Sally Marshall, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Preventive & Restor Dent Sci
School of Dentistry 415-476-9119

Marshall, a UCSF Professor since 1987, retired as the vice provost of academic affairs and director of the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement in 2013. She is distinguished professor emerita and recall professor of biomaterials and bioengineering in the Department of Preventive and Restorative Dental Sciences in the UCSF School of Dentistry.

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She is a former president of the International Association for Dental Research, American Association for Dental Research, and the Academy of Dental Materials. She is a fellow of the American Association for Dental Research and the Academy of Dental Materials. Marshall earned a bachelor of science degree and a PhD degree in materials science and engineering from Northwestern University.

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Publications (57)

Top publication keywords:
DentinToothHardnessDentin Desensitizing AgentsStrontiumDentin-Bonding AgentsComposite ResinsMicroscopy, Atomic ForceDental Stress AnalysisMolarDental EnamelTooth RootDental CementumDental BondingTooth Cervix

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