Robert Knowlton, MD
School of Medicine
Dr. Robert Knowlton is a neurologist who specializes in diagnosing complex cases of epilepsy, such as those with no clear origin found using standard tests. In his clinical practice, Knowlton combines a variety of advanced diagnostic tests to pinpoint the source of seizures in the brain.
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He is especially interested in identifying patients who could successfully be treated with surgery and given a permanent option for a life free from seizures.
Knowlton's research focuses on neuroimaging and clinical decision making in the surgical treatment of seizure disorders and brain tumors.
Education & Training
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- MD School of Medicine LSU New Orleans
- BS Biological Chemistry Tulane University
- Residency Neurology University California Los Angeles
- Fellowship Epilepsy Clinical Neurophysiology Neurology University California San Francisco
- MSPH School of Public Health University of Alabama Birmingham
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- Biomagnetic Imaging Laboratory (
- UCSF Epilepsy (
- The Chang Lab (
- SLATE Study (
Grants and Projects
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Publications (132)
Top publication keywords:
Magnetic Resonance ImagingElectroencephalographyNeocortexEpilepsies, PartialPreoperative CareMagnetoencephalographyElectrocorticographyEpilepsy, Temporal LobeBrain MappingEpilepsySeizuresHippocampusDrug Resistant EpilepsyTomography, Emission-Computed, Single-PhotonTemporal Lobe
Stimulation-based compassion mapping to assess risk of insular resection for surgical epilepsy management: illustrative case.
Journal of neurosurgery. Case lessons 2024 Hullett PW, Lin AJ, Greicius Q, Knowlton RC, Shih TT, Rao VR, Sturm VE, Chang EF -
Surgical outcomes following resection in patients with language dominant posterior quadrant epilepsy.
Epilepsy & behavior reports 2024 Saggi S, Garcia JH, Behzadi F, Mallela AN, Garcia PA, Chang EF, Knowlton RC -
Ictal EEG Source Imaging.
Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society 2024 Knowlton RC -
Ictal EEG Source Imaging With Supplemental Electrodes.
Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society 2023 Loube DK, Tan YL, Yoshii-Contreras J, Kleen J, Rao VR, Chang EF, Knowlton RC -
Clinical Reasoning: A Young Adult With New Seizures and Chapeau de Gendarme.
Neurology 2023 Valdrighi A, Douglas AG, Knowlton RC, Shah M, Kleen JK
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Later onset focal epilepsy with roots in childhood: Evidence from early learning difficulty and brain volumes in the Human Epilepsy Project.
Epilepsia 2023 Pellinen J, Pardoe H, Sillau S, Barnard S, French J, Knowlton R, Lowenstein D, Cascino GD, Glynn S, Jackson G, Szaflarski J, Morrison C, Meador KJ, Kuzniecky R, Human Epilepsy Project Investigators -
Mood and Anxiety Disorders and Suicidality in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Focal Epilepsy: An Analysis of a Complex Comorbidity.
Neurology 2022 Kanner AM, Saporta AS, Kim DH, Barry JJ, Altalib H, Omotola H, Jette N, O'Brien TJ, Nadkarni S, Winawer MR, Sperling M, French JA, Abou-Khalil B, Alldredge B, Bebin M, Cascino GD, Cole AJ, Cook MJ, … -
Intact speech perception after resection of dominant hemisphere primary auditory cortex for the treatment of medically refractory epilepsy: illustrative case.
Journal of neurosurgery. Case lessons 2022 Hullett PW, Kandahari N, Shih TT, Kleen JK, Knowlton RC, Rao VR, Chang EF -
Structural Neuroimaging in Adults and Adolescents With Newly Diagnosed Focal Epilepsy: The Human Epilepsy Project.
Neurology 2022 Bank AM, Kuzniecky R, Knowlton RC, Cascino GD, Jackson G, Pardoe HR, Human Epilepsy Project Investigators -
Modern intracranial electroencephalography for epilepsy localization with combined subdural grid and depth electrodes with low and improved hemorrhagic complication rates.
Journal of neurosurgery 2022 Lee AT, Nichols NM, Speidel BA, Fan JM, Cajigas I, Knowlton RC, Chang EF -
Postsurgical seizure outcome in temporal lobe epilepsy patients with normal or subtle, nonspecific MRI findings.
Journal of neurosurgery 2021 González Otárula KA, Tan YL, Hall JA, Chang EF, Correa JA, Dubeau F, Sziklas V, Soucy JP, Guiot MC, Knowlton RC, Kobayashi E -
Patient specific prediction of temporal lobe epilepsy surgical outcomes.
Epilepsia 2021 Benjumeda M, Tan YL, González Otárula KA, Chandramohan D, Chang EF, Hall JA, Bielza C, Larrañaga P, Kobayashi E, Knowlton RC -
Accuracy of omni-planar and surface casting of epileptiform activity for intracranial seizure localization.
Epilepsia 2021 Kleen JK, Speidel BA, Baud MO, Rao VR, Ammanuel SG, Hamilton LS, Chang EF, Knowlton RC -
Clear and Consistent Imaging of Hippocampal Internal Architecture With High Resolution Multiple Image Co-registration and Averaging (HR-MICRA).
Frontiers in neuroscience 2021 Ver Hoef L, Deshpande H, Cure J, Selladurai G, Beattie J, Kennedy RE, Knowlton RC, Szaflarski JP -
Early seizure spread and epilepsy surgery: A systematic review.
Epilepsia 2020 Andrews JP, Ammanuel S, Kleen J, Khambhati AN, Knowlton R, Chang EF -
Relative contribution of individual versus combined functional imaging studies in predicting seizure freedom in pediatric epilepsy surgery: an area under the curve analysis.
Neurosurgical focus 2020 Kankirawatana P, Mohamed IS, Lauer J, Aban I, Kim H, Li R, Harrison A, AS, Goyal M, Rozzelle CJ, Knowlton R, Blount JP -
Responsive neurostimulation for regional neocortical epilepsy.
Epilepsia 2019 Ma BB, Fields MC, Knowlton RC, Chang EF, Szaflarski JP, Marcuse LV, Rao VR -
Racial differences in adult-onset MRI-negative temporal lobe epilepsy.
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B 2019 Allen SE, Limdi NA, Westrick AC, Ver Hoef LW, Szaflarski JP, Kuzniecky RI, Knowlton RC -
A historical cohort of temporal lobe surgery for medically refractory epilepsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis to guide future nonrandomized controlled trial studies.
Journal of neurosurgery 2019 Lee AT, Burke JF, Chunduru P, Molinaro AM, Knowlton R, Chang EF -
Direct and indirect costs associated with stereotactic radiosurgery or open surgery for medial temporal lobe epilepsy: Results from the ROSE trial.
Epilepsia 2019 Langfitt JT, Quigg M, Yan G, Yu W, Ward MM, Barbaro NM, Chang EF, Broshek DK, Laxer KD, Cole AJ, Sneed PK, Hess C, Tripathi M, Heck CN, Miller JW, Garcia PA, McEvoy A, Fountain NB, Salanova V, … -
Evaluation of a dual signal subspace projection algorithm in magnetoencephalographic recordings from patients with intractable epilepsy and vagus nerve stimulators.
NeuroImage 2018 Cai C, Xu J, Velmurugan J, Knowlton R, Sekihara K, Nagarajan SS, Kirsch H -
Visual field defects after radiosurgery versus temporal lobectomy for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: Findings of the ROSE trial.
Seizure 2018 Quigg M, Barbaro NM, Ward MM, Chang EF, Broshek DK, Langfitt JT, Yan G, Laxer KD, Cole AJ, Sneed PK, Hess CP, Yu W, Newman SA, Mueller S, Tripathi M, Heck CN, Miller JW, Garcia PA, McEvoy A, Fountain … -
Unsupervised Learning of Spatiotemporal Interictal Discharges in Focal Epilepsy.
Neurosurgery 2018 Baud MO, Kleen JK, Anumanchipalli GK, Hamilton LS, Tan YL, Knowlton R, Chang EF -
Brainstem network disruption: A pathway to sudden unexplained death in epilepsy?
Human brain mapping 2018 Mueller SG, Nei M, Bateman LM, Knowlton R, Laxer KD, Friedman D, Devinsky O, Goldman AM -
Somatic Depdc5 deletion recapitulates electroclinical features of human focal cortical dysplasia type IIA.
Annals of neurology 2018 Hu S, Knowlton RC, Watson BO, Glanowska KM, Murphy GG, Parent JM, Wang Y -
Direct cortical stimulation of inferior frontal cortex disrupts both speech and music production in highly trained musicians.
Cognitive neuropsychology 2018 Leonard MK, Desai M, Hungate D, Cai R, Singhal NS, Knowlton RC, Chang EF -
Seizure localization by chronic ambulatory electrocorticography.
Clinical neurophysiology practice 2018 Chan AY, Knowlton RC, Chang EF, Rao VR -
Direct electrical stimulation of human cortex evokes high gamma activity that predicts conscious somatosensory perception.
Journal of neural engineering 2018 Muller L, Rolston JD, Fox NP, Knowlton R, Rao VR, Chang EF -
Radiosurgery versus open surgery for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: The randomized, controlled ROSE trial.
Epilepsia 2018 Barbaro NM, Quigg M, Ward MM, Chang EF, Broshek DK, Langfitt JT, Yan G, Laxer KD, Cole AJ, Sneed PK, Hess CP, Yu W, Tripathi M, Heck CN, Miller JW, Garcia PA, McEvoy A, Fountain NB, Salanova V, … -
Racial disparities in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Epilepsy research 2017 Allen SE, Limdi N, Westrick AC, Ver Hoef LW, Szaflarski JP, Knowlton RC -
Quantitative surface analysis of combined MRI and PET enhances detection of focal cortical dysplasias.
NeuroImage 2017 Tan YL, Kim H, Lee S, Tihan T, Ver Hoef L, Mueller SG, Barkovich AJ, Xu D, Knowlton R -
Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures in patients with surgically treated temporal lobe epilepsy: Presurgical and de novo postsurgical occurrence.
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B 2017 González Otárula KA, Tan YL, Dubeau F, Correa JA, Chang E, Hall JA, Knowlton RC, Kobayashi E -
MRI-negative temporal lobe epilepsy-What do we know?
Epilepsia 2017 Muhlhofer W, Tan YL, Mueller SG, Knowlton R -
Pearls and Oy-sters: The chapeau de gendarme sign and other localizing gems in frontal lobe epilepsy.
Neurology 2016 Tan YL, Muhlhofer W, Knowlton R -
White Matter Abnormalities in Patients with Treatment-Resistant Genetic Generalized Epilepsies.
Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research 2016 Szaflarski JP, Lee S, Allendorfer JB, Gaston TE, Knowlton RC, Pati S, Ver Hoef LW, Deutsch G -
Rate and complications of adult epilepsy surgery in North America: Analysis of multiple databases.
Epilepsy research 2016 Rolston JD, Englot DJ, Knowlton RC, Chang EF -
The sensitivity and significance of lateralized interictal slow activity on magnetoencephalography in focal epilepsy.
Epilepsy research 2016 Englot DJ, Nagarajan SS, Wang DD, Rolston JD, Mizuiri D, Honma SM, Mantle M, Tarapore PE, Knowlton RC, Chang EF, Kirsch HE -
Epilepsy with temporal encephalocele: Characteristics of electrocorticography and surgical outcome.
Epilepsia 2015 Panov F, Li Y, Chang EF, Knowlton R, Cornes SB -
Surgical management of medically refractory epilepsy in patients with polymicrogyria.
Epilepsia 2015 Wang DD, Knox R, Rolston JD, Englot DJ, Barkovich AJ, Tihan T, Auguste KI, Knowlton RC, Cornes SB, Chang EF -
Phenotypic and imaging features of FLNA-negative patients with bilateral periventricular nodular heterotopia and epilepsy.
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B 2015 Fallil Z, Pardoe H, Bachman R, Cunningham B, Parulkar I, Shain C, Poduri A, Knowlton R, Kuzniecky R, EPGP Investigators -
The evolution of epilepsy surgery between 1991 and 2011 in nine major epilepsy centers across the United States, Germany, and Australia.
Epilepsia 2015 Jehi L, Friedman D, Carlson C, Cascino G, Dewar S, Elger C, Engel J, Knowlton R, Kuzniecky R, McIntosh A, O'Brien TJ, Spencer D, Sperling MR, Worrell G, Bingaman B, Gonzalez-Martinez J, Doyle W, … -
Global and regional functional connectivity maps of neural oscillations in focal epilepsy.
Brain : a journal of neurology 2015 Englot DJ, Hinkley LB, Kort NS, Imber BS, Mizuiri D, Honma SM, Findlay AM, Garrett C, Cheung PL, Mantle M, Tarapore PE, Knowlton RC, Chang EF, Kirsch HE, Nagarajan SS -
White matter diffusion abnormalities in patients with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures.
Brain research 2015 Lee S, Allendorfer JB, Gaston TE, Griffis JC, Hernando KA, Knowlton RC, Szaflarski JP, Ver Hoef LW -
Epileptogenic zone localization using magnetoencephalography predicts seizure freedom in epilepsy surgery.
Epilepsia 2015 Englot DJ, Nagarajan SS, Imber BS, Raygor KP, Honma SM, Mizuiri D, Mantle M, Knowlton RC, Kirsch HE, Chang EF -
Magnetoencephalography in the presurgical evaluation of epilepsy.
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B 2014 Kharkar S, Knowlton R -
Factors associated with failed focal neocortical epilepsy surgery.
Neurosurgery 2014 Englot DJ, Raygor KP, Molinaro AM, Garcia PA, Knowlton RC, Auguste KI, Chang EF -
Stereotactic laser ablation of epileptogenic periventricular nodular heterotopia.
Epilepsy research 2014 Esquenazi Y, Kalamangalam GP, Slater JD, Knowlton RC, Friedman E, Morris SA, Shetty A, Gowda A, Tandon N -
De novo mutations in epileptic encephalopathies.
Nature 2013 Epi4K Consortium, Epilepsy Phenome/Genome Project, Allen AS, Berkovic SF, Cossette P, Delanty N, Dlugos D, Eichler EE, Epstein MP, Glauser T, Goldstein DB, Han Y, Heinzen EL, Hitomi Y, Howell KB, … -
Evaluating hippocampal internal architecture on MRI: inter-rater reliability of a proposed scoring system.
Epilepsy research 2013 Ver Hoef LW, Paige AL, Riley KO, Cure J, Soltani M, Williams FB, Kennedy RE, Szaflarski JP, Knowlton RC -
Predictive value of hippocampal internal architecture asymmetry in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Epilepsy research 2013 Ver Hoef LW, Williams FB, Kennedy RE, Szaflarski JP, Knowlton RC -
Polymicrogyria-associated epilepsy: a multicenter phenotypic study from the Epilepsy Phenome/Genome Project.
Epilepsia 2013 Shain C, Ramgopal S, Fallil Z, Parulkar I, Alongi R, Knowlton R, Poduri A, EPGP Investigators -
Magnetic source imaging (MSI) in children with neocortical epilepsy: surgical outcome association with 3D post-resection analysis.
Epilepsy research 2013 Kim H, Kankirawatana P, Killen J, Harrison A, Oh A, Rozzelle C, Blount J, Knowlton R -
Geographic variation of epilepsy for older Americans: how close to the geographic variation of stroke?
Epilepsia 2012 Pisu M, Kratt P, Faught E, Martin RC, Kim Y, Clements K, Knowlton R, Funkhouser E, Richman JS -
Short latency activation of cortex by clinically effective thalamic brain stimulation for tremor.
Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society 2012 Walker HC, Huang H, Gonzalez CL, Bryant JE, Killen J, Knowlton RC, Montgomery EB, Cutter GC, Yildirim A, Guthrie BL, Watts RL -
Major white matter fiber changes in medically intractable neocortical epilepsy in children: a diffusion tensor imaging study.
Epilepsy research 2012 Kim H, Harrison A, Kankirawatana P, Rozzelle C, Blount J, Torgerson C, Knowlton R -
Diagnostic tests and neurology care for Medicare beneficiaries with seizures: differences across racial groups.
Medical care 2012 Pisu M, Richman JS, Martin RC, Kim Y, Kratt P, Clements K, Funkhouser E, Knowlton R, Faught E -
Multimodal analysis of the hippocampus in schizophrenia using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Schizophrenia research 2012 Hutcheson NL, Reid MA, White DM, Kraguljac NV, Avsar KB, Bolding MS, Knowlton RC, den Hollander JA, Lahti AC -
Short latency activation of cortex during clinically effective subthalamic deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease.
Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society 2012 Walker HC, Huang H, Gonzalez CL, Bryant JE, Killen J, Cutter GR, Knowlton RC, Montgomery EB, Guthrie BL, Watts RL -
Incidence and prevalence of epilepsy among older U.S. Medicare beneficiaries.
Neurology 2012 Faught E, Richman J, Martin R, Funkhouser E, Foushee R, Kratt P, Kim Y, Clements K, Cohen N, Adoboe D, Knowlton R, Pisu M -
Smaller regional gray matter volume in homeless african american cocaine-dependent men: a preliminary report.
The open neuroimaging journal 2011 Weller RE, Stoeckel LE, Milby JB, Bolding M, Twieg DB, Knowlton RC, Avison MJ, Ding Z -
American Clinical Magnetoencephalography Society Clinical Practice Guideline 1: recording and analysis of spontaneous cerebral activity.
Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society 2011 Bagic AI, Knowlton RC, Rose DF, Ebersole JS, ACMEGS Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) Committee -
American Clinical Magnetoencephalography Society Clinical Practice Guideline 3: MEG-EEG reporting.
Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society 2011 Bagic AI, Knowlton RC, Rose DF, Ebersole JS, ACMEGS Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) Committee -
Safety and utility of supplemental depth electrodes for localizing the ictal onset zone in pediatric neocortical epilepsy.
Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics 2011 Kim H, Lee C, Knowlton R, Rozzelle C, Blount JP -
Preference-based quality-of-life measures for neocortical epilepsy surgery.
Epilepsia 2011 Knowlton RC, Kar J, Miller S, Limdi N, Elgavish R, Gilliam FG, Riley K, Howell J, Kilgore M -
Magnetoencephalography adds to the surgical evaluation process.
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B 2010 Stefan H, Rampp S, Knowlton RC -
Assessments of function and biochemistry of the anterior cingulate cortex in schizophrenia.
Biological psychiatry 2010 Reid MA, Stoeckel LE, White DM, Avsar KB, Bolding MS, Akella NS, Knowlton RC, den Hollander JA, Lahti AC -
Effect of detection parameters on automated electroencephalography spike detection sensitivity and false-positive rate.
Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society 2010 Ver Hoef L, Elgavish R, Knowlton RC -
Effect of epilepsy magnetic source imaging on intracranial electrode placement.
Annals of neurology 2009 Knowlton RC, Razdan SN, Limdi N, Elgavish RA, Killen J, Blount J, Burneo JG, Ver Hoef L, Paige L, Faught E, Kankirawatana P, Bartolucci A, Riley K, Kuzniecky R -
Hyperammonemia following intravenous valproate loading.
Epilepsy research 2009 DeWolfe JL, Knowlton RC, Beasley MT, Cofield S, Faught E, Limdi NA -
Advances in intracranial monitoring.
Neurosurgical focus 2008 Blount JP, Cormier J, Kim H, Kankirawatana P, Riley KO, Knowlton RC -
Functional imaging: I. Relative predictive value of intracranial electroencephalography.
Annals of neurology 2008 Knowlton RC, Elgavish RA, Limdi N, Bartolucci A, Ojha B, Blount J, Burneo JG, Ver Hoef L, Paige L, Faught E, Kankirawatana P, Riley K, Kuzniecky R -
Functional imaging: II. Prediction of epilepsy surgery outcome.
Annals of neurology 2008 Knowlton RC, Elgavish RA, Bartolucci A, Ojha B, Limdi N, Blount J, Burneo JG, Ver Hoef L, Paige L, Faught E, Kankirawatana P, Riley K, Kuzniecky R -
Rey Osterrieth complex figure test spatial and figural scoring: relations to seizure focus and hippocampal pathology in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B 2008 McConley R, Martin R, Palmer CA, Kuzniecky R, Knowlton R, Faught E -
Widespread reward-system activation in obese women in response to pictures of high-calorie foods.
NeuroImage 2008 Stoeckel LE, Weller RE, Cook EW, Twieg DB, Knowlton RC, Cox JE -
Left mesial temporal sclerosis and verbal memory: a magnetoencephalography study.
Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society 2008 Ver Hoef LW, Sawrie S, Killen J, Knowlton RC -
Can magnetoencephalography aid epilepsy surgery?
Epilepsy currents 2008 Knowlton RC -
Kaplan-Meier analysis on seizure outcome after epilepsy surgery: do gender and race influence it?
Seizure 2007 Burneo JG, Villanueva V, Knowlton RC, Faught RE, Kuzniecky RI -
Placebo-controlled study of levetiracetam in idiopathic generalized epilepsy.
Neurology 2007 Berkovic SF, Knowlton RC, Leroy RF, Schiemann J, Falter U, Levetiracetam N01057 Study Group -
Musicogenic seizures can arise from multiple temporal lobe foci: intracranial EEG analyses of three patients.
Epilepsia 2006 Tayah TF, Abou-Khalil B, Gilliam FG, Knowlton RC, Wushensky CA, Gallagher MJ -
Race/ethnicity, sex, and socioeconomic status as predictors of outcome after surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy.
Archives of neurology 2006 Burneo JG, Black L, Martin R, Devinsky O, Pacia S, Faught E, Vasquez B, Knowlton RC, Luciano D, Doyle W, Najjar S, Kuzniecky RI -
Vagus nerve stimulation in children less than 5 years old.
Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery 2006 Blount JP, Tubbs RS, Kankirawatana P, Kiel S, Knowlton R, Grabb PA, Bebin M -
Dexmedetomidine as rescue drug during awake craniotomy for cortical motor mapping and tumor resection.
Anesthesia and analgesia 2006 Moore TA, Markert JM, Knowlton RC -
Magnetic source imaging versus intracranial electroencephalogram in epilepsy surgery: a prospective study.
Annals of neurology 2006 Knowlton RC, Elgavish R, Howell J, Blount J, Burneo JG, Faught E, Kankirawatana P, Riley K, Morawetz R, Worthington J, Kuzniecky RI -
Reliability of language mapping with magnetic source imaging in epilepsy surgery candidates.
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B 2006 Lee D, Sawrie SM, Simos PG, Killen J, Knowlton RC -
The role of FDG-PET, ictal SPECT, and MEG in the epilepsy surgery evaluation.
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B 2006 Knowlton RC -
Determining empirically based self-reported cognitive change: development of reliable change indices and standardized regression-based change norms for the multiple abilities self-report questionnaire in an epilepsy sample.
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B 2005 Martin R, Griffith HR, Sawrie S, Knowlton R, Faught E -
Dynamic brain activation patterns for face recognition: a magnetoencephalography study.
Brain topography 2005 Lee D, Simos P, Sawrie SM, Martin RC, Knowlton RC -
Race/ethnicity: a predictor of temporal lobe epilepsy surgery outcome?
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B 2005 Burneo JG, Knowlton RC, Martin R, Faught RE, Kuzniecky RI -
Verbal memory outcome in patients with normal preoperative verbal memory and left mesial temporal sclerosis.
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B 2005 LoGalbo A, Sawrie S, Roth DL, Kuzniecky R, Knowlton R, Faught E, Martin R -
Racial disparities in the use of surgical treatment for intractable temporal lobe epilepsy.
Neurology 2005 Burneo JG, Black L, Knowlton RC, Faught E, Morawetz R, Kuzniecky RI -
Chronic temporal lobe epilepsy: spatial extent and degree of metabolic dysfunction studied with magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS).
Epilepsy research 2004 Burneo JG, Knowlton RC, Faught E, Martin R, Sawrie S, Kuzniecky RI -
Electroclinical and magnetoencephalographic studies in epilepsy patients with polymicrogyria.
Epilepsy research 2004 Burneo JG, Bebin M, Kuzniecky RI, Knowlton RC -
Cortical reorganization in malformations of cortical development: a magnetoencephalographic study.
Neurology 2004 Burneo JG, Kuzniecky RI, Bebin M, Knowlton RC -
Ictal single-photon emission computed tomography imaging in extra temporal lobe epilepsy using statistical parametric mapping.
Journal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging 2004 Knowlton RC, Lawn ND, Mountz JM, Buddhiwardhan O, Miller S, Burneo JG, Kuzniecky RI -
Self-report of cognitive abilities in temporal lobe epilepsy: cognitive, psychosocial, and emotional factors.
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B 2004 Baños JH, LaGory J, Sawrie S, Faught E, Knowlton R, Prasad A, Kuzniecky R, Martin RC -
Ictal SPECT analysis in epilepsy: subtraction and statistical parametric mapping techniques.
Neurology 2004 Knowlton RC, Lawn ND, Mountz JM, Kuzniecky RI -
Eclampsia, hippocampal sclerosis, and temporal lobe epilepsy: accident or association?
Neurology 2004 Lawn N, Laich E, Ho S, Martin R, Faught E, Knowlton R, Morawetz R, Kuzniecky R -
Multimodality imaging in partial epilepsies.
Current opinion in neurology 2004 Knowlton RC -
Confirmatory factor analysis of the california verbal learning test in patients with epilepsy: relationship to clinical and neuropathological markers of temporal lobe epilepsy.
Neuropsychology 2004 Baños JH, Roth DL, Palmer C, Morawetz R, Knowlton R, Faught E, Kuzniecky R, Bilir E, Martin RC -
Magnetoencephalography in epilepsy.
Epilepsia 2004 Knowlton RC, Shih J -
Frequency of epilepsy in patients with psychogenic seizures monitored by video-EEG.
Neurology 2003 Martin R, Burneo JG, Prasad A, Powell T, Faught E, Knowlton R, Mendez M, Kuzniecky R -
Teddy bears: an observational finding in patients with non-epileptic events.
Neurology 2003 Burneo JG, Martin R, Powell T, Greenlee S, Knowlton RC, Faught RE, Prasad A, Mendez M, Kuzniecky RI -
Significance of fornix atrophy in temporal lobe epilepsy surgery outcome.
Archives of neurology 2003 Burneo JG, Bilir E, Faught E, Morawetz R, Knowlton RC, Martin R, Kuzniecky RI -
Confirmation of nonconvulsive limbic status epilepticus with the sodium amytal test.
Epilepsia 2003 Burneo JG, Knowlton RC, Gomez C, Martin R, Kuzniecky RI -
Evolving antiepileptic drug treatment in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.
Archives of neurology 2003 Prasad A, Kuzniecky RI, Knowlton RC, Welty TE, Martin RC, Mendez M, Faught RE -
Magnetoencephalography: clinical application in epilepsy.
Current neurology and neuroscience reports 2003 Knowlton RC -
Neurotoxicity following addition of intravenous valproate to lamotrigine therapy.
Neurology 2003 Burneo JG, Limdi N, Kuzniecky RI, Knowlton RC, Mendez M, Lawn N, Faught E, Welty TE, Prasad A -
Temporal lobectomy in congenital porencephaly associated with hippocampal sclerosis.
Archives of neurology 2003 Burneo JG, Faught E, Knowlton RC, Martin RC, Bebin M, Morawetz R, Kuzniecky R -
Determining reliable cognitive change after epilepsy surgery: development of reliable change indices and standardized regression-based change norms for the WMS-III and WAIS-III.
Epilepsia 2002 Martin R, Sawrie S, Gilliam F, Mackey M, Faught E, Knowlton R, Kuzniekcy R -
In vivo hippocampal metabolic dysfunction in human temporal lobe epilepsy.
Archives of neurology 2002 Knowlton RC, Abou-Khalil B, Sawrie SM, Martin RC, Faught RE, Kuzniecky RI -
Risk to verbal memory following anterior temporal lobectomy in patients with severe left-sided hippocampal sclerosis.
Archives of neurology 2002 Martin RC, Kretzmer T, Palmer C, Sawrie S, Knowlton R, Faught E, Morawetz R, Kuzniecky R -
Neuroimaging of epilepsy.
Seminars in neurology 2002 Kuzniecky RI, Knowlton RC -
Temporal lobectomy for epilepsy: recovery of the contralateral hippocampus measured by (1)H MRS.
Neurology 2002 Vermathen P, Ende G, Laxer KD, Walker JA, Knowlton RC, Barbaro NM, Matson GB, Weiner MW -
Weight loss associated with vagus nerve stimulation.
Neurology 2002 Burneo JG, Faught E, Knowlton R, Morawetz R, Kuzniecky R -
Design and applications of a multimodality image data warehouse framework.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2002 Wong ST, Hoo KS, Knowlton RC, Laxer KD, Cao X, Hawkins RA, Dillon WP, Arenson RL -
Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging in temporal lobe epilepsy: neuronal dysfunction or cell loss?
Archives of neurology 2001 Kuzniecky R, Palmer C, Hugg J, Martin R, Sawrie S, Morawetz R, Faught E, Knowlton R -
Relationships among hippocampal volumetry, proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and verbal memory in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Epilepsia 2001 Sawrie SM, Martin RC, Knowlton R, Faught E, Gilliam F, Kuzniecky R -
In vivo hippocampal glucose metabolism in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.
Neurology 2001 Knowlton RC, Laxer KD, Klein G, Sawrie S, Ende G, Hawkins RA, Aassar OS, Soohoo K, Wong S, Barbaro N -
Bilateral hippocampal atrophy: consequences to verbal memory following temporal lobectomy.
Neurology 2001 Martin RC, Sawrie SM, Knowlton RC, Bilir E, Gilliam FG, Faught E, Morawetz RB, Kuzniecky R -
Verbal retention lateralizes patients with unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy and bilateral hippocampal atrophy.
Epilepsia 2001 Sawrie SM, Martin RC, Gilliam F, Knowlton R, Faught E, Kuzniecky R -
Reproducibility of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging measurements of normal human hippocampus at 1.5 T: clinical implications.
Journal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging 2001 Maton B, Londono A, Sawrie S, Knowlton R, denHollander J, Kuzniecky R -
Postictal stability of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging (1H-MRSI) ratios in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Neurology 2001 Maton B, Londoño A, Sawrie S, Knowlton R, Martin R, Kuzniecky R -
Age-related metabolite changes and volume loss in the hippocampus by magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging.
Neurobiology of aging 1999 Schuff N, Amend DL, Knowlton R, Norman D, Fein G, Weiner MW -
Temporal ictal electroencephalographic frequency correlates with hippocampal atrophy and sclerosis.
Annals of neurology 1998 Vossler DG, Kraemer DL, Knowlton RC, Kjos BO, Rostad SW, Wyler AR, Haltiner AM, Hasegawa H, Wilkus RJ -
Presurgical multimodality neuroimaging in electroencephalographic lateralized temporal lobe epilepsy.
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