Sarah Alba-Nguyen, MD, MPH
Associate Professor
School of Medicine 415-476-7479

Sarah Alba-Nguyen is an Associate Program Director for the Internal Medicine Residency and the Director of GME Diversity for the Department of Medicine. She divides her time between clinical, educational, and administrative roles.

Clinically, Sarah works as a hospitalist where she attends on the Medicine Teaching Service, Goldman Medicine Service, and both Parnassus and Mission Bay Medicine Consult Services. In her graduate medical education roles, Sarah has led a robust efforts in the residency program to enhance the recruitment, retention, and mentorship of trainees from diverse backgrounds. She is passionate about equity and inclusion in medicine, and conducts seminars for trainees and faculty on topics of unconscious bias, microaggressions, stereotype threat, and mentoring across differences. In 2018, Sarah joined Dr. Alicia Fernandez as a core faculty members in the UCSF Latinx Center of Excellence (LCOE). Within the LCOE, Sarah co-leads academic career development and mentorship programs for Latinx and UIM medical student and residents at UCSF.

Education & Training

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  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training University of California 2017
  • M.D. New York University School of Medicine
  • Chief Residency Internal Medicine University of California, San Francisco
  • Residency Internal Medicine University of California, San Francisco

Publications (21)

Top publication keywords:
AggressionCarotid Artery DiseasesBrain IschemiaAortic DiseasesPrejudiceVertebral ArteryBiasInternship and ResidencySexismEducation, Medical, GraduateInternal MedicineFaculty, MedicalStudents, MedicalEducational MeasurementSexual Harassment