Tippi Mackenzie, MD
School of Medicine

tippi.mackenzie@ucsf.edu 415-476-2479

Tippi MacKenzie is a pediatric and fetal surgeon who is focused on developing better ways to diagnose and treat genetic diseases before birth. She leads a translational research lab examining the unique biology between the mother and her fetus, with the idea that pregnancy complications such as preterm labor arise from a breakdown in maternal-fetal tolerance.

At present, the MacKenzie group is focused on preterm labor and fetal therapies including stem cell transplantation, enzyme replacement therapy, and gene therapy.

Education & Training

  • Fellow Pediatric Surgery Children's Hospital of Philadelphia 2007
  • Chief Resident Surgery Brigham and Women's Hospital 2005
  • Residency Surgery Brigham and Women's Hospital 2004
  • Postdoctoral Studies Fetal Therapy Children's Hospital of Philadelphia 2002
  • M.D. Medicine Stanford University 1997


  • fetal surgery
  • congenital anomalies
  • congenital diaphragmatic hernia
  • in utero enzyme replacement therapy
  • in utero stem cell transplantation
  • gastroschisis
  • fetal molecular therapies
  • preterm labor
  • prenatal somatic cell genetic therapies
  • maternal-fetal cellular trafficking


Grants and Projects

Publications (106)

Top publication keywords:
Maternal-Fetal ExchangeLysosomal Storage DiseasesFetal TherapiesImmune ToleranceGlycogen Storage Disease Type IIFetusHernias, Diaphragmatic, CongenitalGenetic TherapyFetal DiseasesChimerismPregnancyHistocompatibility, Maternal-FetalObstetric Labor, Prematurealpha-ThalassemiaHematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation