Sabreea Parnell, MD
School of Medicine 415-476-1239
Publications (3)
Top publication keywords:
HumansFemaleEducation, MedicalRacismBostonOrganometallic CompoundsCoordination ComplexesSocial JusticeTriple Negative Breast NeoplasmsMCF-7 CellsCurriculumRheniumAntineoplastic Agents
Deconstructing Racism, Hierarchy, and Power in Medical Education: Guiding Principles on Inclusive Curriculum Design.
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2021 Green KA, Wolinsky R, Parnell SJ, Del Campo D, Nathan AS, Garg PS, Kaplan SE, Dasgupta S -
Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Organometallic Rhenium (I) Pentylcarbonato Complexes: New Synthon for Carboxylato, Sulfonato and Chlorido Complexes.
Journal of organometallic chemistry 2021 Winstead AJ, Alabrash K, Powell BV, Parnell SJ, Hinton TV, Odebode T, Peng J, Krause JA, Zavalij PY, Mandal SK -
Unprecedented anticancer activities of organorhenium sulfonato and carboxylato complexes against hormone-dependent MCF-7 and hormone-independent triple-negative MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Molecular and cellular biochemistry 2017 Wilder PT, Weber DJ, Winstead A, Parnell S, Hinton TV, Stevenson M, Giri D, Azemati S, Olczak P, Powell BV, Odebode T, Tadesse S, Zhang Y, Pramanik SK, Wachira JM, Ghimire S, McCarthy P, Barfield A, …