Renee Mehra, PhD
Assistant Professor
Family Health Care Nursing
School of Nursing

Dr. Mehra's research focuses on diversification of the perinatal workforce and social and structural factors that influence racial inequities in maternal and infant health. Using reproductive justice and ecosocial frameworks and mixed methods and community-partnered approaches, she conducts research and evaluations on diversifying the midwifery, doula, and community health care workforce.

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Her research also examines multilevel mechanistic pathways and the impact of programs and policies on reducing inequities in maternal and infant health.

Education & Training

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  • PhD Public Health Yale University 05/2020
  • MS Epidemiology London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 2009
  • BS (Honors) Biochemistry University of Queensland 1999
  • BS Life Sciences Australian National University 1998


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  • Health inequites
  • Social and structural determinants of health
  • Maternal
  • infant and child health

Publications (18)

Top publication keywords:
House CallsUnited StatesAbortion, InducedPoliceFemaleRacismParturitionPregnancyParentingCross-Sectional StudiesMidwiferyEmploymentResidence CharacteristicsNurses, NeonatalPregnant Women

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  • "Police shootings, now that seems to be the main issue" - Black pregnant women's anticipation of police brutality towards their children.
    BMC public health 2022 Mehra R, Alspaugh A, Franck LS, McLemore MR, Kershaw TS, Ickovics JR, Keene DE, Sewell AA
  • The Space in the Middle: Attitudes of Women's Health and Neonatal Nurses in the United States about Abortion.
    Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health 2021 Alspaugh A, Mehra R, Coleman-Minahan K, Hoffmann TJ, Burton CW, Eagen-Torkko M, Bond TM, Franck LS, Olseon LC, Lanshaw N, Rychnovsky JD, McLemore MR
  • Structural racism and social distancing: Implications for COVID-19.
    EClinicalMedicine 2021 Mehra R, Franck LS
  • Considerations to promote sustainability of community health worker programs to improve maternal health
    Journal of Primary Care and Community Health 2020 Mehra R, Boyd LM, Lewis J, Cunningham SD
  • Black pregnant women “get the most judgment”: a qualitative study of the experiences of Black women at the intersection of race, gender, and pregnancy
    Women’s Health Issues 2020 Mehra R, Boyd LM, Magriples U, Kershaw TS, Ickovics JR, Keene DE
  • Racial and ethnic disparities in adverse birth outcomes: Differences by racial residential segregation
    SSM Population Health 2019 Mehra R, Keene DE, Kershaw TS, Ickovics JR, Warren JL
  • Area-level deprivation and preterm birth: cross-sectional results from a national, commercially-insured population
    BMC Public Health 2019 Mehra R, Shebl FM, Cunningham SD, Magriples U, Barrette E, Herrera C, Kozhimannil KB, Ickovics JR
  • Recommendations for the pilot expansion of Medicaid coverage for doulas in New York State
    American Journal of Public Health 2019 Mehra R, Cunningham SD, Lewis JB, Thomas JL, Ickovics JR
  • Combining phylogenetic and network approaches to identify HIV-1 transmission links in San Mateo County, California
    Frontiers in Microbiology 2018 Dalai SC, Junqueira DM, Wilkinson E, Mehra R, Kosakovsky Pond SL, Levy V, Israelski D, de Oliveira T, Katzenstein D
  • Why people smoke: addressing the ‘causes of causes’ of health inequities
    Why people smoke: addressing the ‘causes of causes’ of health inequities 2018 Mehra R
  • Trump’s housing cuts put Americans’ health at risk
    Trump’s housing cuts put Americans’ health at risk 2018 Mehra R
  • Racial residential segregation and adverse birth outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
    Social Science & Medicine 2017 Mehra R, Boyd LM, Ickovics JR
  • Anemia in older persons: etiology and evaluation
    Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 2011 Price EA, Mehra R, Holmes TH, Schrier SL