of clinic transfer in a clinical cohort of people living with HIV in North West Province, South Africa.
BMC health services research 2022 Leslie HH, Mooney AC, Gilmore HJ, Agnew E, Grignon JS, deKadt J, Shade SB, Ratlhagana MJ, Sumitani J, Barnhart S, Steward WT, Lippman SA -
Impact of short message service and peer navigation on linkage to care and antiretroviral therapy initiation in South Africa.
AIDS (London, England) 2022 Lippman SA, de Kadt J, Ratlhagana MJ, Agnew E, Gilmore H, Sumitani J, Grignon J, Gutin SA, Shade SB, Gilvydis JM, Tumbo J, Barnhart S, Steward WT -
Understanding the factors that impact effective uptake and maintenance of HIV care programs in South African primary health care clinics.
Archives of public health = Archives belges de sante publique 2022 van Heerden A, Ntinga X, Lippman SA, Leslie HH, Steward WT -
The Influence of Transmission-Based and Moral-Based HIV Stigma Beliefs on Intentions to Discriminate Among Ward Staff in South Indian Health Care Settings.
AIDS and behavior 2022 Steward WT, Srinivasan K, Raj T, Heylen E, Nyblade L, Mazur A, Devadass D, Pereira M, Ekstrand ML -
The effect of an HIV preexposure prophylaxis panel management strategy to increase preexposure prophylaxis prescriptions.
AIDS (London, England) 2022 Saberi P, Stoner MCD, Ming K, Lisha NE, Hojilla JC, Scott HM, Liu AY, Steward WT, Johnson MO, Neilands TB -
Lessons Learned from an HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Coordination Program in San Francisco Primary Care Clinics.
AIDS research and human retroviruses 2022 Shrestha I, Ming K, Jimenez V, Wendelborn J, Vazquez A, Steward W, Scott H, Saberi P -
Destination-Specific and Home Environment Condom Norms Influence Sexual Behavior During Travel.
AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education 2022 Truong HM, Fatch R, McFarland W, Grasso M, Raymond HF, Holt M, Steward WT -
Impacts of COVID-19 on HIV/AIDS-Related Services in California.
Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care 2022 Koester KA, Fuller SM, Steward WT, Arnold EA -
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among PLWH in South India: Implications for Vaccination Campaigns.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2021 Ekstrand ML, Heylen E, Gandhi M, Steward WT, Pereira M, Srinivasan K -
Triangulating Evidence to Infer Pathways that Influence Ebola Virus Disease-Related Stigma and Clinical Findings among Survivors: An Observational Cohort Study.
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 2021 Kelly JD, Badio M, Drew C, Wilson B, Cooper JB, Glayweon M, Johnson K, Moses JS, Gayedu-Dennis D, Torres JM, Oldenburg CE, Davidson MC, Huang CY, Steward WT, Sneller MC, Rutherford GW, Reilly C, … -
Understanding the Factors that Impact Effective Uptake and Integration of Health Programs in South African Primary Health Care Clinics.
Research square 2021 Heerden A, Ntinga X, Lippman SA, Leslie HH, Steward WT -
Impact of SMS and peer navigation on retention in HIV care among adults in South Africa: results of a three-arm cluster randomized controlled trial.
Journal of the International AIDS Society 2021 Steward WT, Agnew E, de Kadt J, Ratlhagana MJ, Sumitani J, Gilmore HJ, Grignon J, Shade SB, Tumbo J, Barnhart S, Lippman SA -
Outcomes and costs of publicly funded patient navigation interventions to enhance HIV care continuum outcomes in the United States: A before-and-after study.
PLoS medicine 2021 Shade SB, Kirby VB, Stephens S, Moran L, Charlebois ED, Xavier J, Cajina A, Steward WT, Myers JJ -
Health information technology interventions and engagement in HIV care and achievement of viral suppression in publicly funded settings in the US: A cost-effectiveness analysis.
PLoS medicine 2021 Shade SB, Marseille E, Kirby V, Chakravarty D, Steward WT, Koester KK, Cajina A, Myers JJ -
HIV Transmission Worry Predicts Discrimination Intentions Among Nursing Students and Ward Staff in India.
AIDS and behavior 2021 Nyblade L, Srinivasan K, Raj T, Oga EA, Heylen E, Mazur A, Devadass D, Steward WT, Pereira M, Ekstrand ML -
Measuring Organizational Readiness for Implementing Change in Primary Care Facilities in Rural Bushbuckridge, South Africa.
International journal of health policy and management 2020 Leslie HH, West R, Twine R, Masilela N, Steward WT, Kahn K, Lippman SA -
"You can't have a PrEP program without a PrEP Coordinator": Implementation of a PrEP panel management intervention.
PloS one 2020 Saberi P, Ming K, Scott H, Liu A, Steward W -
Improving the HIV PrEP continuum of care using an intervention for healthcare providers: a stepped-wedge study protocol.
BMJ open 2020 Ming K, Shrestha I, Vazquez A, Wendelborn J, Jimenez V, Lisha N, Neilands TB, Scott H, Liu A, Steward W, Johnson MO, Saberi P -
Attitudes about community pharmacy access to HIV prevention medications in California.
Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA 2020 Koester KA, Saberi P, Fuller SM, Arnold EA, Steward WT -
Patient and Provider Experiences From HIV Clinics in the United States That Integrated Primary Care: A Brief Report.
The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC 2020 Fuller SM, Koester KA, Botta EW, Zeman L, Lazar D, Guevara E, Steward WT -
Practice transformations to optimize the delivery of HIV primary care in community healthcare settings in the United States: A program implementation study.
PLoS medicine 2020 Steward WT, Koester KA, Guzé MA, Kirby VB, Fuller SM, Moran ME, Botta EW, Gaffney S, Heath CD, Bromer S, Shade SB -
Documenting best practices for maintaining access to HIV prevention, care and treatment in an era of shifting immigration policy and discourse.
PloS one 2020 Arnold EA, Fuller SM, Martinez O, Lechuga J, Steward WT -
Medical-Legal Partnerships to Support Continuity of Care for Immigrants Impacted by HIV: Lessons Learned from California.
Journal of immigrant and minority health 2020 Fuller SM, Steward WT, Martinez O, Arnold EA -
The collaborative care model for HIV and depression: Patient perspectives and experiences from a safety-net clinic in the United States.
SAGE open medicine 2019 Fuller SM, Koester KA, Erguera XA, Wilde Botta E, von Beetzen F, Steward WT, Avery A -
Ebola virus disease-related stigma among survivors declined in Liberia over an 18-month, post-outbreak period: An observational cohort study.
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 2019 Kelly JD, Weiser SD, Wilson B, Cooper JB, Glayweon M, Sneller MC, Drew C, Steward WT, Reilly C, Johnson K, Fallah MP -
"Closing the Loop" Developing State-Level Data Sharing Interventions to Promote Optimum Outcomes Along the HIV Continuum of Care.
AIDS and behavior 2019 Zamudio-Haas S, Koester KA, Maiorana A, Fuller SM, Steward WT, Gruber D, Hauge JC, Parnell HE, Quinlivan EB, Myers JJ -
"I don't have to do this all by myself": Systems Navigation to Ensure Continuity of HIV Care for Persons Leaving Prison.
AIDS and behavior 2019 Fuller SM, Koester KA, Maiorana A, Steward WT, Broaddus MR, Lass K, Zamudio-Haas S, Quinlivan EB, Myers JJ -
Lessons Learned from Applying a Modified Learning Collaborative Model to Promote Change in Regional and Statewide HIV Care Systems.
AIDS and behavior 2019 DeLorenzo LA, Fox J, Quinlivan EB, Gilmore KM, Ruetten M, Broaddus M, Steward W, Meyers J -
The Role of HIV Stigma in ART Adherence and Quality of Life Among Rural Women Living with HIV in India.
AIDS and behavior 2018 Ekstrand ML, Heylen E, Mazur A, Steward WT, Carpenter C, Yadav K, Sinha S, Nyamathi A -
The Impact Of Medicaid Expansion On People Living With HIV And Seeking Behavioral Health Services.
Health affairs (Project Hope) 2018 Arnold EA, Fuller S, Kirby V, Steward WT -
Alcohol Use and Experiences of Partner Violence Among Female Sex Workers in Coastal Andhra Pradesh, India.
Violence against women 2018 Heylen E, Shamban E, Steward WT, Krishnan G, Solomon R, Srikrishnan AK, Ekstrand ML -
Shaping the Patient-Centered Medical Home to the Needs of HIV Safety Net Patients: The Impact of Stigma and the Need for Trust.
The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC 2018 Steward WT, Koester KA, Fuller SM -
Alcohol use, expectancies and HIV-related sexual risk: a cross-sectional survey of male migrant workers in South India.
AIDS care 2017 Steward WT, Satyanarayana VA, Heylen E, Srikrishnan AK, Vasudevan CK, Krishnan G, Solomon D, Ekstrand ML -
Engaging HIV-positive clients in care: acceptability and mechanisms of action of a peer navigation program in South Africa.
AIDS care 2017 Steward WT, Sumitani J, Moran ME, Ratlhagana MJ, Morris JL, Isidoro L, Gilvydis JM, Tumbo J, Grignon J, Barnhart S, Lippman SA -
HIV risk and multiple sources of heterosexism among young Black men who have sex with men.
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2017 Vincent W, Pollack LM, Huebner DM, Peterson JL, Steward WT, Rebchook GM, Storholm ED, Kegeles SM -
Unpacking the Influence of Sexual Stigma on HIV Risk: Results From a Prospective Study of Men Who Have Sex With Men in Beijing, China.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2017 Choi KH, Steward WT, Miège P, Gregorich SE -
Patients' Perceptions and Experiences of Shared Decision-Making in Primary HIV Care Clinics.
The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC 2016 Fuller SM, Koester KA, Guinness RR, Steward WT -
HIV Serodisclosure and Sexual Behavior During International Travel.
Sexually transmitted diseases 2016 Truong HM, Chen YH, Grasso M, Robertson T, Tao L, Fatch R, Curotto A, McFarland W, Grant RM, Reznick O, Raymond HF, Steward WT -
Evaluation of short message service and peer navigation to improve engagement in HIV care in South Africa: study protocol for a three-arm cluster randomized controlled trial.
Trials 2016 Lippman SA, Shade SB, Sumitani J, DeKadt J, Gilvydis JM, Ratlhagana MJ, Grignon J, Tumbo J, Gilmore H, Agnew E, Saberi P, Barnhart S, Steward WT -
Why increasing availability of ART is not enough: a rapid, community-based study on how HIV-related stigma impacts engagement to care in rural South Africa.
BMC public health 2016 Treves-Kagan S, Steward WT, Ntswane L, Haller R, Gilvydis JM, Gulati H, Barnhart S, Lippman SA -
HIV transmission in MSM: considerations for PrEP scale-up.
The lancet. HIV 2016 Arnold EA, Steward WT -
Implementing Multi-Level Interventions to Improve HIV Testing, Linkage-to-and Retention-in-Care Interventions.
Journal of health care for the poor and underserved 2016 Koester KA, Fuller SM, Maiorana A, Steward WT, Zamudio-Haas S, Xavier J, Safon C, Collins SP, Morin SF, Myers JJ -
Sexual Stigma, Coping Styles, and Psychological Distress: A Longitudinal Study of Men Who Have Sex With Men in Beijing, China.
Archives of sexual behavior 2015 Choi KH, Steward WT, Miège P, Hudes E, Gregorich SE -
Need for improvements in clinical practice to retain patients in pre-antiretroviral therapy care: Data from rural clinics in North West Province, South Africa.
AIDS care 2015 Gilvydis JM, Steward WT, Saberi P, Tumbo J, Sumitani J, Barnhart S, Lippman SA -
Food Insecurity and Its Relation to Psychological Well-Being Among South Indian People Living with HIV.
AIDS and behavior 2015 Heylen E, Panicker ST, Chandy S, Steward WT, Ekstrand ML -
Acceptance of the use of HIV surveillance data for care engagement: national and local community perspectives.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2015 Evans D, Van Gorder D, Morin SF, Steward WT, Gaffney S, Charlebois ED -
Examining clinic-based and public health approaches to ascertainment of HIV care status.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2015 Christopoulos KA, Scheer S, Steward WT, Barnes R, Hartogensis W, Charlebois ED, Morin SF, Truong HM, Geng EH -
Gay and bisexual men engage in fewer risky sexual behaviors while traveling internationally: a cross-sectional study in San Francisco.
Sexually transmitted infections 2014 Truong HM, Fatch R, Grasso M, Robertson T, Tao L, Chen YH, Curotto A, McFarland W, Grant RM, Reznick O, Raymond HF, Steward WT -
Health information technology interventions enhance care completion, engagement in HIV care and treatment, and viral suppression among HIV-infected patients in publicly funded settings.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2014 Shade SB, Steward WT, Koester KA, Chakravarty D, Myers JJ -
California's "Bridge to Reform": identifying challenges and defining strategies for providers and policymakers implementing the Affordable Care Act in low-income HIV/AIDS care and treatment settings.
PloS one 2014 Hazelton PT, Steward WT, Collins SP, Gaffney S, Morin SF, Arnold EA -
Quality of life and psychosocial well-being among children living with HIV at a care home in Southern India.
Vulnerable children and youth studies 2014 Lang T, Heylen E, Perumpil S, Shet A, Perumpil M, Steward W, Shamban E, Ekstrand ML -
Balancing theory and practice in respondent-driven sampling: a case study of innovations developed to overcome recruitment challenges.
PloS one 2013 Truong HM, Grasso M, Chen YH, Kellogg TA, Robertson T, Curotto A, Steward WT, McFarland W -
Sexual healthcare preferences among gay and bisexual men: a qualitative study in San Francisco, California.
PloS one 2013 Koester KA, Collins SP, Fuller SM, Galindo GR, Gibson S, Steward WT -
Charting a moral life: the influence of stigma and filial duties on marital decisions among Chinese men who have sex with men.
PloS one 2013 Steward WT, Miège P, Choi KH -
Evidence for the reliability and validity of the internalized AIDS-related stigma scale in rural Uganda.
AIDS and behavior 2013 Tsai AC, Weiser SD, Steward WT, Mukiibi NF, Kawuma A, Kembabazi A, Muzoora C, Hunt PW, Martin JN, Bangsberg DR -
Community member perspectives from transgender women and men who have sex with men on pre-exposure prophylaxis as an HIV prevention strategy: implications for implementation.
Implementation science : IS 2012 Galindo GR, Garrett-Walker JJ, Hazelton P, Lane T, Steward WT, Morin SF, Arnold EA -
Health information exchange interventions can enhance quality and continuity of HIV care.
International journal of medical informatics 2012 Shade SB, Chakravarty D, Koester KA, Steward WT, Myers JJ -
Perceptions regarding the ease of use and usefulness of health information exchange systems among medical providers, case managers and non-clinical staff members working in HIV care and community settings.
International journal of medical informatics 2012 Myers JJ, Koester KA, Chakravarty D, Pearson C, Maiorana A, Shade SB, Steward WT -
The essential role of reconfiguration capabilities in the implementation of HIV-related health information exchanges.
International journal of medical informatics 2012 Steward WT, Koester KA, Collins SP, Maiorana A, Myers JJ -
A qualitative study of provider thoughts on implementing pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in clinical settings to prevent HIV infection.
PloS one 2012 Arnold EA, Hazelton P, Lane T, Christopoulos KA, Galindo GR, Steward WT, Morin SF -
Trust, confidentiality, and the acceptability of sharing HIV-related patient data: lessons learned from a mixed methods study about Health Information Exchanges.
Implementation science : IS 2012 Maiorana A, Steward WT, Koester KA, Pearson C, Shade SB, Chakravarty D, Myers JJ -
The impact of colorectal cancer and self-efficacy beliefs on work ability and employment status: a longitudinal study.
European journal of cancer care 2012 Bains M, Munir F, Yarker J, Bowley D, Thomas A, Armitage N, Steward W -
Stigma is associated with delays in seeking care among HIV-infected people in India.
Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care 2012 Steward WT, Bharat S, Ramakrishna J, Heylen E, Ekstrand ML -
Psychiatric risk factors for HIV disease progression: the role of inconsistent patterns of antiretroviral therapy utilization.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2011 Carrico AW, Riley ED, Johnson MO, Charlebois ED, Neilands TB, Remien RH, Lightfoot MA, Steward WT, Weinhardt LS, Kelly JA, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Morin SF, Chesney MA -
Depression is not an inevitable outcome of disclosure avoidance: HIV stigma and mental health in a cohort of HIV-infected individuals from Southern India.
Psychology, health & medicine 2011 Steward WT, Chandy S, Singh G, Panicker ST, Osmand TA, Heylen E, Ekstrand ML -
Developing useful highly active antiretroviral therapy adherence measures for India: the Prerana study.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2010 Ekstrand ML, Chandy S, Heylen E, Steward W, Singh G -
Lack of understanding of acute HIV infection among newly-infected persons-implications for prevention and public health: The NIMH Multisite Acute HIV Infection Study: II.
AIDS and behavior 2009 Remien RH, Higgins JA, Correale J, Bauermeister J, Dubrow R, Bradley M, Steward WT, Seal DW, Sikkema KJ, Kerndt PR, Mayer KH, Truong HM, Casey CY, Ehrhardt AA, Morin SF -
Psychiatric context of acute/early HIV infection. The NIMH Multisite Acute HIV Infection Study: IV.
AIDS and behavior 2009 Atkinson JH, Higgins JA, Vigil O, Dubrow R, Remien RH, Steward WT, Casey CY, Sikkema KJ, Correale J, Ake C, McCutchan JA, Kerndt PR, Morin SF, Grant I -
Behavior change following diagnosis with acute/early HIV infection-a move to serosorting with other HIV-infected individuals. The NIMH Multisite Acute HIV Infection Study: III.
AIDS and behavior 2009 Steward WT, Remien RH, Higgins JA, Dubrow R, Pinkerton SD, Sikkema KJ, Truong HM, Johnson MO, Hirsch J, Brooks RA, Morin SF -
Lessons learned about behavioral science and acute/early HIV infection. The NIMH Multisite Acute HIV Infection Study: V.
AIDS and behavior 2009 Kelly JA, Morin SF, Remien RH, Steward WT, Higgins JA, Seal DW, Dubrow R, Atkinson JH, Kerndt PR, Pinkerton SD, Mayer K, Sikkema KJ -
Strategies used in the detection of acute/early HIV infections. The NIMH Multisite Acute HIV Infection Study: I.
AIDS and behavior 2009 Kerndt PR, Dubrow R, Aynalem G, Mayer KH, Beckwith C, Remien RH, Truong HM, Uniyal A, Chien M, Brooks RA, Vigil OR, Steward WT, Merson M, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Morin SF -
American Journal of Public Health 2009 William R. Wolfe, Sheri D. Weiser, Wayne T. Steward, Vincent Iacopino, Michele Heisler -
A behavioral intervention reduces HIV transmission risk by promoting sustained serosorting practices among HIV-infected men who have sex with men.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2008 Morin SF, Shade SB, Steward WT, Carrico AW, Remien RH, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Kelly JA, Charlebois ED, Johnson MO, Chesney MA, Healthy Living Project Team -
The impact of universal access to antiretroviral therapy on HIV stigma in Botswana.
American journal of public health 2008 Wolfe WR, Weiser SD, Leiter K, Steward WT, Percy-de Korte F, Phaladze N, Iacopino V, Heisler M -
HIV-related stigma: adapting a theoretical framework for use in India.
Social science & medicine (1982) 2008 Steward WT, Herek GM, Ramakrishna J, Bharat S, Chandy S, Wrubel J, Ekstrand ML -
Receipt of prevention services among HIV-infected men who have sex with men.
American journal of public health 2008 Steward WT, Charlebois ED, Johnson MO, Remien RH, Goldstein RB, Wong FL, Morin SF -
Social discrimination, concurrent sexual partnerships, and HIV risk among men who have sex with men in Shanghai, China.
AIDS and behavior 2008 Choi KH, Hudes ES, Steward WT -
Assessment of stigma towards homosexuality in China: a study of men who have sex with men.
Archives of sexual behavior 2008 Neilands TB, Steward WT, Choi KH -
Methodological Challenges and Scientific Rewards for Social Psychologists Conducting Health Behavior Research.
2008 Peter Salovey, Wayne T. Steward -
Affect regulation, stimulant use, and viral load among HIV-positive persons on anti-retroviral therapy.
Psychosomatic medicine 2007 Carrico AW, Johnson MO, Moskowitz JT, Neilands TB, Morin SF, Charlebois ED, Steward WT, Remien RH, Wong FL, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Lightfoot MA, Chesney MA, NIMH Healthy Living Project Team -
Sex, risk and responsibility: provider attitudes and beliefs predict HIV transmission risk prevention counseling in clinical care settings.
AIDS and behavior 2007 Myers JJ, Rose CD, Shade SB, Koester KA, Maiorana A, Malitz F, Steward WT, Morin SF -
Correlates of suicidal ideation among HIV-positive persons.
AIDS (London, England) 2007 Carrico AW, Johnson MO, Morin SF, Remien RH, Charlebois ED, Steward WT, Chesney MA, NIMH Healthy Living Project Team -
Provider fatalism reduces the likelihood of HIV-prevention counseling in primary care settings.
AIDS and behavior 2006 Steward WT, Koester KA, Myers JJ, Morin SF -
Predicting HIV transmission risk among HIV-infected men who have sex with men: findings from the healthy living project.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2005 Morin SF, Steward WT, Charlebois ED, Remien RH, Pinkerton SD, Johnson MO, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Lightfoot M, Goldstein RB, Kittel L, Samimy-Muzaffar F, Weinhardt L, Kelly JA, Chesney MA -
Policy perspectives on public health for Mexican migrants in California.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2004 Morin SF, Carrillo H, Steward WT, Maiorana A, Trautwein M, Gómez CA -
Written clinic procedures enhance delivery of HIV "prevention with positives" counseling in primary health care settings.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2004 Myers JJ, Steward WT, Charlebois E, Koester KA, Maiorana A, Morin SF -
Missed opportunities: prevention with HIV-infected patients in clinical care settings.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2004 Morin SF, Koester KA, Steward WT, Maiorana A, McLaughlin M, Myers JJ, Vernon K, Chesney MA -
How to word effective messages about smoking and oral health: emphasize the benefits of quitting.
Journal of dental education 2004 McKee SA, O'Malley S, Steward WT, Neveu S, Land M, Salovey P -
Need for Cognition Moderates Responses to Framed Smoking-Cessation Messages1.
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 2003 Wayne T. Steward, Tamera R. Schneider, Judith Pizarro, Peter Salovey -
Why HIV infections have increased among men who have sex with men and what to do about it: findings from California focus groups.
AIDS and behavior 2003 Morin SF, Vernon K, Harcourt JJ, Steward WT, Volk J, Riess TH, Neilands TB, McLaughlin M, Coates TJ -
Visual and Auditory Message Framing Effects on Tobacco Smoking1.
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 2001 Tamera R. Schneider, Peter Salovey, Unto Pallonen, Norbert Mundorf, Nelson F. Smith, Wayne T. Steward -
Emotional states and physical health.
The American psychologist 2000 Salovey P, Rothman AJ, Detweiler JB, Steward WT