Sara Suliman, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor
School of Medicine

Tuberculosis (TB) disease, caused by infection with the intracellular pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) remains a leading cause of mortality globally. Interestingly, only 5-10% of Mtb-exposed individuals are estimated to develop active TB in their lifetime, thus posing host-specific factors as mediators of risk of progression to disease.

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These host factors include several defects in innate and adaptive immunity, metabolic dysregulation, co-infections and comorbidities, and genetic polymorphisms that could mediate susceptibility to TB disease. The focus of the Suliman laboratory is to generate hypotheses from systems biology approaches, such as genome-wide association studies, transcriptional and metabolomic profiling, and expression quantitative trait loci, to identify candidate TB risk pathways and functionally evaluate their roles in TB progression.

Education & Training

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  • MPH Public Health University of Waterloo 10/2017
  • PhD Immunology University of Toronto 06/2013
  • BSc Biomedical Sciences University of Guelph 06/2006

Publications (14)

Top publication keywords:
Immunoglobulin MImmunoglobulin GMucosal-Associated Invariant T CellsTuberculosisImmunization, SecondaryMinor Histocompatibility AntigensHistocompatibility Antigens Class IBCG VaccineAntibodies, ViralFetal BloodLatent TuberculosisTuberculosis VaccinesAntitubercular AgentsMycobacterium tuberculosisIsoniazid

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