Rupali Das-Melnyk, MD, MPH
Volunteer Clinical Professor
School of Medicine
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- Nomination and election to membership, National Academy of Social Insurance, 2014
- Jean Spencer Felton Award for Scientific Writing, Western Occupational Medical Association, 2013
- Charles G. Sheppard Science Award Nominee, NIOSH, 2004
- Cholinesterase Scientific Advisory Committee--Special Recognition, Washington Department of Labor and Industries, 2004
Education & Training
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- Internal Medicine Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center
- BS Biology, Chemistry Univeristy of Illinois
- MPH Environmental Sciences University of California
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine University of California
- MD Medicine University of Illinois
Publications (22)
Top publication keywords:
Environmental MonitoringPest ControlMercury PoisoningBleaching AgentsOccupational ExposureCoccidioidomycosisOccupational DiseasesFiresPesticidesSkin CreamFirefightersCoccidioidesInhalation ExposureMercuryEnvironmental Exposure
Exposures to environmental phenols in Southern California firefighters and findings of elevated urinary benzophenone-3 levels.
Environment international 2016 Waldman JM, Gavin Q, Anderson M, Hoover S, Alvaran J, Ip HSS, Fenster L, Wu NT, Krowech G, Plummer L, Israel L, Das R, She J -
Environmental Chemicals in an Urban Population of Pregnant Women and Their Newborns from San Francisco
Environ Sci Technol 2016 Morello-Frosch R, Cushing LJ, Jesdale BM, Schwartz JM, Guo W, Guo T, Wang M, Harwani S, Petropoulou SE, Duong W, Park J, Petreas MX, Gajek R, Alvaran J, She J, Dobraca D, Das R, Woodruff TJ -
High levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in vacuum cleaner dust from California fire stations.
Environmental science & technology 2015 Shen B, Whitehead TP, McNeel S, Brown FR, Dhaliwal J, Das R, Israel L, Park JS, Petreas M -
High exposure of California firefighters to polybrominated diphenyl ethers.
Environmental science & technology 2015 Park JS, Voss RW, McNeel S, Wu N, Guo T, Wang Y, Israel L, Das R, Petreas M -
Biomonitoring in California firefighters: metals and perfluorinated chemicals.
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 2015 Dobraca D, Israel L, McNeel S, Voss R, Wang M, Gajek R, Park JS, Harwani S, Barley F, She J, Das R
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Elevated mercury levels in pregnant woman linked to skin cream from Mexico.
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 2013 Dickenson CA, Woodruff TJ, Stotland NE, Dobraca D, Das R -
Occupational coccidioidomycosis in California: outbreak investigation, respirator recommendations, and surveillance findings.
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 2012 Das R, McNary J, Fitzsimmons K, Dobraca D, Cummings K, Mohle-Boetani J, Wheeler C, McDowell A, Iossifova Y, Bailey R, Kreiss K, Materna B -
Biomonitoring measures absorption and exposure.
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 2012 Das R, Fischman M, Israel L -
Mercury exposure among household users and nonusers of skin-lightening creams produced in Mexico - California and Virginia, 2010.
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report 2012 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) -
Point-source outbreak of coccidioidomycosis in construction workers.
Epidemiology and infection 2009 Cummings KC, McDowell A, Wheeler C, McNary J, Das R, Vugia DJ, Mohle-Boetani JC -
Application of the industrial hygiene hierarchy of controls to prioritize and promote safer methods of pest control: a case study.
Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974) 2009 Weinberg JL, Bunin LJ, Das R -
Pesticide illness among flight attendants due to aircraft disinsection.
American journal of industrial medicine 2007 Sutton PM, Vergara X, Beckman J, Nicas M, Das R -
Acute pesticide poisoning in the U.S. retail industry, 1998-2004.
Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974) 2007 Calvert GM, Petersen AM, Sievert J, Mehler LN, Das R, Harter LC, Romioli C, Becker A, Ball C, Male D, Schwartz A, Lackovic M -
Acute pesticide-related illness among emergency responders, 1993-2002.
American journal of industrial medicine 2006 Calvert GM, Barnett M, Mehler LN, Becker A, Das R, Beckman J, Male D, Sievert J, Thomsen C, Morrissey B -
Development of acute inhalation reference exposure levels (RELs) to protect the public from predictable excursions of airborne toxicants.
Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 2004 Collins JF, Alexeeff GV, Lewis DC, Dodge DE, Marty MA, Parker TR, Budroe JD, Lam RH, Lipsett MJ, Fowles JR, Das R -
Acute occupational pesticide-related illness in the US, 1998-1999: surveillance findings from the SENSOR-pesticides program.
American journal of industrial medicine 2004 Calvert GM, Plate DK, Das R, Rosales R, Shafey O, Thomsen C, Male D, Beckman J, Arvizu E, Lackovic M -
Acute pesticide-related illnesses among working youths, 1988-1999.
American journal of public health 2003 Calvert GM, Mehler LN, Rosales R, Baum L, Thomsen C, Male D, Shafey O, Das R, Lackovic M, Arvizu E -
Pesticide-Related Illness Among Migrant Farm Workers In The United States
Int J Occup Environ Health 2001 Das R, Steege A, Baron S, Beckman J, Harrison R. -
Farm Worker Illness Following Exposure to Carbofuran and Other Pesticides, Fresno County, California, 1998
MMWR 1999 Das R, Harrison R, Sutton P, Souter A, Beckman J, Santamaria B, Steinmaus C, Sablan O, Edmiston S, Mehler L, Hernandez B, Schneider F -
Persistent Respiratory Effects Following A Metam Sodium Pesticide Spill
Chest 1994 Cone J, Wugofski L, Balmes J, Das R, Bowler R, Alexeeff G, Shusterman D -
Chlorine Gas Exposure and the Lung: A Review
Toxicol Ind Health 1993 Das R, Blanc P -
Atopy and Airways Reactivity in Animal Health Technicians: A Pilot Study
J Occ Med 1992 Das R, Tager I, Schenker M,