John Boscardin, PhD
School of Medicine 415-221-4810 ext. 23621

W. John Boscardin, Ph.D. is a biostatistician with a joint appointment as Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology & Biostatistics. His primary roles with the Department of Medicine are as Director of the Statistical Laboratory for Aging Research, Co-leader of the UCSF Pepper Center Data and Analysis Core, and Co-leader of the Analytics Core for the UCSF/Mount Sinai DEVELOP AD Research Program Project.

The laboratory is comprised of ten Master’s and Ph.D. level statisticians and provides data management, analytic support, and methodological input to dozens of investigators at UCSF and other institutions. He has been a core faculty member for the CTSI K-Scholars Program based out of the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics since 2008, serving as statistical mentor to numerous junior investigators over the past several years. Dr. Boscardin received his Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of California, Berkeley. He was a faculty member at UCLA in the Departments of Biostatistics and Medicine before joining UCSF in 2008. His areas of methodological expertise include analysis of longitudinal, repeated measures, and time to event data, treatment of missing data, Bayesian statistical modeling, and computational methods.

Education & Training

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  • ScB Mathematics Brown University
  • PhD Statistics University of California, Berkeley

Grants and Projects

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Publications (364)

Top publication keywords:
MedicareHospitalizationNursing HomesAgedVeteransAged, 80 and overAdvance Care PlanningCarcinoma, Basal CellIndependent LivingGeriatric AssessmentDementiaDisabled PersonsActivities of Daily LivingFrailtyUnited States