Rachel Waldemer, MD, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
School of Medicine
Publications (3)
Top publication keywords:
Muscle, SkeletalMyoblastsGlutathione TransferaseCell DifferentiationRNA InterferenceChromatography, AffinityTumor Necrosis FactorsImmune SeraMuscle Fibers, SkeletalAntibodiesMuscle DevelopmentInterleukinsMembrane ProteinsChemokinesCytokines
RNAi screen reveals potentially novel roles of cytokines in myoblast differentiation.
PloS one 2013 Ge Y, Waldemer RJ, Nalluri R, Nuzzi PD, Chen J -
Flt3L is a novel regulator of skeletal myogenesis.
Journal of cell science 2013 Ge Y, Waldemer RJ, Nalluri R, Nuzzi PD, Chen J -
ETRAP (efficient trapping and purification) of target protein polyclonal antibodies from GST-protein immune sera.
Biotechnology and applied biochemistry 2010 Crimmins DL, Brada NA, Lockwood CM, Griest TA, Waldemer RJ, Cervinski MA, Ohlendorf MF, McQuillan JJ, Ladenson JH