Nicky Mehtani, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor
School of Medicine

Nicky Mehtani, MD, MPH is an assistant professor in the UCSF Division of General Internal Medicine at San Francisco General Hospital.

Her research explores the potential of psychedelic therapies to address addiction and psychological trauma, with a focus on improving accessibility to these novel therapeutics among medically and socially complex populations who have been disproportionately impacted by the systemic forces that often underlie substance use disorders. She is also a faculty affiliate of UCSF Neuroscape and a Research Scientist at the San Francisco Department of Public Health's (SFDPH) Center on Substance Use and Health.

Clinically, Dr. Mehtani specializes in addiction medicine and HIV. She serves as a primary care provider at the SFDPH Maria X. Martinez Health Resource Center, a low-barrier municipal clinic focused on serving homeless and unstably housed patients in San Francisco, at which she has led the implementation of long-acting injectable antiretroviral medications for HIV treatment and prevention.

Education & Training

  • NIDA T32 Postdoc Addiction Research UCSF 06/2024
  • Certificate Psychedelic Therapies & Research California Institute of Integral Studies 12/2021
  • Fellowship Addiction Medicine UCSF 06/2020
  • Residency Internal Medicine Johns Hopkins Hospital 06/2019
  • MD Medicine Johns Hopkins School of Medicine 05/2016
  • MPH Epidemiology Johns Hopkins School of Public Health 05/2015
  • BA Biochemistry, Global Health Rice University 05/2011


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  • psychedelic therapies
  • addiction medicine
  • HIV
  • substance use disorders
  • low-barrier care

Publications (20)

Top publication keywords:
QuarantineMeasles VaccineMeaslesPre-Exposure ProphylaxisAlcoholismCocaineShameHarm ReductionImmunogenicity, VaccineHIV InfectionsPsilocybinOpiate Substitution TreatmentPatient Protection and Affordable Care ActAddiction MedicineSexually Transmitted Diseases