Ronn Tanel, MD
School of Medicine 415-476-3385
Dr. Ronn Tanel is a pediatric electrophysiologist, a specialist in treating cardiac arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms) in fetuses, infants, children, adolescents and young adults. He also cares for children with congenital heart disease who develop arrhythmias. His expertise includes treatments such as radiofrequency catheter ablation, cryoablation, pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators.
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He serves as director of the UCSF Pediatric and Congenital Arrhythmia Center.
In his research, Tanel focuses on arrhythmias that occur following repair of congenital heart disease and on understanding the natural history of arrhythmias in children. He also is interested in long-term follow-up for children who have undergone catheter ablation therapy.
Tanel earned his medical degree at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He completed a residency in pediatric medicine at the University of California, San Diego. He completed a pediatric cardiology fellowship and training in pediatric electrophysiology at Boston Children's Hospital.
From 1998 to 2008, Tanel was an electrophysiologist at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Tanel is a member of the Heart Rhythm Society, Pediatric & Congenital Electrophysiology Society and American Heart Association.
Education & Training
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- M.D. School of Medicine University of Miami 1988
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- Arrhythmias in children
- channelopathy
- repaired congenital heart disease
- sudden death
- adolescents
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- Clinical Profile at UCSF Medical Center (
- Clinical Profile at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital (
Publications (246)
Top publication keywords:
SyncopeEmergenciesWolff-Parkinson-White SyndromeEmergency Service, HospitalBradycardiaHeart Defects, CongenitalElectrocardiographyIntensive Care Units, PediatricTachycardiaLong QT SyndromeBundle-Branch BlockChest PainHeart BlockArrhythmias, CardiacPacemaker, Artificial
Current State of Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device Remote Monitoring in Pediatrics and Congenital Heart Disease: A PACES-Sponsored Quality Improvement Initiative.
Pediatric cardiology 2023 Clark BC, Olen M, Dechert B, Brateng C, Jarosz B, Smoots K, Connell P, Dupanovic ST, Fenrich A, Hill AC, LaPage M, Mah D, McCanta A, Malloy-Walton L, Pflaumer A, Radbill A, Tanel R, Whitehill R, Dalal… -
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy for Adult Patients With a Failing Systemic Right Ventricle: A Multicenter Study.
Journal of the American Heart Association 2022 Kharbanda RK, Moore JP, Lloyd MS, Galotti R, Bogers AJJC, Taverne YJHJ, Madhavan M, McLeod CJ, Dubin AM, Mah DY, Chang PM, Kamp AN, Nielsen JC, Aydin A, Tanel RE, Shah MJ, Pilcher T, Evertz R, Khairy … -
The Value of Programmed Ventricular Extrastimuli From the Right Ventricular Basal Septum During Supraventricular Tachycardia.
JACC. Clinical electrophysiology 2022 Higuchi S, Ito H, Gerstenfeld EP, Lee AC, Lee BK, Marcus GM, Hsia HH, Moss JD, Lee RJ, Dewland TA, Vedantham V, Tseng ZH, Patel AR, Tanel RE, Badhwar N, Pellegrini CN, Kawamura M, Shoda M, Hwang C, … -
Impact and Modifiers of Ventricular Pacing in Patients With Single Ventricle Circulation.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2022 Chubb H, Bulic A, Mah D, Moore JP, Janousek J, Fumanelli J, Asaki SY, Pflaumer A, Hill AC, Escudero C, Kwok SY, Mangat J, Ochoa Nunez LA, Balaji S, Rosenthal E, Regan W, Horndasch M, Asakai H, Tanel R… -
Successful Reduction of Postoperative Chest Tube Duration and Length of Stay After Congenital Heart Surgery: A Multicenter Collaborative Improvement Project.
Journal of the American Heart Association 2021 Bates KE, Connelly C, Khadr L, Graupe M, Hlavacek AM, Morell E, Pasquali SK, Russell JL, Schachtner SK, Strohacker C, Tanel RE, Ware AL, Wooton S, Madsen NL, Kipps AK
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High Acuity Therapy Variation Across Pediatric Acute Care Cardiology Units: Results from the Pediatric Acute Care Cardiology Collaborative Hospital Surveys.
Pediatric cardiology 2021 Harahsheh AS, Kipps AK, Hart SA, Cassidy SC, Clabby ML, Hlavacek AM, Hoerst AK, Graupe MA, Madsen NL, Bakar AM, Del Grippo EL, Patel SS, Bost JE, Tanel RE, Pediatric Acute Care Cardiology … -
The added value of the advanced practice provider in paediatric acute care cardiology.
Cardiology in the young 2020 Willis AJ, Hoerst A, Hart SA, Holbein D, Lowery K, Harahsheh AS, Kipps AK, Madsen N, Patel SS, Tanel RE, Paediatric Acute Care Cardiology Collaborative (PAC3) -
Loss of ventricular preexcitation during noninvasive testing does not exclude high-risk accessory pathways: A multicenter study of WPW in children.
Heart rhythm 2020 Escudero CA, Ceresnak SR, Collins KK, Pass RH, Aziz PF, Blaufox AD, Ortega MC, Cannon BC, Cohen MI, Dechert BE, Dubin AM, Motonaga KS, Epstein MR, Erickson CC, Fishberger SB, Gates GJ, Capone CA, … -
Intensive Care Unit and Acute Care Unit Length of Stay After Congenital Heart Surgery.
The Annals of thoracic surgery 2020 Hart SA, Tanel RE, Kipps AK, Hoerst AK, Graupe MA, Cassidy SC, Hlavacek AM, Clabby ML, Bush LB, Zhang W, Banerjee MM, Pasquali SK, Gaies M, Madsen N -
Center Variation in Chest Tube Duration and Length of Stay After Congenital Heart Surgery.
The Annals of thoracic surgery 2019 Bates KE, Madsen NL, Khadr L, Gao Z, Crawford K, Gaies M, Graupe M, Hanke SP, Hlavacek AM, Morell E, Pasquali SK, Russell JL, Schachtner SK, Tanel RE, Ware AL, Kipps AK -
The many faces of early repolarization syndrome: A single-center case series.
Heart rhythm 2019 Voskoboinik A, Hsia H, Moss J, Vedantham V, Tanel RE, Patel A, Wojciak J, Downs N, Scheinman MM -
Variable Presentations and Ablation Sites for Manifest Nodoventricular/Nodofascicular Fibers.
Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology 2019 Nazer B, Walters TE, Dewland TA, Naniwadekar A, Koruth JS, Najeeb Osman M, Intini A, Chen M, Biermann J, Steinfurt J, Kalman JM, Tanel RE, Lee BK, Badhwar N, Gerstenfeld EP, Scheinman MM -
Comparison of Electrophysiologic Profiles in Pediatric Patients with Incidentally Identified Pre-Excitation Compared with Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome.
The American journal of cardiology 2019 LaRocca TJ, Beyersdorf GB, Li W, Foltz R, Patel AR, Tanel RE -
Variation in care practices across pediatric acute care cardiology units: Results of the Pediatric Acute Care Cardiology Collaborative (PAC3 ) hospital survey.
Congenital heart disease 2019 Hoerst A, Bakar A, Cassidy SC, Clabby M, Grippo ED, Graupe M, Harahsheh AS, Hlavacek AM, Hart SA, Kipps AK, Madsen NL, O'Neil DD, Patel SS, Strohacker CM, Tanel RE, Pediatric Acute Care Cardiology … -
Atrioventricular block after congenital heart surgery: Analysis from the Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care Consortium.
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 2018 Romer AJ, Tabbutt S, Etheridge SP, Fischbach P, Ghanayem NS, Reddy VM, Sahulee R, Tanel RE, Tweddell JS, Gaies M, Banerjee M, Retzloff L, Zhang W, Patel AR -
What have we learned in the last 20 years? A comparison of a modern era pediatric and congenital catheter ablation registry to previous pediatric ablation registries.
Heart rhythm 2018 Dubin AM, Jorgensen NW, Radbill AE, Bradley DJ, Silva JN, Tsao S, Kanter RJ, Tanel RE, Trivedi B, Young ML, Pflaumer A, McCormack J, Seslar SP -
Collective quality improvement in the paediatric cardiology acute care unit: establishment of the Pediatric Acute Care Cardiology Collaborative (PAC3).
Cardiology in the young 2018 Kipps AK, Cassidy SC, Strohacker CM, Graupe M, Bates KE, McLellan MC, Harahsheh AS, Hanke SP, Tanel RE, Schachtner SK, Gaies M, Madsen N -
Perioperative Factors Influence the Long-Term Outcomes of Children and Adolescents with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot.
Pediatric cardiology 2018 Mercer-Rosa L, Zhang X, Tanel RE, Rychik J, Fogel MA, Paridon SM, Goldmuntz E -
Use of Programmed Ventricular Extrastimulus During Supraventricular Tachycardia to Differentiate Atrioventricular Nodal Re-Entrant Tachycardia From Atrioventricular Re-Entrant Tachycardia.
JACC. Clinical electrophysiology 2018 Ito H, Badhwar N, Patel AR, Hoffmayer KS, Moss JD, Pellegrini CN, Vedantham V, Tseng ZH, Tanel RE, Hsia HH, Lee RJ, Marcus GM, Gerstenfeld EP, Scheinman MM -
22q11.2 Deletion Status and Perioperative Outcomes for Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia and Multiple Aortopulmonary Collateral Vessels.
Pediatric cardiology 2018 Mercer-Rosa L, Elci OU, Pinto NM, Tanel RE, Goldmuntz E -
Life-Threatening Event Risk in Children With Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome: A Multicenter International Study.
JACC. Clinical electrophysiology 2017 Etheridge SP, Escudero CA, Blaufox AD, Law IH, Dechert-Crooks BE, Stephenson EA, Dubin AM, Ceresnak SR, Motonaga KS, Skinner JR, Marcondes LD, Perry JC, Collins KK, Seslar SP, Cabrera M, Uzun O, … -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2017 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2017 Tanel FRE -
Atrial standstill in a pediatric patient with associated caveolin-3 mutation.
HeartRhythm case reports 2017 Gal DB, Wojciak J, Perera J, Tanel RE, Patel AR -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2017 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2017 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2017 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2016 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2016 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2016 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2016 Tanel RE -
Catheter ablation of supraventricular tachyarrhythmia after extracardiac Fontan surgery.
Heart rhythm 2016 Moore JP, Shannon KM, Fish FA, Seslar SP, Garnreiter JM, Krause U, Tanel RE, Papez AA, Pilcher TA, Balaji S -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2016 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2016 Tanel RE -
Twin Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia Associated with Heterotaxy Syndrome with Malaligned Atrioventricular Canal Defect and Atrioventricular Discordance.
Cardiac electrophysiology clinics 2016 Patel A, Tanel R -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2016 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2016 Tanel RE -
Quality of Life of Pediatric Patients With Long QT Syndrome.
The American journal of cardiology 2015 Czosek RJ, Kaltman JR, Cassedy AE, Shah MJ, Vetter VL, Tanel RE, Wernovksy G, Wray J, Marino BS -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2015 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2015 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2015 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2015 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2015 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2015 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2015 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2015 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2015 Tanel RE -
Success rates in pediatric WPW ablation are improved with 3-dimensional mapping systems compared with fluoroscopy alone: a multicenter study.
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology 2015 Ceresnak SR, Dubin AM, Kim JJ, Valdes SO, Fishberger SB, Shetty I, Zimmerman F, Tanel RE, Epstein MR, Motonaga KS, Capone CA, Nappo L, Gates GJ, Pass RH -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2015 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2015 Tanel RE -
Quality of life in pediatric patients affected by electrophysiologic disease.
Heart rhythm 2015 Czosek RJ, Cassedy AE, Wray J, Wernovsky G, Newburger JW, Mussatto KA, Mahony L, Tanel RE, Cohen MI, Franklin RC, Brown KL, Rosenthal D, Drotar D, Marino BS -
22q11.2 deletion status and disease burden in children and adolescents with tetralogy of Fallot.
Circulation. Cardiovascular genetics 2015 Mercer-Rosa L, Paridon SM, Fogel MA, Rychik J, Tanel RE, Zhao H, Zhang X, Yang W, Shults J, Goldmuntz E -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2015 Tanel RE -
Verapamil-sensitive idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia in a 6-month-old: unique considerations in diagnosis and management in an infant.
Pediatric emergency care 2015 Hiremath G, Li W, Foltz R, Roy-Burman A, Cocalis M, Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2014 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2014 Tanel RE -
Device complications in adult congenital heart disease.
Heart rhythm 2014 Hayward RM, Dewland TA, Moyers B, Vittinghoff E, Tanel RE, Marcus GM, Tseng ZH -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2014 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2014 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2014 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2014 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2014 Tanel RE -
His overdrive pacing during supraventricular tachycardia: a novel maneuver for distinguishing atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia from atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia.
Heart rhythm 2014 Singh DK, Viswanathan MN, Tanel RE, Lee RJ, Lee BK, Marcus GM, Olgin JE, Han F, Vedantham V, Tseng ZH, Pellegrini C, Kawamura M, Gerstenfeld EP, Badhwar N, Scheinman M -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2014 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2014 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2014 Tanel RE -
22q11.2 Deletion syndrome is associated with increased perioperative events and more complicated postoperative course in infants undergoing infant operative correction of truncus arteriosus communis or interrupted aortic arch.
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 2014 O'Byrne ML, Yang W, Mercer-Rosa L, Parnell AS, Oster ME, Levenbrown Y, Tanel RE, Goldmuntz E -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2014 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2014 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2013 Tanel RE -
The fate of nontargeted endocardial leads during the extraction of one or more targeted leads in pediatrics and congenital heart disease.
Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE 2013 McCanta AC, Tanel RE, Gralla J, Runciman DM, Collins KK -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2013 Tanel RE -
Morbidity in children and adolescents after surgical correction of interrupted aortic arch.
Pediatric cardiology 2013 O'Byrne ML, Mercer-Rosa L, Zhao H, Zhang X, Yang W, Tanel RE, Marino BS, Cassedy A, Fogel MA, Rychik J, Paridon S, Goldmuntz E -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2013 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2013 Tanel RE -
Morbidity in children and adolescents after surgical correction of truncus arteriosus communis.
American heart journal 2013 O'Byrne ML, Mercer-Rosa L, Zhao H, Zhang X, Yang W, Cassedy A, Fogel MA, Rychik J, Tanel RE, Marino BS, Paridon S, Goldmuntz E -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2013 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2013 Tanel RE -
The Multicenter Pediatric and Adult Congenital EP Quality (MAP-IT) Initiative-rationale and design: report from the pediatric and congenital electrophysiology society's MAP-IT taskforce.
Congenital heart disease 2013 Seslar SP, Kugler J, Batra AS, Collins KK, Crosson J, Dubin AM, Etheridge S, Kanter R, Papez A, Radbill AE, Serwer GA, Tanel RE, Tsao S, Webster G, Saarel EV, Pediatric & Congenital … -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2013 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2013 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2013 Tanel RE -
Fascicular and nonfascicular left ventricular tachycardias in the young: an international multicenter study.
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology 2013 Collins KK, Schaffer MS, Liberman L, Saarel E, Knecht M, Tanel RE, Bradley D, Dubin AM, Paul T, Salerno J, Bar-Cohen Y, Sreeram N, Sanatani S, Law IH, Blaufox A, Batra A, Moltedo JM, van Hare GF, Reed… -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2013 Tanel RE -
22q11.2 Deletion syndrome is associated with perioperative outcome in tetralogy of Fallot.
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 2013 Mercer-Rosa L, Pinto N, Yang W, Tanel R, Goldmuntz E -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2013 Tanel RE -
Impact of cardiac devices on the quality of life in pediatric patients.
Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology 2012 Czosek RJ, Bonney WJ, Cassedy A, Mah DY, Tanel RE, Imundo JR, Singh AK, Cohen MI, Miyake CY, Fawley K, Marino BS -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2012 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2012 Tanel RE -
Diagnosis and ablation of multiform fascicular tachycardia.
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology 2012 Sung RK, Kim AM, Tseng ZH, Han F, Inada K, Tedrow UB, Viswanathan MN, Badhwar N, Varosy PD, Tanel R, Olgin JE, Stephenson WG, Scheinman M -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2012 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2012 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2012 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2012 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2012 Tanel RE -
PACES/HRS expert consensus statement on the management of the asymptomatic young patient with a Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW, ventricular preexcitation) electrocardiographic pattern: developed in partnership between the Pediatric and Congenital Electrophysiology Society (PACES) and the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS). Endorsed by the governing bodies of PACES, HRS, the American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF), the American Heart Association (AHA), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the Canadian Heart Rhythm Society (CHRS).
Heart rhythm 2012 Pediatric and Congenital Electrophysiology Society (PACES), Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF), American Heart Association (AHA), American Academy of … -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2012 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2012 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2012 Tanel RE -
Congenital long QT 3 in the pediatric population.
The American journal of cardiology 2012 Blaufox AD, Tristani-Firouzi M, Seslar S, Sanatani S, Trivedi B, Fischbach P, Paul T, Young ML, Tisma-Dupanovic S, Silva J, Cuneo B, Fournier A, Singh H, Tanel RE, Etheridge SP -
Clinical and electrophysiologic characteristics of antidromic tachycardia in children with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.
Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE 2012 Ceresnak SR, Tanel RE, Pass RH, Liberman L, Collins KK, Van Hare GF, Gates GJ, Dubin AM -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2012 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2012 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2011 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2011 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2011 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2011 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2011 Tanel RE -
Preventing sudden death in the adult with congenital heart disease.
Current cardiology reports 2011 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2011 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2011 Tanel RE -
Safety and results of cryoablation in patients <5 years old and/or <15 kilograms.
The American journal of cardiology 2011 LaPage MJ, Reed JH, Collins KK, Law IH, Pilcher TA, Tanel RE, Anderson CC, Young ML, Emmel M, Paul T, Blaufox AD, Arora G, Saul JP -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2011 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2011 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2011 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2011 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2011 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2010 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2010 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2010 Tanel RE -
Prospective observations in the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of intra-isthmus reentry.
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology 2010 Yang Y, Varma N, Badhwar N, Tanel RE, Sundara S, Lee RJ, Lee BK, Tseng ZH, Marcus GM, Kim AM, Olgin JE, Scheinman MM -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2010 Tanel RE -
Ventricular tachycardia in infants with structurally normal heart: a benign disorder.
Cardiology in the young 2010 Levin MD, Stephens P, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Rhodes LA -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2010 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2010 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2010 Tanel RE -
Supraventricular Tachycardia in a Patient with Repaired Congenital Heart Disease.
Cardiac electrophysiology clinics 2010 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2010 Tanel RE -
Are wide complex tachycardia algorithms applicable in children and patients with congenital heart disease?
Journal of electrocardiology 2010 Ceresnak SR, Liberman L, Avasarala K, Tanel R, Motonaga KS, Dubin AM -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2010 Tanel RE -
Congenital long QT syndrome and 2:1 atrioventricular block: an optimistic outcome in the current era.
Heart rhythm 2010 Aziz PF, Tanel RE, Zelster IJ, Pass RH, Wieand TS, Vetter VL, Vogel RL, Shah MJ -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2010 Tanel RE -
Long-term noninvasive arrhythmia assessment after surgical repair of sinus venosus atrial septal defect.
Congenital heart disease 2010 Glatz AC, McBride MG, Paridon SM, Cohen MS, Walker SA, Gaynor JW, Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2010 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2010 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2009 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2009 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2009 Tanel RE -
Differences in accessory pathway location by sex and race.
Heart rhythm 2009 Hsu JC, Tanel RE, Lee BK, Scheinman MM, Badhwar N, Lee RJ, Tseng ZH, Olgin JE, Marcus GM -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2009 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2009 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2009 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2009 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2009 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2009 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2009 Tanel RE -
Pediatric nonpost-operative junctional ectopic tachycardia medical management and interventional therapies.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2009 Collins KK, Van Hare GF, Kertesz NJ, Law IH, Bar-Cohen Y, Dubin AM, Etheridge SP, Berul CI, Avari JN, Tuzcu V, Sreeram N, Schaffer MS, Fournier A, Sanatani S, Snyder CS, Smith RT, Arabia L, Hamilton R… -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2009 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2009 Tanel RE -
Assessment and management of the failing heart in children.
Cardiology in the young 2008 Kaufman BD, Shaddy RE, Shirali GS, Tanel R, Towbin JA -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2008 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2008 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED. Ventricular ectopy.
Pediatric emergency care 2008 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2008 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2008 Tanel RE -
Managed ventricular pacing in pediatric patients and patients with congenital heart disease.
The American journal of cardiology 2008 Kaltman JR, Ro PS, Zimmerman F, Moak JP, Epstein M, Zeltser IJ, Shah MJ, Buck K, Vetter VL, Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2008 Tanel RE -
Outcome of high-risk neonates with congenital complete heart block paced in the first 24 hours after birth.
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 2008 Glatz AC, Gaynor JW, Rhodes LA, Rychik J, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Kaltman JR, Nicolson SC, Montenegro L, Shah MJ -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2008 Tanel RE -
Rhythm and conduction disturbances at midterm follow-up after the ross procedure in infants, children, and young adults.
The Annals of thoracic surgery 2008 Pasquali SK, Marino BS, Kaltman JR, Schissler AJ, Wernovsky G, Cohen MS, Spray TL, Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2008 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2008 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2008 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2008 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2008 Tanel RE -
Time and temperature profile of catheter cryoablation of right septal and free wall accessory pathways in children.
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology 2007 Kaltman JR, Tanel RE, Wegrzynowicz B, Kozodoy E, Wieand T, Ennis J, Vetter VL, Shah MJ -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2007 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2007 Tanel RE -
Substrate characterization of ventricular tachycardia in a porcine model of tetralogy of Fallot using noncontact mapping.
Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE 2007 Kaltman JR, Gillespie MJ, Seymour T, Khan A, Zeltser IJ, Rhodes LA, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Gaynor JW, Shah MJ -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2007 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2007 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2007 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2007 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2007 Tanel RE -
Late cardiopulmonary and musculoskeletal exercise performance after repair for total anomalous pulmonary venous connection during infancy.
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 2007 McBride MG, Kirshbom PM, Gaynor JW, Ittenbach RF, Wernovsky G, Clancy RR, Flynn TB, Hartman DM, Spray TL, Tanel RE, Santiago MC, Paridon SM -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2007 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2007 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2007 Tanel RE -
Subcutaneous array with active can implantable cardioverter defibrillator configuration: a follow-up study.
Congenital heart disease 2007 Kaltman JR, Gaynor JW, Rhodes LA, Buck K, Shah MJ, Vetter VL, Madan N, Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2007 Tanel RE -
Long-term noninvasive arrhythmia assessment after total anomalous pulmonary venous connection repair.
American heart journal 2007 Tanel RE, Kirshbom PM, Paridon SM, Hartman DM, Burnham NB, McBride MG, Ittenbach RF, Spray TL, Gaynor JW -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2007 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2006 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2006 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2006 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2006 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2006 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2006 Tanel RE -
Mapping the critical diastolic pathway in intra-atrial reentrant tachycardia using an automated voltage mapping program.
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology 2006 Kaltman JR, Schultz JR, Wieand TS, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Shah MJ -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2006 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2006 Tanel RE -
Heart rate variability following neonatal heart surgery for complex congenital heart disease.
Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE 2006 Kaltman JR, Hanna BD, Gallagher PR, Gaynor JW, Godinez RI, Tanel RE, Shah MJ, Vetter VL, Rhodes LA -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2006 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2006 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2006 Tanel RE -
Induction of atrial fibrillation after the routine use of adenosine.
Pediatric emergency care 2006 Kaltman JR, Tanel RE, Shah MJ, Vetter VL, Rhodes LA -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2006 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2005 Tanel RE -
Junctional rhythm in association with neuroborreliosis.
Pediatric emergency care 2005 Kaltman JR, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Shah MJ, Rhodes LA -
The roles of chronic pressure and volume overload states in induction of arrhythmias: an animal model of physiologic sequelae after repair of tetralogy of Fallot.
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 2005 Zeltser I, Gaynor JW, Petko M, Myung RJ, Birbach M, Waibel R, Ittenbach RF, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Rhodes LA -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2005 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2005 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2005 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2005 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2005 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2005 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2005 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2005 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2005 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2005 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2005 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2004 Tanel RE -
Slow pathway modification for atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia.
The American journal of cardiology 2004 Kaltman JR, Rhodes LA, Wieand TS, Ennis JE, Vetter VL, Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2004 Tanel RE -
Postpericardiotomy syndrome after permanent pacemaker implantation in children and young adults.
The Annals of thoracic surgery 2004 Zeltser I, Rhodes LA, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Gaynor JW, Spray TL, Cohen MI -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2004 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2004 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2004 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2004 Tanel RE -
Prospective assessment after pediatric cardiac ablation: demographics, medical profiles, and initial outcomes.
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology 2004 Van Hare GF, Javitz H, Carmelli D, Saul JP, Tanel RE, Fischbach PS, Kanter RJ, Schaffer M, Dunnigan A, Colan S, Serwer G, Pediatric Electrophysiology Society -
Prospective assessment after pediatric cardiac ablation: recurrence at 1 year after initially successful ablation of supraventricular tachycardia.
Heart rhythm 2004 Van Hare GF, Javitz H, Carmelli D, Saul JP, Tanel RE, Fischbach PS, Kanter RJ, Schaffer M, Dunnigan A, Colan S, Serwer G, Participating Members of the Pediatric Electrophysiology Society -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2004 Tanel RE -
Capture management efficacy in children and young adults with endocardial and unipolar epicardial systems.
Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology 2004 Cohen MI, Buck K, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Rhodes LA, Cox J, Sheldon T, Ruetz L -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2004 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED. Vasodepressor syncope.
Pediatric emergency care 2004 Tanel RE -
Thoratec left ventricular assist device as a bridge to recovery in a child weighing 27 kilograms.
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 2004 Pastuszko P, Gruber PJ, Wernovsky G, Tanel RE, Rhodes LA, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Gaynor JW -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2004 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2004 Tanel RE -
ECGs in the ED.
Pediatric emergency care 2004 Tanel RE -
Single-finger subcutaneous defibrillation lead and "active can": a novel minimally invasive defibrillation configuration for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator implantation in a young child.
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 2003 Madan N, Gaynor JW, Tanel R, Cohen M, Nicholson S, Vetter V, Rhodes L -
Effects of beta-adrenergic antagonists on the QT measurements from exercise stress tests in pediatric patients with long QT syndrome.
Pediatric cardiology 2003 Kaltman JR, Ro PS, Stephens P, McBride MG, Cohen MI, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Rhodes LA -
Pediatric pacemaker infections: twenty years of experience.
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 2002 Cohen MI, Bush DM, Gaynor JW, Vetter VL, Tanel RE, Rhodes LA -
Junctional ectopic tachycardia in association with blunt abdominal trauma.
Annals of emergency medicine 2002 Cloutier RL, Mehr MF, Lin RJ, Tanel RE -
Putting the bite into the pediatric syncope evaluation.
Pediatric case reviews (Print) 2001 Tanel RE -
Permanent epicardial pacing in pediatric patients: seventeen years of experience and 1200 outpatient visits.
Circulation 2001 Cohen MI, Bush DM, Vetter VL, Tanel RE, Wieand TS, Gaynor JW, Rhodes LA -
Epicardial pacemaker implantation and follow-up in patients with a single ventricle after the Fontan operation.
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 2001 Cohen MI, Vetter VL, Wernovsky G, Bush DM, Gaynor JW, Iyer VR, Spray TL, Tanel RE, Rhodes LA -
Fetal and neonatal arrhythmias.
Clinics in perinatology 2001 Tanel RE, Rhodes LA -
Creation of viable pulmonary artery autografts through tissue engineering.
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 1998 Shinoka T, Shum-Tim D, Ma PX, Tanel RE, Isogai N, Langer R, Vacanti JP, Mayer JE -
Five-year experience with radiofrequency catheter ablation: implications for management of arrhythmias in pediatric and young adult patients.
The Journal of pediatrics 1997 Tanel RE, Walsh EP, Triedman JK, Epstein MR, Bergau DM, Saul JP -
High-rate atrial pacing as an innovative bridging therapy in a neonate with congenital long QT syndrome.
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology 1997 Tanel RE, Triedman JK, Walsh EP, Epstein MR, DeLucca JM, Mayer JE, Fishberger SB, Saul JP -
Syncope in the pediatric patient.
Cardiology clinics 1997 Tanel RE, Walsh EP -
Prospective comparison of culture vs genome detection for diagnosis of enteroviral meningitis in childhood.
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 1996 Tanel RE, Kao SY, Niemiec TM, Loeffelholz MJ, Holland DT, Shoaf LA, Stucky ER, Burns JC -
Tissue engineering lamb heart valve leaflets.
Biotechnology and bioengineering 1996 Breuer CK, Shin'oka T, Tanel RE, Zund G, Mooney DJ, Ma PX, Miura T, Colan S, Langer R, Mayer JE, Vacanti JP -
Tissue engineering heart valves: valve leaflet replacement study in a lamb model.
The Annals of thoracic surgery 1995 Shinoka T, Breuer CK, Tanel RE, Zund G, Miura T, Ma PX, Langer R, Vacanti JP, Mayer JE -
Sotalol for refractory arrhythmias in pediatric and young adult patients: initial efficacy and long-term outcome.
American heart journal 1995 Tanel RE, Walsh EP, Lulu JA, Saul JP -
Coronary artery abnormalities detected at cardiac catheterization following the arterial switch operation for transposition of the great arteries.
The American journal of cardiology 1995 Tanel RE, Wernovsky G, Landzberg MJ, Perry SB, Burke RP