Rebecca Smith-Bindman, MD
Epidemiology & Biostatistics
School of Medicine 415-353-4946
Rebecca Smith-Bindman, MD, is a Professor in Residence of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine. Dr. Smith–Bindman directs the Radiology Outcomes Research Laboratory.
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Dr. Smith-Bindman received her medical degree from the University of California, San Francisco in 1991, and completed her residency in Radiology at UCSF in 1996, followed by a fellowship in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at UCSF in 1998.
Dr. Smith-Bindman’s research concentrate on understanding the impact of diagnostic testing on important patient outcomes and understanding the difference in access to different tests and variance in accuracy of these tests. Present research projects are assessing the risk of cancer associated with incidental findings identified on ultrasound and CT imaging, and assessing patterns of radiation from diagnostic imaging. She also is actively developing approaches that can be used to improve the way radiology tests are used and performed to improve the safety of medical imaging
Dr. Smith-Bindman has 135 peer-reviewed articles. In most studies she was responsible for the design, data collection, analysis, manuscript preparation, and dissemination of the results. A few of her significant articles have been covered by extensive media coverage such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.
Clinical Expertise: Ultrasound
Professional Interests: Comparative effectiveness and diagnostic imaging, health services research, outcomes research, disparities research, women's imaging, mammography, evidenced based radiology, screening tests, radiation associated with medical imaging, management of incidental findings on diagnostic testing
Education and Training:
- Medical School: University of California, San Francisco
- Internship: University of California, San Francisco - Pathology
- Residency: University of California, San Francisco - Radiology
- Fellowship: University of California, San Francisco - Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- California Medical License
- California X-ray Supervisor and Operator License
- Board Certification, American Board of Radiology
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- Distinguished Investigator Award, Academy of Radiology Research, 2015
- Distinguished Investigators Award, Academy of Radiology Research, 2015
- Election to Fellowship, Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound, 2015
- Invited Editor, Journal of the american College of Radiology, March 2014, Radiation Dose Optimization, 2014
- Award of Merit, National Institute of Health, 2010
- Nycomed Amersham Fellow, Radiologic Society of North America, 1999-2000
- Cum Laude, Princeton University, 1985
Education & Training
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- Fellow Epidemiology & Biostatistics University of California, San Francisco 1998
- Clinical Instructor Radiology, Ultrasound University of California, San Francisco 1997
- Residency Radiology University of California, San Francisco 1996
- Intern Pathology University of California, San Francisco 1992
- M.D. School of Medicine University of California, San Francisco 1991
- B.S.E. Engineering/Architecture Princeton University 1985
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- Outcomes Research
- Mammography
- Radiation Associated with Medical Imaging
- Evidenced Based Radiology
- Health Services Research
- Dissemination and Implementation Research
- Assessment of Population Impact of Screening Tests
- Women's Imaging
- Comparative Effectiveness Research
- Disparities Research
- Management of Incidental Findings on Diagnostic Testing
- Quality Improvement
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- Profile at UCSF Cancer Center (
- Ultrasound (
- PCORI Grant (
- Clinical Profile at UCSF Medical Center (
- Radiology Outcomes Research Laboratory (
Grants and Projects
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- Risk of Pediatric and Adolescent Cancer Associated with Medical Imaging, NIH, 2015-2021
- CT DOSE Collaboratory, NIH, 2014-2020
- Risk of Cancer in Incidental Findings Identified on Ultrasound Imaging, NIH, 2008-2015
- RCT of US versus CT for Patients in the ED with Suspected Renal Colic, NIH, 2010-2013
- Risk of Cancer with Incidental Findings Identified on Ultrasound Imaging, NIH, 2009-2012
- Radiation Exposure from Medical Imaging: are Doses in the Carcinogenic Range?, NIH, 2008-2011
- Outcomes of Screening Mammography in Elderly Women, NIH, 1999-2005
Publications (163)
Top publication keywords:
Diagnostic ImagingUrolithiasisUltrasonographyTomography, X-Ray ComputedUreteral CalculiKidney CalculiRadiation DosageThoraxMultiple Pulmonary NodulesRadiometryRadiation ProtectionRadiation ExposureDown SyndromeOvarian CystsMammography
Derivation of Best-Practice Scan Speeds and Excess Scan Durations for CT Pulmonary Angiography: Analysis Using Registry Data for 166,769 Examinations Across 121 Sites.
AJR. American journal of roentgenology 2025 Wang Y, Stewart C, Smith-Bindman R, Szczykutowicz TP -
Representative Organ Doses from Computed Tomography (CT) Exams from a Large International Registry.
Radiation research 2025 Chu PW, Stewart C, Kofler C, Mahendra M, Wang Y, Chu CA, Lee C, Bolch WE, Smith-Bindman R -
Medical imaging utilization in migrants compared with nonmigrants in a universal healthcare system: A population-based matched cohort study.
PLoS medicine 2024 Di Giuseppe G, Sutradhar R, Pequeno P, Kwan ML, Miglioretti DL, Smith-Bindman R, Pole JD -
The American Cancer Society National Lung Cancer Roundtable strategic plan: Optimizing strategies for lung nodule evaluation and management.
Cancer 2024 Barta JA, Farjah F, Thomson CC, Dyer DS, Wiener RS, Slatore CG, Smith-Bindman R, Rosenthal LS, Silvestri GA, Smith RA, Gould MK -
Types of Evidence Needed to Assess the Clinical Value of Diagnostic Imaging.
NEJM evidence 2024 Stewart C, Davenport MS, Miglioretti DL, Smith-Bindman R
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Improving the Safety of Computed Tomography Through Automated Quality Measurement: A Radiologist Reader Study of Radiation Dose, Image Noise, and Image Quality.
Investigative radiology 2024 Smith-Bindman R, Wang Y, Stewart C, Luong J, Chu PW, Kohli M, Westphalen AC, Siegel E, Ray M, Szczykutowicz TP, Bindman AB, Romano PS -
Dose length product to effective dose coefficients in adults.
European radiology 2023 Chu PW, Kofler C, Haas B, Lee C, Wang Y, Chu CA, Stewart C, Mahendra M, Delman BN, Bolch WE, Smith-Bindman R -
The Need for Randomized Clinical Trials Demonstrating Reduction in All-Cause Mortality With Blood Tests for Cancer Screening.
JAMA internal medicine 2023 Dhruva SS, Smith-Bindman R, Redberg RF -
Large variation in radiation dose for routine abdomen CT: reasons for excess and easy tips for reduction.
European radiology 2023 Smith-Bindman R, Kang T, Chu PW, Wang Y, Stewart C, Das M, Duong PA, Cervantes L, Lamba R, Lee RK, MacLeod F, Kasraie N, Neill R, Pike P, Roehm J, Schindera S, Chung R, Delman BN, Jeukens CRLPN, … -
Medical imaging utilization and associated radiation exposure in children with down syndrome.
PloS one 2023 Marlow EC, Ducore JM, Kwan ML, Bowles EJA, Greenlee RT, Pole JD, Rahm AK, Stout NK, Weinmann S, Smith-Bindman R, Miglioretti DL -
Correction to: Dose length product to effective dose coefficients in children.
Pediatric radiology 2023 Chu PW, Kofler C, Mahendra M, Wang Y, Chu CA, Stewart C, Delman BN, Haas B, Lee C, Bolch WE, Smith-Bindman R -
CT acquisition parameter selection in the real world: impacts on radiation dose and variation amongst 155 institutions.
European radiology 2023 Wang Y, Chu P, Szczykutowicz TP, Stewart C, Smith-Bindman R -
Associated radiation exposure from medical imaging and excess lifetime risk of developing cancer in pediatric patients with pulmonary hypertension.
Pulmonary circulation 2023 Mahendra M, Chu P, Amin EK, Nawaytou H, Duncan JR, Fineman JR, Smith-Bindman R -
Emotional Distress, Anxiety, and General Health Status in Patients With Newly Identified Small Pulmonary Nodules: Results From the Watch the Spot Trial.
Chest 2023 Gould MK, Creekmur B, Qi L, Golden SE, Kaplan CP, Walter E, Mularski RA, Vaszar LT, Fennig K, Steiner J, de Bie E, Musigdilok VV, Altman DA, Dyer DS, Kelly K, Miglioretti DL, Wiener RS, Slatore CG, … -
Dose length product to effective dose coefficients in children.
Pediatric radiology 2023 Chu PW, Kofler C, Mahendra M, Wang Y, Chu CA, Stewart C, Delman BN, Haas B, Lee C, Bolch WE, Smith-Bindman R -
Unchanged Diagnostic Imaging for Urinary Stone Disease-Where Do We Go From Here?
JAMA internal medicine 2022 Smith-Bindman R, Nielsen ME, Wang RC -
Patient and Nodule Characteristics Associated With a Lung Cancer Diagnosis Among Individuals With Incidentally Detected Lung Nodules.
Chest 2022 Farjah F, Monsell SE, Greenlee RT, Gould MK, Smith-Bindman R, Banegas MP, Schoen K, Ramaprasan A, Buist DSM -
Fleischner Society Guideline Recommendations for Incidentally Detected Pulmonary Nodules and the Probability of Lung Cancer.
Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR 2022 Farjah F, Monsell SE, Smith-Bindman R, Gould MK, Banegas MP, Ramaprasan A, Schoen K, Buist DSM, Greenlee R -
Effect of an ultrasound-first clinical decision tool in emergency department patients with suspected nephrolithiasis: A randomized trial.
The American journal of emergency medicine 2022 Wang RC, Fahimi J, Dillon D, Shyy W, Mongan J, McCulloch C, Smith-Bindman R -
Comparison of Strategies to Conserve Iodinated Intravascular Contrast Media for Computed Tomography During a Shortage.
JAMA 2022 Davenport MS, Chu P, Szczykutowicz TP, Smith-Bindman R -
Strategies for Dose Optimization: Views From Health Care Systems.
Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR 2022 Whitebird RR, Solberg LI, Chu PW, Smith-Bindman R -
Association Between the Frequent Use of Perineal Talcum Powder Products and Ovarian Cancer: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Journal of general internal medicine 2022 Woolen SA, Lazar AA, Smith-Bindman R -
Poor Evidence That Endometrial Thickness Underperforms in Detecting Endometrial Cancer in Black Women.
AJR. American journal of roentgenology 2022 Patel MD, Levine D, Smith-Bindman R -
Quantifying cancer risk from exposures to medical imaging in the Risk of Pediatric and Adolescent Cancer Associated with Medical Imaging (RIC) Study: research methods and cohort profile.
Cancer causes & control : CCC 2022 Kwan ML, Miglioretti DL, Bowles EJA, Weinmann S, Greenlee RT, Stout NK, Rahm AK, Alber SA, Pequeno P, Moy LM, Stewart C, Fong C, Jenkins CL, Kohnhorst D, Luce C, Mor JM, Munneke JR, Prado Y, Buth G, … -
Reference phantom selection in pediatric computed tomography using data from a large, multicenter registry.
Pediatric radiology 2021 Chu PW, Yu S, Wang Y, Seibert JA, Cervantes LF, Kasraie N, Chu CA, Smith-Bindman R -
Positive predictive value and sensitivity of ICD-9-CM codes for identifying pediatric leukemia.
Pediatric blood & cancer 2021 Weinmann S, Francisco MC, Kwan ML, Bowles EJA, Rahm AK, Greenlee RT, Stout NK, Pole JD, Kushi LH, Smith-Bindman R, Miglioretti DL -
An Image Quality-informed Framework for CT Characterization.
Radiology 2021 Smith-Bindman R, Yu S, Wang Y, Kohli MD, Chu P, Chung R, Luong J, Bos D, Stewart C, Bista B, Alejandrez Cisneros A, Delman B, Einstein AJ, Flynn M, Romano P, Seibert JA, Westphalen AC, Bindman A -
Diagnostic reference levels and median doses for common clinical indications of CT: findings from an international registry.
European radiology 2021 Bos D, Yu S, Luong J, Chu P, Wang Y, Einstein AJ, Starkey J, Delman BN, Duong PT, Das M, Schindera S, Goode AR, MacLeod F, Wetter A, Neill R, Lee RK, Roehm J, Seibert JA, Cervantes LF, Kasraie N, Pike… -
It Is Time to Inform Patients of Medical Imaging Risks.
JAMA network open 2021 Stewart C, Smith-Bindman R -
The use of dose quantities in radiological protection: ICRP publication 147 Ann ICRP 50(1) 2021.
Journal of radiological protection : official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection 2021 Harrison JD, Balonov M, Bochud F, Martin CJ, Menzel HG, Smith-Bindman R, Ortiz-López P, Simmonds JR, Wakeford R -
Long-term medical imaging use in children with central nervous system tumors.
PloS one 2021 Bowles EJA, Miglioretti DL, Kwan ML, Bartels U, Furst A, Cheng SY, Lau C, Greenlee RT, Weinmann S, Marlow EC, Rahm AK, Stout NK, Bolch WE, Theis MK, Smith-Bindman R, Pole JD -
Association of the Intensity of Diagnostic Evaluation With Outcomes in Incidentally Detected Lung Nodules.
JAMA internal medicine 2021 Farjah F, Monsell SE, Gould MK, Smith-Bindman R, Banegas MP, Heagerty PJ, Keast EM, Ramaprasan A, Schoen K, Brewer EG, Greenlee RT, Buist DSM -
Leukemia Risk in a Cohort of 3.9 Million Children with and without Down Syndrome.
The Journal of pediatrics 2021 Marlow EC, Ducore J, Kwan ML, Cheng SY, Bowles EJA, Greenlee RT, Pole JD, Rahm AK, Stout NK, Weinmann S, Smith-Bindman R, Miglioretti DL -
ICRP Publication 147: Use of Dose Quantities in Radiological Protection.
Annals of the ICRP 2021 Harrison JD, Balonov M, Bochud F, Martin C, Menzel HG, Ortiz-Lopez P, Smith-Bindman R, Simmonds JR, Wakeford R -
USPSTF Recommendations for Screening for Carotid Stenosis to Prevent Stroke-The Need for More Data.
JAMA network open 2021 Smith-Bindman R, Bibbins-Domingo K -
Probability of receiving a high cumulative radiation dose and primary clinical indication of CT examinations: a 5-year observational cohort study.
BMJ open 2021 Jeukens CRLPN, Boere H, Wagemans BAJM, Nelemans PJ, Nijssen EC, Smith-Bindman R, Wildberger JE, Sailer AM -
Trends in Use of Diagnostic Imaging for Abdominal Pain in U.S. Emergency Departments.
AJR. American journal of roentgenology 2020 Wang RC, Kornblith AE, Grupp-Phelan J, Smith-Bindman R, Kao LS, Fahimi J -
Guidelines for the Evaluation of Pulmonary Nodules Detected Incidentally or by Screening: A Survey of Radiologist Awareness, Agreement, and Adherence From the Watch the Spot Trial.
Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR 2020 Gould MK, Altman DE, Creekmur B, Qi L, de Bie E, Golden S, Kaplan CP, Kelly K, Miglioretti DL, Mularski RA, Musigdilok VV, Smith-Bindman R, Steltz JP, Wiener RS, Aberle DR, Dyer DS, Vachani A -
Trends in Imaging for Suspected Pulmonary Embolism Across US Health Care Systems, 2004 to 2016.
JAMA network open 2020 Wang RC, Miglioretti DL, Marlow EC, Kwan ML, Theis MK, Bowles EJA, Greenlee RT, Rahm AK, Stout NK, Weinmann S, Smith-Bindman R -
Diagnostic Imaging for Kidney Stones.
JAMA 2020 Wang RC, Stoller ML, Smith-Bindman R -
Microhematuria: AUA/SUFU Guideline.
The Journal of urology 2020 Barocas DA, Boorjian SA, Alvarez RD, Downs TM, Gross CP, Hamilton BD, Kobashi KC, Lipman RR, Lotan Y, Ng CK, Nielsen ME, Peterson AC, Raman JD, Smith-Bindman R, Souter LH -
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Single-Component and Multicomponent Interventions for Reducing Radiation Doses in Patients Undergoing Computed Tomography: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
JAMA internal medicine 2020 Smith-Bindman R, Chu P, Wang Y, Chung R, Lopez-Solano N, Einstein AJ, Solberg L, Cervantes LF, Yellen-Nelson T, Boswell W, Delman BN, Duong PA, Goode AR, Kasraie N, Lee RK, Neill R, Pahwa A, Pike P, … -
Barriers to CT Dose Optimization: The Challenge of Organizational Change.
Academic radiology 2020 Whitebird RR, Solberg LI, Bergdall AR, López-Solano N, Smith-Bindman R -
Effective Radiation Doses for Lung Cancer Screening Scans-Reply.
JAMA internal medicine 2020 Demb J, Smith-Bindman R -
Organizational Factors and Quality Improvement Strategies Associated With Lower Radiation Dose From CT Examinations.
Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR 2020 Solberg LI, Wang Y, Whitebird R, Lopez-Solano N, Smith-Bindman R -
Analysis of Computed Tomography Radiation Doses Used for Lung Cancer Screening Scans.
JAMA internal medicine 2019 Demb J, Chu P, Yu S, Whitebird R, Solberg L, Miglioretti DL, Smith-Bindman R -
Methods for the Watch the Spot Trial. A Pragmatic Trial of More- versus Less-Intensive Strategies for Active Surveillance of Small Pulmonary Nodules.
Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2019 Gould MK, Smith-Bindman R, Kelly K, Altman DE, Barjaktarevic I, Creekmur B, de Bie E, Dyer DS, Mortani Barbosa EJ, Mularski RA, Qi L, Vaszar LT, Yu S, Miglioretti DL -
A Scalable Database of Organ Doses for Common Diagnostic Fluoroscopy Procedures of Children: Procedures of Historical Practice for Use in Radiation Epidemiology Studies.
Radiation research 2019 Marshall EL, Rajderkar D, Brown JL, Stepusin EJ, Borrego D, Duncan J, Sammet CL, Munneke JR, Kwan ML, Miglioretti DL, Smith-Bindman R, Bolch WE -
Comparison of the Harms, Advantages, and Costs Associated With Alternative Guidelines for the Evaluation of Hematuria.
JAMA internal medicine 2019 Georgieva MV, Wheeler SB, Erim D, Smith-Bindman R, Loo R, Ng C, Garg T, Raynor M, Nielsen ME -
Simple Adnexal Cysts: SRU Consensus Conference Update on Follow-up and Reporting.
Radiology 2019 Levine D, Patel MD, Suh-Burgmann EJ, Andreotti RF, Benacerraf BR, Benson CB, Brewster WR, Coleman BG, Doubilet PM, Goldstein SR, Hamper UM, Hecht JL, Horrow MM, Hur HC, Marnach ML, Pavlik E, Platt LD,… -
Trends in Use of Medical Imaging in US Health Care Systems and in Ontario, Canada, 2000-2016.
JAMA 2019 Smith-Bindman R, Kwan ML, Marlow EC, Theis MK, Bolch W, Cheng SY, Bowles EJA, Duncan JR, Greenlee RT, Kushi LH, Pole JD, Rahm AK, Stout NK, Weinmann S, Miglioretti DL -
Trends in Medical Imaging During Pregnancy in the United States and Ontario, Canada, 1996 to 2016.
JAMA network open 2019 Kwan ML, Miglioretti DL, Marlow EC, Aiello Bowles EJ, Weinmann S, Cheng SY, Deosaransingh KA, Chavan P, Moy LM, Bolch WE, Duncan JR, Greenlee RT, Kushi LH, Pole JD, Rahm AK, Stout NK, Smith-Bindman R,… -
Lack of Standardized Terminology in Ultrasound Reports for Ovarian Cysts-Reply.
JAMA internal medicine 2019 Smith-Bindman R, Miglioretti D -
American Urological Association, American College of Emergency Physicians and American College of Radiology Quality Improvement Summit 2017: Challenges and Opportunities for Stewardship of Urological Imaging.
Urology practice 2019 Nielsen ME, Averch T, Chi T, Fredricks N, Shiu-Kai Fung G, Montie J, Purysko A, Remer EM, Smith-Bindman R, Sternberg K, Venkatesh A, Wolf JS, Ziemba J, Moore C -
International variation in radiation dose for computed tomography examinations: prospective cohort study.
BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 2019 Smith-Bindman R, Wang Y, Chu P, Chung R, Einstein AJ, Balcombe J, Cocker M, Das M, Delman BN, Flynn M, Gould R, Lee RK, Nelson TR, Schindera S, Seibert A, Starkey J, Suntharalingam S, Wetter A, … -
Risk of Malignant Ovarian Cancer Based on Ultrasonography Findings in a Large Unselected Population.
JAMA internal medicine 2019 Smith-Bindman R, Poder L, Johnson E, Miglioretti DL -
Use of Advanced Imaging Tests and the Not-So-Incidental Harms of Incidental Findings.
JAMA internal medicine 2018 Smith-Bindman R -
Patient-Centered Outcomes Measurement: Does It Require Information From Patients?
Journal of patient-centered research and reviews 2017 Solberg LI, Asche SE, Butler J, Carrell D, Norton CK, Jarvik JG, Smith-Bindman R, Tillema JO, Whitebird RR, Werner AM, Ziegenfuss JY -
Optimizing Radiation Doses for Computed Tomography Across Institutions: Dose Auditing and Best Practices.
JAMA internal medicine 2017 Demb J, Chu P, Nelson T, Hall D, Seibert A, Lamba R, Boone J, Krishnam M, Cagnon C, Bostani M, Gould R, Miglioretti D, Smith-Bindman R -
Medical expulsive therapy use in emergency department patients diagnosed with ureteral stones.
The American journal of emergency medicine 2017 Wang RC, Addo N, Chi T, Moore C, Mallin M, Shiboski S, Stoller M, Smith-Bindman R -
Derivation of decision rules to predict clinically important outcomes in acute flank pain patients.
The American journal of emergency medicine 2016 Wang RC, Rodriguez RM, Fahimi J, Hall MK, Shiboski S, Chi T, Smith-Bindman R -
Emergency Department Imaging Modality Effect on Surgical Management of Nephrolithiasis: A Multicenter, Randomized Clinical Trial.
The Journal of urology 2016 Metzler IS, Smith-Bindman R, Moghadassi M, Wang RC, Stoller ML, Chi T -
Effect of Tamsulosin on Stone Passage for Ureteral Stones: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Annals of emergency medicine 2016 Wang RC, Smith-Bindman R, Whitaker E, Neilson J, Allen IE, Stoller ML, Fahimi J -
Predictors of CT Radiation Dose and Their Effect on Patient Care: A Comprehensive Analysis Using Automated Data.
Radiology 2016 Smith-Bindman R, Wang Y, Nelson TR, Moghadassi M, Wilson N, Gould R, Seibert A, Boone JM, Krishnam M, Lamba R, Hall DJ, Miglioretti DL -
Imaging More Wisely-Already At Work-Reply.
JAMA internal medicine 2016 Smith-Bindman R, Bindman AB -
Cost Analysis of the STONE Randomized Trial: Can Health Care Costs be Reduced One Test at a Time?
Medical care 2016 Melnikow J, Xing G, Cox G, Leigh P, Mills L, Miglioretti DL, Moghadassi M, Smith-Bindman R -
Use of effective dose.
Annals of the ICRP 2016 Harrison JD, Balonov M, Martin CJ, Ortiz Lopez P, Menzel HG, Simmonds JR, Smith-Bindman R, Wakeford R -
Validation of a Medicare Claims-based Algorithm for Identifying Breast Cancers Detected at Screening Mammography.
Medical care 2016 Fenton JJ, Onega T, Zhu W, Balch S, Smith-Bindman R, Henderson L, Sprague BL, Kerlikowske K, Hubbard RA -
Imaging More Wisely.
JAMA internal medicine 2016 Smith-Bindman R, Bindman AB -
Who Gets to Decide?
Radiology 2016 Smith-Bindman R, Kwan ML, Miglioretti DL -
US Findings in Patients at Risk for Pancreas Transplant Failure.
Radiology 2016 Morgan TA, Smith-Bindman R, Harbell J, Kornak J, Stock PG, Feldstein VA -
The Impact of Clinical Decision Rules on Computed Tomography Use and Yield for Pulmonary Embolism: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Annals of emergency medicine 2015 Wang RC, Bent S, Weber E, Neilson J, Smith-Bindman R, Fahimi J -
Cell-free DNA Analysis for Noninvasive Examination of Trisomy.
The New England journal of medicine 2015 Smith-Bindman R, Miglioretti D -
The Effect of Achieving Patient-Reported Outcome Measures on Satisfaction.
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM 2015 Solberg LI, Asche SE, Butler J, Carrell D, Norton CK, Jarvik JG, Smith-Bindman R, Tillema JO, Whitebird RR, Ziegenfuss JY -
External Validation of the STONE Score, a Clinical Prediction Rule for Ureteral Stone: An Observational Multi-institutional Study.
Annals of emergency medicine 2015 Wang RC, Rodriguez RM, Moghadassi M, Noble V, Bailitz J, Mallin M, Corbo J, Kang TL, Chu P, Shiboski S, Smith-Bindman R -
Calculation of Organ Doses for a Large Number of Patients Undergoing CT Examinations.
AJR. American journal of roentgenology 2015 Bahadori A, Miglioretti D, Kruger R, Flynn M, Weinmann S, Smith-Bindman R, Lee C -
Facility Mammography Volume in Relation to Breast Cancer Screening Outcomes.
Journal of medical screening 2015 Onega T, Goldman LE, Walker RL, Miglioretti DL, Buist DS, Taplin S, Geller BM, Hill DA, Smith-Bindman R -
Computed Tomography Radiation Dose in Patients With Suspected Urolithiasis.
JAMA internal medicine 2015 Smith-Bindman R, Moghadassi M, Griffey RT, Camargo CA, Bailitz J, Beland M, Miglioretti DL -
Radiation Doses in Consecutive CT Examinations from Five University of California Medical Centers.
Radiology 2015 Smith-Bindman R, Moghadassi M, Wilson N, Nelson TR, Boone JM, Cagnon CH, Gould R, Hall DJ, Krishnam M, Lamba R, McNitt-Gray M, Seibert A, Miglioretti DL -
Age and sex-dependent trends in pulmonary embolism testing and derivation of a clinical decision rule for young patients.
Emergency medicine journal : EMJ 2015 Mongan J, Kline J, Smith-Bindman R -
Ultrasonography vs. CT for suspected nephrolithiasis.
The New England journal of medicine 2014 Smith-Bindman R -
Classification accuracy of claims-based methods for identifying providers failing to meet performance targets.
Statistics in medicine 2014 Hubbard RA, Benjamin-Johnson R, Onega T, Smith-Bindman R, Zhu W, Fenton JJ -
Ultrasonography versus computed tomography for suspected nephrolithiasis.
The New England journal of medicine 2014 Smith-Bindman R, Aubin C, Bailitz J, Bengiamin RN, Camargo CA, Corbo J, Dean AJ, Goldstein RB, Griffey RT, Jay GD, Kang TL, Kriesel DR, Ma OJ, Mallin M, Manson W, Melnikow J, Miglioretti DL, Miller SK… -
Author's reply: To PMID 24589393.
Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR 2014 Smith-Bindman R -
Distinguishing screening from diagnostic mammograms using Medicare claims data.
Medical care 2014 Fenton JJ, Zhu W, Balch S, Smith-Bindman R, Fishman P, Hubbard RA -
Clinical decision making in patients with thyroid nodules--reply.
JAMA internal medicine 2014 Smith-Bindman R -
Study of Tomography Of Nephrolithiasis Evaluation (STONE): methodology, approach and rationale.
Contemporary clinical trials 2014 Valencia V, Moghadassi M, Kriesel DR, Cummings S, Smith-Bindman R -
CTSim: an interactive computer simulation to learn the fundamentals of CT dose optimization.
Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR 2014 Lee CS, Reinhardt EB, Smith-Bindman R -
Introduction to the special issue: radiation dose optimization--improving the safety of CT.
Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR 2014 Smith-Bindman R, Boone JM -
Personalized technologist dose audit feedback for reducing patient radiation exposure from CT.
Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR 2014 Miglioretti DL, Zhang Y, Johnson E, Lee C, Morin RL, Vanneman N, Smith-Bindman R -
Radiation dose metrics in CT: assessing dose using the National Quality Forum CT patient safety measure.
Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR 2014 Keegan J, Miglioretti DL, Gould R, Donnelly LF, Wilson ND, Smith-Bindman R -
Virtual meetings: improving impact and accessibility of CME.
Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR 2014 Wilson N, Valencia V, Smith-Bindman R -
Risk of thyroid cancer based on thyroid ultrasound imaging characteristics: results of a population-based study.
JAMA internal medicine 2013 Smith-Bindman R, Lebda P, Feldstein VA, Sellami D, Goldstein RB, Brasic N, Jin C, Kornak J -
The use of computed tomography in pediatrics and the associated radiation exposure and estimated cancer risk.
JAMA pediatrics 2013 Miglioretti DL, Johnson E, Williams A, Greenlee RT, Weinmann S, Solberg LI, Feigelson HS, Roblin D, Flynn MJ, Vanneman N, Smith-Bindman R -
Determinants of fluoroscopy time for invasive coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention: insights from the NCDR(®).
Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions 2013 Fazel R, Curtis J, Wang Y, Einstein AJ, Smith-Bindman R, Tsai TT, Chen J, Shah ND, Krumholz HM, Nallamothu BK -
Environmental causes of breast cancer and radiation from medical imaging: findings from the Institute of Medicine report.
Archives of internal medicine 2012 Smith-Bindman R -
Benefits and harms of CT screening for lung cancer: a systematic review.
JAMA 2012 Bach PB, Mirkin JN, Oliver TK, Azzoli CG, Berry DA, Brawley OW, Byers T, Colditz GA, Gould MK, Jett JR, Sabichi AL, Smith-Bindman R, Wood DE, Qaseem A, Detterbeck FC -
External validation of Medicare claims codes for digital mammography and computer-aided detection.
Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology 2012 Fenton JJ, Zhu W, Balch S, Smith-Bindman R, Lindfors KK, Hubbard RA -
Use of diagnostic imaging studies and associated radiation exposure for patients enrolled in large integrated health care systems, 1996-2010.
JAMA 2012 Smith-Bindman R, Miglioretti DL, Johnson E, Lee C, Feigelson HS, Flynn M, Greenlee RT, Kruger RL, Hornbrook MC, Roblin D, Solberg LI, Vanneman N, Weinmann S, Williams AE -
Facility characteristics do not explain higher false-positive rates in diagnostic mammography at facilities serving vulnerable women.
Medical care 2012 Goldman LE, Walker R, Miglioretti DL, Smith-Bindman R, Kerlikowske AK, Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium -
CTDIvol, DLP, and effective dose are excellent measures for use in CT quality improvement.
Radiology 2011 Smith-Bindman R, Miglioretti DL -
Timeliness of follow-up after abnormal screening mammogram: variability of facilities.
Radiology 2011 Rosenberg RD, Haneuse SJ, Geller BM, Buist DS, Miglioretti DL, Brenner RJ, Smith-Bindman R, Taplin SH, Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium -
Prostate cancer: prediction of biochemical failure after external-beam radiation therapy--Kattan nomogram and endorectal MR imaging estimation of tumor volume.
Radiology 2011 Westphalen AC, Koff WJ, Coakley FV, Muglia VF, Neuhaus JM, Marcus RT, Kurhanewicz J, Smith-Bindman R -
Overuse of computed tomography and associated risks.
American family physician 2011 Miglioretti DL, Smith-Bindman R -
Radiation-related cancer risks from CT colonography screening: a risk-benefit analysis.
AJR. American journal of roentgenology 2011 Berrington de González A, Kim KP, Knudsen AB, Lansdorp-Vogelaar I, Rutter CM, Smith-Bindman R, Yee J, Kuntz KM, van Ballegooijen M, Zauber AG, Berg CD -
Airport full-body screening: what is the risk?
Archives of internal medicine 2011 Mehta P, Smith-Bindman R -
Accuracy of diagnostic mammography at facilities serving vulnerable women.
Medical care 2011 Goldman LE, Walker R, Miglioretti DL, Smith-Bindman R, Kerlikowske K, National Cancer Institute Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium -
Myocardial perfusion scans: projected population cancer risks from current levels of use in the United States.
Circulation 2010 Berrington de Gonzalez A, Kim KP, Smith-Bindman R, McAreavey D -
Management of asymptomatic ovarian and other adnexal cysts imaged at US Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound consensus conference statement.
Ultrasound quarterly 2010 Levine D, Brown DL, Andreotti RF, Benacerraf B, Benson CB, Brewster WR, Coleman B, DePriest P, Doubilet PM, Goldstein SR, Hamper UM, Hecht JL, Horrow M, Hur HC, Marnach M, Patel MD, Platt LD, Puscheck… -
Diagnostic imaging rates for head injury in the ED and states' medical malpractice tort reforms.
The American journal of emergency medicine 2010 Smith-Bindman R, McCulloch CE, Ding A, Ding A, Quale C, Chu PW -
Effect of previous benign breast biopsy on the interpretive performance of subsequent screening mammography.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2010 Taplin SH, Abraham L, Geller BM, Yankaskas BC, Buist DS, Smith-Bindman R, Lehman C, Weaver D, Carney PA, Barlow WE -
Is computed tomography safe?
The New England journal of medicine 2010 Smith-Bindman R -
Acute appendicitis: clinical outcome in patients with an initial false-positive CT diagnosis.
Radiology 2010 Stengel JW, Webb EM, Poder L, Yeh BM, Smith-Bindman R, Coakley FV -
Management of asymptomatic ovarian and other adnexal cysts imaged at US: Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound Consensus Conference Statement.
Radiology 2010 Levine D, Brown DL, Andreotti RF, Benacerraf B, Benson CB, Brewster WR, Coleman B, Depriest P, Doubilet PM, Goldstein SR, Hamper UM, Hecht JL, Horrow M, Hur HC, Marnach M, Patel MD, Platt LD, Puscheck… -
Radiation dose associated with common computed tomography examinations and the associated lifetime attributable risk of cancer.
Archives of internal medicine 2009 Smith-Bindman R, Lipson J, Marcus R, Kim KP, Mahesh M, Gould R, Berrington de González A, Miglioretti DL -
Prevention of breast cancer in postmenopausal women: approaches to estimating and reducing risk.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2009 Cummings SR, Tice JA, Bauer S, Browner WS, Cuzick J, Ziv E, Vogel V, Shepherd J, Vachon C, Smith-Bindman R, Kerlikowske K -
Second trimester prenatal ultrasound for the detection of pregnancies at increased risk of Trisomy 18 based on serum screening.
Prenatal diagnosis 2009 Cho RC, Chu P, Smith-Bindman R -
Positive predictive value of specific mammographic findings according to reader and patient variables.
Radiology 2009 Venkatesan A, Chu P, Kerlikowske K, Sickles EA, Smith-Bindman R -
Factors associated with mammography utilization: a systematic quantitative review of the literature.
Journal of women's health (2002) 2008 Schueler KM, Chu PW, Smith-Bindman R -
Rising use of diagnostic medical imaging in a large integrated health system.
Health affairs (Project Hope) 2008 Smith-Bindman R, Miglioretti DL, Larson EB -
An assessment of the quality of mammography care at facilities treating medically vulnerable populations.
Medical care 2008 Goldman LE, Haneuse SJ, Miglioretti DL, Kerlikowske K, Buist DS, Yankaskas B, Smith-Bindman R, National Cancer Institute Sponsored Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium -
Access to diagnostic mammography in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Journal of women's health (2002) 2008 Dinkelspiel E, Chu P, Smith-Bindman R -
Using clinical factors and mammographic breast density to estimate breast cancer risk: development and validation of a new predictive model.
Annals of internal medicine 2008 Tice JA, Cummings SR, Smith-Bindman R, Ichikawa L, Barlow WE, Kerlikowske K -
Physician workload in mammography.
AJR. American journal of roentgenology 2008 Smith-Bindman R, Miglioretti DL, Rosenberg R, Reid RJ, Taplin SH, Geller BM, Kerlikowske K, National Institutes of Health Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium -
Racial and ethnic differences in breast cancer survival: how much is explained by screening, tumor severity, biology, treatment, comorbidities, and demographics?
Cancer 2008 Curtis E, Quale C, Haggstrom D, Smith-Bindman R -
Radiologist characteristics associated with interpretive performance of diagnostic mammography.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2007 Miglioretti DL, Smith-Bindman R, Abraham L, Brenner RJ, Carney PA, Bowles EJ, Buist DS, Elmore JG -
Coding free text radiology reports using the Cancer Text Information Extraction System (caTIES).
AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium 2007 Carrell D, Miglioretti D, Smith-Bindman R -
Evidence-based target recall rates for screening mammography.
Radiology 2007 Schell MJ, Yankaskas BC, Ballard-Barbash R, Qaqish BF, Barlow WE, Rosenberg RD, Smith-Bindman R -
Second trimester prenatal ultrasound for the detection of pregnancies at increased risk of Down syndrome.
Prenatal diagnosis 2007 Smith-Bindman R, Chu P, Goldberg JD -
Longitudinal measurement of clinical mammographic breast density to improve estimation of breast cancer risk.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2007 Kerlikowske K, Ichikawa L, Miglioretti DL, Buist DS, Vacek PM, Smith-Bindman R, Yankaskas B, Carney PA, Ballard-Barbash R, National Institutes of Health Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium -
Screening mammography in the American elderly.
American journal of preventive medicine 2006 Kagay CR, Quale C, Smith-Bindman R -
Can Medicare billing claims data be used to assess mammography utilization among women ages 65 and older?
Medical care 2006 Smith-Bindman R, Quale C, Chu PW, Rosenberg R, Kerlikowske K -
Does utilization of screening mammography explain racial and ethnic differences in breast cancer?
Annals of internal medicine 2006 Smith-Bindman R, Miglioretti DL, Lurie N, Abraham L, Barbash RB, Strzelczyk J, Dignan M, Barlow WE, Beasley CM, Kerlikowske K -
Comparing a supine radiologic versus standing clinical measurement of kyphosis in older women: the Fracture Intervention Trial.
Spine 2006 Kado DM, Christianson L, Palermo L, Smith-Bindman R, Cummings SR, Greendale GA -
Differences in the quality of breast cancer care among vulnerable populations.
Cancer 2005 Haggstrom DA, Quale C, Smith-Bindman R -
Differences in screening mammography outcomes among White, Chinese, and Filipino women.
Archives of internal medicine 2005 Kerlikowske K, Creasman J, Leung JW, Smith-Bindman R, Ernster VL -
Performance benchmarks for diagnostic mammography.
Radiology 2005 Sickles EA, Miglioretti DL, Ballard-Barbash R, Geller BM, Leung JW, Rosenberg RD, Smith-Bindman R, Yankaskas BC -
Physician predictors of mammographic accuracy.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2005 Smith-Bindman R, Chu P, Miglioretti DL, Quale C, Rosenberg RD, Cutter G, Geller B, Bacchetti P, Sickles EA, Kerlikowske K -
Breast cancer yield for screening mammographic examinations with recommendation for short-interval follow-up.
Radiology 2005 Kerlikowske K, Smith-Bindman R, Abraham LA, Lehman CD, Yankaskas BC, Ballard-Barbash R, Barlow WE, Voeks JH, Geller BM, Carney PA, Sickles EA -
Comparing the performance of mammography screening in the USA and the UK.
Journal of medical screening 2005 Smith-Bindman R, Ballard-Barbash R, Miglioretti DL, Patnick J, Kerlikowske K -
Mammographic density and estrogen receptor status of breast cancer.
Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology 2004 Ziv E, Tice J, Smith-Bindman R, Shepherd J, Cummings S, Kerlikowske K -
How thick is too thick? When endometrial thickness should prompt biopsy in postmenopausal women without vaginal bleeding.
Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology : the official journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004 Smith-Bindman R, Weiss E, Feldstein V -
Changes in the utilization of prenatal diagnosis.
Obstetrics and gynecology 2004 Benn PA, Egan JF, Fang M, Smith-Bindman R -
Comparison of screening mammography in the United States and the United kingdom.
JAMA 2003 Smith-Bindman R, Chu PW, Miglioretti DL, Sickles EA, Blanks R, Ballard-Barbash R, Bobo JK, Lee NC, Wallis MG, Patnick J, Kerlikowske K -
Prenatal screening for Down syndrome in England and Wales and population-based birth outcomes.
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 2003 Smith-Bindman R, Chu P, Bacchetti P, Waters JJ, Mutton D, Alberman E -
Evaluation of abnormal mammography results and palpable breast abnormalities.
Annals of internal medicine 2003 Kerlikowske K, Smith-Bindman R, Ljung BM, Grady D -
Mammographic breast density and family history of breast cancer.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2003 Ziv E, Shepherd J, Smith-Bindman R, Kerlikowske K -
Adverse birth outcomes in relation to prenatal sonographic measurements of fetal size.
Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine 2003 Smith-Bindman R, Chu PW, Ecker J, Feldstein VA, Filly RA, Bacchetti P -
Short-interval follow-up mammography: are we doing the right thing?
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2003 Kerlikowske K, Smith-Bindman R, Sickles EA -
Accuracy of mammographic breast density analysis: results of formal operator training.
Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology 2002 Prevrhal S, Shepherd JA, Smith-Bindman R, Cummings SR, Kerlikowske K -
Measurement of breast density with dual X-ray absorptiometry: feasibility.
Radiology 2002 Shepherd JA, Kerlikowske KM, Smith-Bindman R, Genant HK, Cummings SR -
US evaluation of fetal growth: prediction of neonatal outcomes.
Radiology 2002 Smith-Bindman R, Chu PW, Ecker JL, Feldstein VA, Filly RA, Bacchetti P -
The genetic sonogram in screening for Down syndrome.
Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine 2001 Smith-Bindman R, Feldstein VA, Goldberg JD -
Evaluation of the woman with postmenopausal bleeding: Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound-Sponsored Consensus Conference statement.
Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine 2001 Goldstein RB, Bree RL, Benson CB, Benacerraf BR, Bloss JD, Carlos R, Fleischer AC, Goldstein SR, Hunt RB, Kurman RJ, Kurtz AB, Laing FC, Parsons AK, Smith-Bindman R, Walker J -
Positron emission tomography to evaluate lung lesions.
JAMA 2001 Smith-Bindman R -
The variability in the interpretation of prenatal diagnostic ultrasound.
Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology : the official journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001 Smith-Bindman R, Hosmer WD, Caponigro M, Cunningham G -
Second-trimester ultrasound to detect fetuses with Down syndrome: a meta-analysis.
JAMA 2001 Smith-Bindman R, Hosmer W, Feldstein VA, Deeks JJ, Goldberg JD -
Is screening mammography effective in elderly women?
The American journal of medicine 2000 Smith-Bindman R, Kerlikowske K, Gebretsadik T, Newman J -
Effect of ultrasound transducer frequency on the appearance of the fetal bowel.
Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine 1999 Vincoff NS, Callen PW, Smith-Bindman R, Goldstein RB -
Endovaginal ultrasound to exclude endometrial cancer and other endometrial abnormalities.
JAMA 1998 Smith-Bindman R, Kerlikowske K, Feldstein VA, Subak L, Scheidler J, Segal M, Brand R, Grady D -
Is there a downside to elderly women undergoing screening mammography?
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1998 Smith-Bindman R, Kerlikowske K -
The index of radiographic area (IRA): a new approach to estimating the severity of vertebral deformity.
Bone and mineral 1991 Smith-Bindman R, Steiger P, Cummings SR, Genant HK -
A comparison of morphometric definitions of vertebral fracture.
Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 1991 Smith-Bindman R, Cummings SR, Steiger P, Genant HK