Vasilis Ntranos, PhD
Assistant Professor
Diabetes Center
School of Medicine

Vasilis Ntranos obtained his PhD in Electrical Engineering from USC in 2015, working on network information theory problems and their applications in data storage and wireless communications.

After his graduate studies, Vasilis moved his focus to computational biology and machine learning, completing his postdoctoral training in EECS and Biological Engineering, working with Lior Pachter and David Tse at UC Berkeley, Stanford, and Caltech.

Vasilis joined UCSF in November 2019, where he is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics and the Diabetes Center. He is a member of the BMS, and BMI Graduate Programs and his lab is affiliated with the Dept. of Bioengineering & Therapeutic Sciences, the Bakar Computational Health Sciences Institute, and HIVE (Health Innovation via Engineering). Vasilis’ main research interests are in computational methods development at the intersection of information theory, genomics, and machine learning, with a primary focus on single cell biology and alternative splicing.

Education & Training

  • Postdoc Biology & Biological Engineering Caltech 2019
  • Postdoc Electrical Engineering Stanford University 2018
  • Postdoc EECS University of California, Berkeley 2018
  • Ph.D Electrical Engineering University of Southern California 2015
  • Diploma ECE Technical University of Crete 2009


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Publications (18)

Top publication keywords:
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1High-Throughput Nucleotide SequencingGene Expression ProfilingComputational BiologySoftwareImmune ToleranceGlucagon-Secreting CellsFumaratesInsulin-Secreting CellsCentral ToleranceSequence Analysis, RNASingle-Cell AnalysisGenetic HeterogeneityThymus GlandEpithelial Cells