Nicole Kittler, MD
Associate Professor
School of Medicine

Dr. Nicole W. Kittler is a pediatric dermatologist who cares for infants, children and adolescents with skin conditions or vascular anomalies (abnormalities of veins or arteries). She performs minor surgical procedures, including laser surgery, and provides care in all settings – the clinic, hospital and emergency department.

She collaborates with colleagues in other specialties to ensure her patients receive well-rounded treatment.

After earning her medical degree at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kittler completed a residency in dermatology and served as chief resident at New York – Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center. She completed a fellowship in pediatric dermatology at UCSF.

Education & Training

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  • Fellowship Pediatric Dermatology UCSF 2018
  • Residency Dermatology Columbia University 2017
  • MD Columbia University 2013

Publications (13)

Top publication keywords:
Port-Wine StainHypopigmentationSkinTelemedicineHemangioma, CapillaryNevus, PigmentedDelayed DiagnosisHemangiomaHerpes SimplexHandHidradenitis SuppurativaSkin NeoplasmsPsoriasisInflammatory Bowel DiseasesLeukocyte L1 Antigen Complex