Natsuko Onishi Yamashita, MD, PhD
Assistant Researcher
School of Medicine
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- Best Poster Award, UCSF Breast Oncology Program, 2025
- Bronze Poster Award, UCSF Breast Oncology Program, 2023
- Best Poster Award, UCSF Breast Oncology Program, 2022
- Best Trainee Abstract, MR in Drug Research Study Group, ISMRM, 2021
- Magna Cum Laude Merit Award, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2021
- Educational Stipend, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2020
- Clinical Scholar Award, San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS), 2019
- Trainee Stipend, ISMRM Workshop on Breast MRI, 2018
- Educational Stipend, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2018
- Breast Cancer Research Foundation Fellows, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, 2018
- HOPE Overseas Research Grant, Foundation for Promotion of Cancer Research, 2017
- Educational Stipend, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2017
- ISMRM Travel Award, Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2017
- Best Young Researcher Award, Alumni Association of Kyoto University Radiology, 2016
- Bronze Prize, Asian Breast Cancer Conference, 2016
- Magna Cum Laude Award, Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), 2016
- Best Case Award, American Institute for Radiologic Pathology (AIRP), 2011
- The Silver Award, Japan Radiological Society, 2010
Education & Training
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- Postdoctoral Training Breast Imaging University of California San Francisco 03/2022
- Postdoctoral Training Breast Imaging Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 01/2019
- PhD Biomedical Imaging and Technology Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine 03/2017
- Fellowship Breast Imaging Kyoto University Hospital 03/2012
- Internship/Residency Diagnostic Radiology Tenri Hospital 03/2011
- MD Medicine Kyoto University 03/2006
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Publications (34)
Top publication keywords:
Neoadjuvant TherapyDiffusion Magnetic Resonance ImagingRetrospective StudiesEarly Detection of CancerAdenocarcinoma, MucinousChemotherapy, AdjuvantKi-67 AntigenPractice Guidelines as TopicImage Interpretation, Computer-AssistedImage EnhancementContrast MediaGadoliniumBreastBreast NeoplasmsMagnetic Resonance Imaging
18F-FDG Dedicated Breast PET Complementary to Breast MRI for Evaluating Early Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy.
Radiology. Imaging cancer 2024 Diwanji D, Onishi N, Hathi DK, Lawhn-Heath C, Kornak J, Li W, Guo R, Molina-Vega J, Seo Y, Flavell RR, Heditsian D, Brain S, Esserman LJ, Joe BN, Hylton NM, Jones EF, Ray KM -
Effect of Longitudinal Variation in Tumor Volume Estimation for MRI-guided Personalization of Breast Cancer Neoadjuvant Treatment.
Radiology. Imaging cancer 2023 Onishi N, Bareng TJ, Gibbs J, Li W, Price ER, Joe BN, Kornak J, Esserman LJ, Newitt DC, Hylton NM, I-SPY 2 Imaging Working Group, I-SPY 2 Investigator Network -
Breast MRI during Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Lack of Background Parenchymal Enhancement Suppression and Inferior Treatment Response.
Radiology 2021 Onishi N, Li W, Newitt DC, Harnish RJ, Strand F, Nguyen AA, Arasu VA, Gibbs J, Jones EF, Wilmes LJ, Kornak J, Joe BN, Price ER, Ojeda-Fournier H, Eghtedari M, Zamora KW, Woodard S, Umphrey HR, Nelson … -
Ultrafast dynamic contrast-enhanced breast MRI may generate prognostic imaging markers of breast cancer.
Breast cancer research : BCR 2020 Onishi N, Sadinski M, Hughes MC, Ko ES, Gibbs P, Gallagher KM, Fung MM, Hunt TJ, Martinez DF, Shukla-Dave A, Morris EA, Sutton EJ -
Differentiation between subcentimeter carcinomas and benign lesions using kinetic parameters derived from ultrafast dynamic contrast-enhanced breast MRI.
European radiology 2019 Onishi N, Sadinski M, Gibbs P, Gallagher KM, Hughes MC, Ko ES, Dashevsky BZ, Shanbhag DD, Fung MM, Hunt TM, Martinez DF, Shukla-Dave A, Morris EA, Sutton EJ -
Ultrafast dynamic contrast-enhanced mri of the breast using compressed sensing: breast cancer diagnosis based on separate visualization of breast arteries and veins.
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI 2017 Onishi N, Kataoka M, Kanao S, Sagawa H, Iima M, Nickel MD, Toi M, Togashi K
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Tumor Morphology for Prediction of Poor Responses Early in Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer: A Multicenter Retrospective Study.
Tomography (Ann Arbor, Mich.) 2024 Li W, Le NN, Nadkarni R, Onishi N, Wilmes LJ, Gibbs JE, Price ER, Joe BN, Mukhtar RA, Gennatas ED, Kornak J, Magbanua MJM, Van't Veer LJ, LeStage B, Esserman LJ, Hylton NM -
Datopotamab-deruxtecan in early-stage breast cancer: the sequential multiple assignment randomized I-SPY2.2 phase 2 trial.
Nature medicine 2024 Khoury K, Meisel JL, Yau C, Rugo HS, Nanda R, Davidian M, Tsiatis B, Chien AJ, Wallace AM, Arora M, Rozenblit M, Hershman DL, Zimmer A, Clark AS, Beckwith H, Elias AD, Stringer-Reasor E, Boughey JC, … -
Datopotamab-deruxtecan plus durvalumab in early-stage breast cancer: the sequential multiple assignment randomized I-SPY2.2 phase 2 trial.
Nature medicine 2024 Shatsky RA, Trivedi MS, Yau C, Nanda R, Rugo HS, Davidian M, Tsiatis B, Wallace AM, Chien AJ, Stringer-Reasor E, Boughey JC, Omene C, Rozenblit M, Kalinsky K, Elias AD, Vaklavas C, Beckwith H, … -
Diffusion-Weighted MRI for Predicting Pathologic Complete Response in Neoadjuvant Immunotherapy.
Cancers 2022 Li W, Le NN, Onishi N, Newitt DC, Wilmes LJ, Gibbs JE, Carmona-Bozo J, Liang J, Partridge SC, Price ER, Joe BN, Kornak J, Magbanua MJM, Nanda R, LeStage B, Esserman LJ, Van't Veer LJ, Hylton NM -
Effect of Inter-Reader Variability on Diffusion-Weighted MRI Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Measurements and Prediction of Pathologic Complete Response for Breast Cancer.
Tomography (Ann Arbor, Mich.) 2022 Le NN, Li W, Onishi N, Newitt DC, Gibbs JE, Wilmes LJ, Kornak J, Partridge SC, LeStage B, Price ER, Joe BN, Esserman LJ, Hylton NM -
Post-Processing Bias Field Inhomogeneity Correction for Assessing Background Parenchymal Enhancement on Breast MRI as a Quantitative Marker of Treatment Response.
Tomography (Ann Arbor, Mich.) 2022 Nguyen AA, Onishi N, Carmona-Bozo J, Li W, Kornak J, Newitt DC, Hylton NM -
Radiologist-Level Performance by Using Deep Learning for Segmentation of Breast Cancers on MRI Scans.
Radiology. Artificial intelligence 2021 Hirsch L, Huang Y, Luo S, Rossi Saccarelli C, Lo Gullo R, Daimiel Naranjo I, Bitencourt AGV, Onishi N, Ko ES, Leithner D, Avendano D, Eskreis-Winkler S, Hughes M, Martinez DF, Pinker K, Juluru K, El-… -
Using Deep Learning to Improve Nonsystematic Viewing of Breast Cancer on MRI.
Journal of breast imaging 2021 Eskreis-Winkler S, Onishi N, Pinker K, Reiner JS, Kaplan J, Morris EA, Sutton EJ -
Predicting breast cancer response to neoadjuvant treatment using multi-feature MRI: results from the I-SPY 2 TRIAL.
NPJ breast cancer 2020 Li W, Newitt DC, Gibbs J, Wilmes LJ, Jones EF, Arasu VA, Strand F, Onishi N, Nguyen AA, Kornak J, Joe BN, Price ER, Ojeda-Fournier H, Eghtedari M, Zamora KW, Woodard SA, Umphrey H, Bernreuter W, … -
Breast cancer screening for women at high risk: review of current guidelines from leading specialty societies.
Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan) 2020 Onishi N, Kataoka M -
Can Follow-up be Avoided for Probably Benign US Masses with No Enhancement on MRI?
European radiology 2020 Avendano D, Marino MA, Onishi N, Leithner D, Martinez DF, Gibbs P, Jochelson M, Pinker K, Morris EA, Sutton EJ -
Denoising and Multiple Tissue Compartment Visualization of Multi-b-Valued Breast Diffusion MRI.
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI 2020 Tan ET, Wilmes LJ, Joe BN, Onishi N, Arasu VA, Hylton NM, Marinelli L, Newitt DC -
Comparison of Segmentation Methods in Assessing Background Parenchymal Enhancement as a Biomarker for Response to Neoadjuvant Therapy.
Tomography (Ann Arbor, Mich.) 2020 Nguyen AA, Arasu VA, Strand F, Li W, Onishi N, Gibbs J, Jones EF, Joe BN, Esserman LJ, Newitt DC, Hylton NM -
Impact of MRI Protocol Adherence on Prediction of Pathological Complete Response in the I-SPY 2 Neoadjuvant Breast Cancer Trial.
Tomography (Ann Arbor, Mich.) 2020 Onishi N, Li W, Gibbs J, Wilmes LJ, Nguyen A, Jones EF, Arasu V, Kornak J, Joe BN, Esserman LJ, Newitt DC, Hylton NM -
Tumor Sphericity Predicts Response in Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Invasive Breast Cancer.
Tomography (Ann Arbor, Mich.) 2020 Li W, Newitt DC, Yun B, Jones EF, Arasu V, Wilmes LJ, Gibbs J, Nguyen AA, Onishi N, Kornak J, Joe BN, Esserman LJ, Hylton NM -
A machine learning model that classifies breast cancer pathologic complete response on MRI post-neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
Breast cancer research : BCR 2020 Sutton EJ, Onishi N, Fehr DA, Dashevsky BZ, Sadinski M, Pinker K, Martinez DF, Brogi E, Braunstein L, Razavi P, El-Tamer M, Sacchini V, Deasy JO, Morris EA, Veeraraghavan H -
New parameters of ultrafast dynamic contrast-enhanced breast MRI using compressed sensing.
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI 2019 Honda M, Kataoka M, Onishi N, Iima M, Ohashi A, Kanao S, Nickel MD, Toi M, Togashi K -
Diagnostic performance of maximum slope: A kinetic parameter obtained from ultrafast dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the breast using k-space weighted image contrast (KWIC).
European journal of radiology 2019 Ohashi A, Kataoka M, Kanao S, Iima M, Murata K, Weiland E, Onishi N, Kawai M, Toi M, Togashi K -
Characterization of Sub-1 cm Breast Lesions Using Radiomics Analysis.
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI 2019 Gibbs P, Onishi N, Sadinski M, Gallagher KM, Hughes M, Martinez DF, Morris EA, Sutton EJ -
Impact of the Number of Iterations in Compressed Sensing Reconstruction on Ultrafast Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Breast MR Imaging.
Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2018 Sagawa H, Kataoka M, Kanao S, Onishi N, Nickel MD, Toi M, Togashi K -
Appearance Constrained Semi-Automatic Segmentation from DCE-MRI is Reproducible and Feasible for Breast Cancer Radiomics: A Feasibility Study.
Scientific reports 2018 Veeraraghavan H, Dashevsky BZ, Onishi N, Sadinski M, Morris E, Deasy JO, Sutton EJ -
Variability of non-Gaussian diffusion MRI and intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) measurements in the breast.
PloS one 2018 Iima M, Kataoka M, Kanao S, Kawai M, Onishi N, Koyasu S, Murata K, Ohashi A, Sakaguchi R, Togashi K -
Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) and non-Gaussian diffusion MRI of the lactating breast.
European journal of radiology open 2018 Iima M, Kataoka M, Sakaguchi R, Kanao S, Onishi N, Kawai M, Ohashi A, Murata K, Togashi K -
The Value of Lesion Size as an Adjunct to the BI-RADS-MRI 2013 Descriptors in the Diagnosis of Solitary Breast Masses.
Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2017 Kawai M, Kataoka M, Kanao S, Iima M, Onishi N, Ohashi A, Sakaguchi R, Toi M, Togashi K -
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion and Quantitative Non-Gaussian Diffusion MR Imaging: Evaluation of the Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of Several Markers of Malignant and Benign Breast Lesions.
Radiology 2017 Iima M, Kataoka M, Kanao S, Onishi N, Kawai M, Ohashi A, Sakaguchi R, Toi M, Togashi K -
Non-contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance venography using magnetization-prepared rapid gradient-echo (MPRAGE) in the preoperative evaluation of living liver donor candidates: Comparison with conventional computed tomography venography.
European journal of radiology 2017 Yamashita R, Isoda H, Arizono S, Ono A, Onishi N, Furuta A, Togashi K -
A pilot study to determine the diagnostic criteria of spiculated masses for BI-RADS MRI category 5: when to perform re-biopsy after discordant pathologic result?
Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan) 2016 Onishi N, Kataoka M, Kanao S, Kawai M, Iima M, Ohashi A, Toi M, Togashi K -
Apparent diffusion coefficient as a potential surrogate marker for Ki-67 index in mucinous breast carcinoma.
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI 2014 Onishi N, Kanao S, Kataoka M, Iima M, Sakaguchi R, Kawai M, Kataoka TR, Mikami Y, Toi M, Togashi K