Shant Vartanian, MD
Staff Physician
School of Medicine 415-353-2357

Dr. Vartanian is dedicated clinician and researcher specializing in the intersection of diabetes, end-stage renal disease, and peripheral arterial disease, with a particular focus on emerging technologies. An experienced clinical investigator, he has served as a principal investigator in numerous clinical trials within this field, aiming to integrate innovative solutions to improve patient outcomes.

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By exploring the complex interplay between metabolic disorders and vascular health, Dr. Vartanian emphasizes the development and application of cutting-edge technologies that works to bridge the gap between research and clinical practice, particularly those that significantly impact patient quality of life.

Education & Training

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  • Fellow, Vascular Surgery University of California, San Francisco 2012
  • Vascular Surgery Fellowship School of Medicine University of California, San Francisco 2012
  • General Surgery Residency School of Medicine University of Calfornia, San Francisco 2010
  • Chief Resident, General Surgery University of California, San Francisco 2010
  • Resident, General Surgery University of California, San Francisco 2009
  • Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Laboratory for Acce University of California, San Francisco 2007
  • Intern, General Surgery University of California, San Francisco 2004
  • M.D. School of Medicine St. Louis University 2003


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Publications (43)

Top publication keywords:
Arterial Occlusive DiseasesArteriovenous Shunt, SurgicalBlood Vessel Prosthesis ImplantationAortic Aneurysm, ThoracicLimb SalvageAngioplastyAnesthesia, ConductionIliac ArteryAortic Aneurysm, AbdominalFemoral ArteryIschemiaLower ExtremityBlood Vessel ProsthesisEndovascular ProceduresPeripheral Arterial Disease

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