Stuart Russell
Computational Precision Heal
Publications (3)
Top publication keywords:
Heart Valve Prosthesis ImplantationMicrovascular AnginaCoronary Artery BypassCardiac Surgical ProceduresVentricular Function, RightPostoperative CareCardiac Resynchronization TherapyPericardiumTetrazolesAngiotensin II Type 1 Receptor BlockersCardiopulmonary BypassHeart FailureBiphenyl CompoundsVentricular Dysfunction, LeftCardiac Pacing, Artificial
Optimized temporary bi-ventricular pacing improves haemodynamic function after on-pump cardiac surgery in patients with severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction: a two-centre randomized control trial.
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery 2012 Russell SJ, Tan C, O'Keefe P, Ashraf S, Zaidi A, Fraser AG, Yousef ZR -
Temporary epicardial cardiac resynchronisation versus conventional right ventricular pacing after cardiac surgery: study protocol for a randomised control trial.
Trials 2012 Russell SJ, Tan C, O'Keefe P, Ashraf S, Zaidi A, Fraser AG, Yousef ZR -
The effects of the angiotensin II receptor (type I) antagonist irbesartan in patients with cardiac syndrome X.
Heart (British Cardiac Society) 2007 Russell SJ, Di Stefano EM, Naffati MT, Brown O, Saltissi S