Robert Knowlton, MD
School of Medicine

Dr. Robert Knowlton is a neurologist who specializes in diagnosing complex cases of epilepsy, such as those with no clear origin found using standard tests. In his clinical practice, Knowlton combines a variety of advanced diagnostic tests to pinpoint the source of seizures in the brain.

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He is especially interested in identifying patients who could successfully be treated with surgery and given a permanent option for a life free from seizures.

Knowlton's research focuses on neuroimaging and clinical decision making in the surgical treatment of seizure disorders and brain tumors.

Education & Training

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  • MD School of Medicine LSU New Orleans
  • BS Biological Chemistry Tulane University
  • Residency Neurology University California Los Angeles
  • Fellowship Epilepsy Clinical Neurophysiology Neurology University California San Francisco
  • MSPH School of Public Health University of Alabama Birmingham


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Grants and Projects

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Publications (132)

Top publication keywords:
Magnetic Resonance ImagingElectroencephalographyNeocortexEpilepsies, PartialPreoperative CareMagnetoencephalographyElectrocorticographyEpilepsy, Temporal LobeBrain MappingEpilepsySeizuresHippocampusDrug Resistant EpilepsyTomography, Emission-Computed, Single-PhotonTemporal Lobe

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