Rebecca Sugrue, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
School of Medicine
Publications (4)
Top publication keywords:
MethaneCarbonParticulate MatterCarbon DioxideSootAtmosphereVehicle EmissionsNew EnglandGasolineEcosystemAir PollutantsNitrogen Oxides
In-Use Passenger Vessel Emission Rates of Black Carbon and Nitrogen Oxides.
Environmental science & technology 2022 Sugrue RA, Preble CV, Tarplin AG, Kirchstetter TW -
Comparing the Use of High- to Low-Cost Black Carbon and Carbon Dioxide Sensors for Characterizing On-Road Diesel Truck Emissions.
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 2020 Sugrue RA, Preble CV, Kirchstetter TW -
Rapid Mapping of Dissolved Methane and Carbon Dioxide in Coastal Ecosystems Using the ChemYak Autonomous Surface Vehicle.
Environmental science & technology 2018 Nicholson DP, Michel APM, Wankel SD, Manganini K, Sugrue RA, Sandwith ZO, Monk SA -
Effects of Condensed-Phase Oxidants on Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation.
The journal of physical chemistry. A 2015 Daumit KE, Carrasquillo AJ, Sugrue RA, Kroll JH