Stefanie Weinstein, MD
EVP-Clinical Integrated N.Work
Chancellor/EVC/FAS 415-221-4810 ext. 3299

Stefanie Weinstein, MD is a Professor of Radiology in the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at the University of California, and is the Associate Chief of Radiology at the San Francisco VA Health Care Systems.

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Dr. Weinstein received her medical degree from Cornell University Medical College, New York in 2000, and completed her radiology residency at Stanford University Medical Center, California in 2005. In 2006, she completed a fellowship in Body Imaging at Stanford University Medical Center. She joined the Abdominal Imaging section at UCSF and the VAMC in 2009.

Dr. Weinstein specializes in ultrasound and abdominal imaging. Her clinical expertise is in ultrasound-guided procedures and interventions, vascular ultrasound, contrast enhanced ultrasound applications applications.

Education & Training

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  • Residency/Fellowship Radiology Stanford University Medical Center 06/2006
  • MD Cornell University Medical College 6/2000
  • BA Biology Dartmouth College 06/1996


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Publications (40)

Top publication keywords:
SteroidsNephrostomy, PercutaneousIntestinal DiseasesPhysician's RoleContrast MediaRadiologistsColonography, Computed TomographicUreterUltrasonographyPractice Management, MedicalCarotid Artery ThrombosisRadiologyInfection ControlPhysician AssistantsUniversal Precautions

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