Wayne Enanoria, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor
Epidemiology & Biostatistics
School of Medicine
Publications (49)
Top publication keywords:
Public Health SurveillanceSentinel SurveillanceHemorrhagic Fever, EbolaPopulation SurveillanceMeasles VaccineHealth PlanningMeaslesEpidemicsLocal GovernmentPublic Health AdministrationEpidemiologic MethodsInfluenza, HumanEarly Medical InterventionContact TracingDisease Outbreaks
The San Francisco Health Systems Collaborative: Public Health and Health Care Delivery Systems' Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
NEJM catalyst innovations in care delivery 2024 Mercer MP, Day L, Ansari M, Kwan E, Kotis D, Caplan V, Nguyen TQ, Lee C, Smith M, Tenner AG, Sangha B, Rivera T, Saelee K, Horton C, Green A, Giang V, Ovbiagele B, Quock J, LeVine T, Sears J, Chow A, … -
San Francisco's Citywide COVID-19 Response: Strategies to Reduce COVID-19 Severity and Health Disparities, March 2020 Through May 2022.
Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974) 2023 Sachdev DD, Petersen M, Havlir DV, Schwab J, Enanoria WTA, Nguyen TQ, Mercer MP, Scheer S, Bennett A, Tenner AG, Marks JD, Bobba N, Philip S, Colfax G -
Factors Influencing Parent and Guardian Decisions on Vaccinating Their Children Against SARS-CoV-2: A Qualitative Study.
Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing 2023 Nickerson A, Gutierrez-Mock L, Buback L, Welty S, Anicete LM, Sanchez S, Enanoria WTA, Reid M -
Factors Associated With SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in Settings of High COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage: A Case-Control Study.
American journal of epidemiology 2022 Reid MJA, Bulfone TC, Blat C, Chen YH, Rutherford GW, Philip S, Gutierrez-Mock L, Nickerson A, Buback L, Welty S, Reingold A, Enanoria WTA -
Outdoor Activities Associated with Lower Odds of SARS-CoV-2 Acquisition: A Case-Control Study.
International journal of environmental research and public health 2022 Bulfone TC, Blat C, Chen YH, Rutherford GW, Gutierrez-Mock L, Nickerson A, Buback L, Welty S, Sokal-Gutierrez K, Enanoria WTA, Reid MJA
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Evaluating the Impact of Language Concordance on Coronavirus Disease 2019 Contact Tracing Outcomes Among Spanish-Speaking Adults in San Francisco Between June and November 2020.
Open forum infectious diseases 2021 Eliaz A, Blair AH, Chen YH, Fernandez A, Ernst A, Mirjahangir J, Celentano J, Sachdev D, Enanoria W, Reid MJA -
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: the race to trace: contact tracing scale-up in San Francisco-early lessons learned.
Journal of public health policy 2021 Reid M, Enanoria W, Stoltey J, Philip S, Fuchs J, Lockwood A, Krueger E, White K, Celentano J, Rutherford G, Scheer S, Nguyen T, Sachdev D -
Informatics response to address the COVID-19 pandemic in a safety net healthcare system.
JAMIA open 2021 Sadasivaiah S, Shaffer E, Enanoria W, Su G, Goldman S, Scarafia J, Lee T, Yu A, Goldman LE, Ratanawongsa N -
COVID-19 Susceptibility and Outcomes Among People Living With HIV in San Francisco.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2021 Sachdev D, Mara E, Hsu L, Scheer S, Rutherford G, Enanoria W, Gandhi M -
Measles transmission during a large outbreak in California.
Epidemics 2019 Worden L, Ackley SF, Zipprich J, Harriman K, Enanoria WTA, Wannier R, Porco TC -
Genotype-Specific Measles Transmissibility: A Branching Process Analysis.
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2018 Ackley SF, Hacker JK, Enanoria WTA, Worden L, Blumberg S, Porco TC, Zipprich J -
Relapse of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis-Associated Uveitis after Discontinuation of Immunomodulatory Therapy.
Ocular immunology and inflammation 2018 Acharya NR, Patel S, Homayounfar G, Enanoria WTA, Shakoor A, Chakrabarti A, Goldstein DA -
Clinical Presentation and Outcomes among Children with Sepsis Presenting to a Public Tertiary Hospital in Tanzania.
Frontiers in pediatrics 2017 Kortz TB, Sawe HR, Murray B, Enanoria W, Matthay MA, Reynolds T -
The impact of BMI on non-malignant respiratory symptoms and lung function in arsenic exposed adults of Northern Chile.
Environmental research 2017 Nardone A, Ferreccio C, Acevedo J, Enanoria W, Blair A, Smith AH, Balmes J, Steinmaus C -
Compartmental Model Diagrams as Causal Representations in Relation to DAGs.
Epidemiologic methods 2017 Ackley SF, Mayeda ER, Worden L, Enanoria WTA, Glymour MM, Porco TC -
The Effect of Contact Investigations and Public Health Interventions in the Control and Prevention of Measles Transmission: A Simulation Study.
PloS one 2016 Enanoria WT, Liu F, Zipprich J, Harriman K, Ackley S, Blumberg S, Worden L, Porco TC -
External Validation of the Liverpool Uveal Melanoma Prognosticator Online.
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 2016 DeParis SW, Taktak A, Eleuteri A, Enanoria W, Heimann H, Coupland SE, Damato B -
Comparison of Surgical Outcome After Ahmed Valve Implantation for Patients With and Without Fluocinolone Intravitreal Implant (Retisert).
Journal of glaucoma 2016 Hennein L, Hou J, Stewart JM, Lowry EA, Jiang Z, Enanoria WT, Han Y -
Correction: Evaluating Subcriticality during the Ebola Epidemic in West Africa.
PloS one 2016 Enanoria WT, Worden L, Liu F, Gao D, Ackley S, Scott J, Deiner M, Mwebaze E, Ip W, Lietman TM, Porco TC -
The permuted locus trial--Well suited for emerging pathogens?
Contemporary clinical trials 2015 Porco TC, Keenan JD, Enanoria WT, Lietman TM -
American journal of ophthalmology 2015 Bhisitkul RB, Mendes TS, Rofagha S, Enanoria W, Boyer DS, Sadda SR, Zhang K -
Evaluating Subcriticality during the Ebola Epidemic in West Africa.
PloS one 2015 Enanoria WT, Worden L, Liu F, Gao D, Ackley S, Scott J, Deiner M, Mwebaze E, Ip W, Lietman TM, Porco TC -
Vaccination Compliance and the US Measles Epidemic.
JAMA pediatrics 2015 Blumberg S, Enanoria WT, Porco TC -
Self-reported Calcium Supplementation and Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
JAMA ophthalmology 2015 Kakigi CL, Singh K, Wang SY, Enanoria WT, Lin SC -
Assessing Measles Transmission in the United States Following a Large Outbreak in California.
PLoS currents 2015 Blumberg S, Worden L, Enanoria W, Ackley S, Deiner M, Liu F, Gao D, Lietman T, Porco T -
The role of vaccination coverage, individual behaviors, and the public health response in the control of measles epidemics: an agent-based simulation for California.
BMC public health 2015 Liu F, Enanoria WT, Zipprich J, Blumberg S, Harriman K, Ackley SF, Wheaton WD, Allpress JL, Porco TC -
Macular atrophy progression and 7-year vision outcomes in subjects from the ANCHOR, MARINA, and HORIZON studies: the SEVEN-UP study.
American journal of ophthalmology 2015 Bhisitkul RB, Mendes TS, Rofagha S, Enanoria W, Boyer DS, Sadda SR, Zhang K -
A randomized clinical trial comparing methotrexate and mycophenolate mofetil for noninfectious uveitis.
Ophthalmology 2014 Rathinam SR, Babu M, Thundikandy R, Kanakath A, Nardone N, Esterberg E, Lee SM, Enanoria WT, Porco TC, Browne EN, Weinrib R, Acharya NR -
Identifying postelimination trends for the introduction and transmissibility of measles in the United States.
American journal of epidemiology 2014 Blumberg S, Enanoria WT, Lloyd-Smith JO, Lietman TM, Porco TC -
Conflicts of interest during contact investigations: a game-theoretic analysis.
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2014 Sippl-Swezey N, Enanoria WT, Porco TC -
Estimating community prevalence of ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection using pooled polymerase chain reaction testing.
Ophthalmic epidemiology 2014 Ray KJ, Zhou Z, Cevallos V, Chin S, Enanoria W, Lui F, Lietman TM, Porco TC -
Effect of the one-child policy on influenza transmission in China: a stochastic transmission model.
PloS one 2014 Liu F, Enanoria WT, Ray KJ, Coffee MP, Gordon A, Aragón TJ, Yu G, Cowling BJ, Porco TC -
Repeat Retinomax screening changes positive predictive value.
Journal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 2014 Lowry EA, Lui R, Enanoria W, Keenan J, de Alba Campomanes AG -
Antibiotic use as a tragedy of the commons: a cross-sectional survey.
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2014 O'Brien KS, Blumberg S, Enanoria WT, Ackley S, Sippl-Swezey N, Lietman TM -
The epidemiology and surveillance workforce among local health departments in California: mutual aid and surge capacity for routine and emergency infectious disease situations.
Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974) 2014 Enanoria WT, Crawley AW, Hunter JC, Balido J, Aragon TJ -
Incidence of scleritis and episcleritis: results from the Pacific Ocular Inflammation Study.
American journal of ophthalmology 2013 Homayounfar G, Nardone N, Borkar DS, Tham VM, Porco TC, Enanoria WT, Parker JV, Vinoya AC, Uchida A, Acharya NR -
The epidemiology and surveillance response to pandemic influenza A (H1N1) among local health departments in the San Francisco Bay Area.
BMC public health 2013 Enanoria WT, Crawley AW, Tseng W, Furnish J, Balido J, Aragón TJ -
When does overuse of antibiotics become a tragedy of the commons?
PloS one 2012 Porco TC, Gao D, Scott JC, Shim E, Enanoria WT, Galvani AP, Lietman TM -
Findings, gaps, and future direction for research in nonpharmaceutical interventions for pandemic influenza.
Emerging infectious diseases 2010 Vukotich CJ, Coulborn RM, Aragon TJ, Baker MG, Burrus BB, Aiello AE, Cowling BJ, Duncan A, Enanoria W, Fabian MP, Ferng YH, Larson EL, Leung GM, Markel H, Milton DK, Monto AS, Morse SS, Navarro JA, … -
Research findings from nonpharmaceutical intervention studies for pandemic influenza and current gaps in the research.
American journal of infection control 2010 Aiello AE, Coulborn RM, Aragon TJ, Baker MG, Burrus BB, Cowling BJ, Duncan A, Enanoria W, Fabian MP, Ferng YH, Larson EL, Leung GM, Markel H, Milton DK, Monto AS, Morse SS, Navarro JA, Park SY, Priest… -
Effectiveness of the polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine among HIV-infected persons in Brazil: a case control study.
BMC infectious diseases 2007 Veras MA, Enanoria WT, Castilho EA, Reingold AL -
Early prediction of median survival among a large AIDS surveillance cohort.
BMC public health 2007 Enanoria WT, Hubbard AE, van der Laan MJ, Chen M, Ruiz J, Colford JM -
Water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions to reduce diarrhoea in less developed countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
The Lancet. Infectious diseases 2005 Fewtrell L, Kaufmann RB, Kay D, Enanoria W, Haller L, Colford JM -
Systematic reviews of diagnostic test evaluations: What's behind the scenes?
ACP journal club 2004 Pai M, McCulloch M, Enanoria W, Colford JM -
Systematic reviews of diagnostic test evaluations: what’s behind the scenes?.
Evidence-Based Medicine 2004 Madhukar Pai, Michael McCulloch, Wayne Enanoria, John M Colford -
Treatment outcomes after highly active antiretroviral therapy: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
The Lancet. Infectious diseases 2004 Enanoria WT, Ng C, Saha SR, Colford JM -
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses: an illustrated, step-by-step guide.
The National medical journal of India 2004 Pai M, McCulloch M, Gorman JD, Pai N, Enanoria W, Kennedy G, Tharyan P, Colford JM -
Endemic cryptosporidiosis and exposure to municipal tap water in persons with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS): a case-control study.
BMC public health 2003 Aragón TJ, Novotny S, Enanoria W, Vugia DJ, Khalakdina A, Katz MH -
Nonparametric survival estimation when death is reported with delay.
Lifetime data analysis 2000 Hubbard AE, Van der Laan MJ, Enanoria W, Colford JM