Robert Rushakoff, MD, MS
School of Medicine 415-885-3868

2019-22: Member of Endocrine Society Committee writing new guidelines on Management of inpatients with diabetes.

Some of my Projects:

Virtual Inpatient Glucose Management Service: Developed and implemented a virtual service to monitor all inpatients who have diabetes (or high glucoses) and if glucoses are elevated, put notes in the chart to direct changes in management. This service has led to a >40% decrease in the number of patients with high glucose levels. As a result of our success, medical centers around the country and the world have successfully started similar services.

Automating insulin dosing for inpatients: For patients who have diabetes (or high glucoses), and are not eating or receiving enteral feedings or total parenteral nutrition, we developed a program in the electronic medical record that automated the determination of the insulin dose based on previous insulin doses and glucose levels. The insulin does is then titrated to the individual patient's needs without the need to write any new insulin orders.

Education: Starting back before 2000, I developed (and have updated) interactive online training for physicians, nurses and pharmacists on all aspects of how to manage inpatients with diabetes (or high glucoses).

Perioperative Glucose Management: We developed an online program that allows physicians and nurses to determine what adjustments in any diabetes medication are needed for patients undergoing any procedure or having surgery.

Education & Training

  • Fellowship Endocrinology Cedars-Sinai Medical Center 1987
  • Fellowship endocrinology University of California, San Francisco 1986
  • Residency Internal Medicine University of California, San Francisco 1985
  • MD Medical College of Wisconsin 1982
  • MS Pharmacology Medical College of Wisconsin 1980
  • AB Physiology University of California, Berkeley 1977


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  • Conditions & Treatments Adrenal Insufficiency Cushing's Disease Diabetes Mellitus Inpatient Diabetes Management Pheochromocytoma


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Publications (87)

Top publication keywords:
HypoglycemiaBeveragesInpatientsDiabetes MellitusBlood GlucoseEndocrinologyHyperglycemiaInsulin Infusion SystemsDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2InsulinEducationDiabetic KetoacidosisDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1Medication ErrorsHypoglycemic Agents