Nick Rubalcaba
IS Supervisor I
Dean's Office
School of Medicine 559-499-6664

Nick Rubalcaba is currently the IS Supervisor at UCSF Fresno.

Nick studied Computer Science at CSU, Northridge. He began his career during the "dot-com bubble", working for internet service providers in the Fresno area. From directing a small staff, to system administration, to extensive networking, Nick provided many local Fresno businesses with their first dedicated internet connection during this time. In 2004, Nick joined the UCSF Fresno team as a System Administrator and was involved with the initial networking and hardware implementation for the new UCSF Fresno building, occupied in 2005.

His interests include photography, music, open source, networking, coffee, 49ers, and learning new things.

Education & Training

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  • BS Computer Science California State University 06/1995


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