Waseem Sous, DO
Clinical Fellow
School of Medicine


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  • Ambulatory Resident of the Year, SUNY Upstate Medical University, 2021
  • Amit S. Dhamoon Award in Quality and Patient Safety, SUNY Upstate Medical University, 2021
  • GME Resident Award for Teaching, SUNY Upstate Medical University, 2021
  • Graduate with Distinction in Quality and Safety, SUNY Upstate Medical University, 2021
  • Rossnick Humanitarian Award Recipient, Des Moines University, 2018
  • Diversity Champion, Des Moines University, 2016

Education & Training

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  • Global Health & Hospital Medicine – Health, Equity, Action, Leadership Initiative Fellow University of California San Francisco 06/2024
  • Internal Medicine Chief Residency SUNY Upstate Medical University 06/2022
  • Internal Medicine Residency SUNY Upstate Medical University 06/2021
  • DO Osteopathic Medicine Des Moines University 05/2018

Publications (4)

Top publication keywords:
Abdominal PainFearHumansFemaleMiddle AgedPhysician-Patient RelationsDyspepsiaCurriculumRefugeesHealth FacilitiesProblem-Based LearningPregnancy