Nathan Hoekzema, MD
Orthosurgery - Fresno
School of Medicine

Nathan Hoekzema, MD, specializes in surgical care of the hand, wrist, and elbow. He is board certified in Orthopaedic Surgery and has an added qualification for hand surgery.

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Nathan Hoekzema, MD, received his medical degree from New York Medical College. He completed residency in orthopedic surgery at Mayo Clinic where he received the Joseph M. Janes Award for compassion, competence and devotion to the specialty of orthopedics. Upon completion of his residency training, he went on to complete a fellowship in Hand & Upper Extremity Fellowship at The Philadelphia Hand Center & Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia.

Before coming to central California, he held the title of Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery with the Mayo Clinic while practicing in the Mayo Clinic Health System.

An avid researcher and lecturer, he has been the recipient of a Hand Rehabilitation Foundation Research Grant and given presentations at national and international meetings on topics including: “Intra-articular pathology of extra-articular distal radius malunions,” “The microbiology of upper extremity injuries” and “Osteosarcoma of the Pelvis: Outcome Analysis of Surgical Treatment.”

He is a member of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, the American Association of Hand Surgery, and the American Medical Association.

Education & Training

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  • Fellowship Hand & Upper Extremity The Philadelphia Hand Center & Thomas Jefferson Universit 2007
  • Residency Orthopaedic Surgery Mayo Clinic Orthopedic Surgery 2006
  • MD Doctor of Medicine New York Medical College 2001
  • BS Biology, Minor Biochemistry Hope College 1997

Publications (18)

Top publication keywords:
Ulna FracturesOssification, HeterotopicOlecranon ProcessRadiusFractures, AvulsionElbow JointMultiple TraumaHumeral FracturesFracture Fixation, InternalFractures, BoneMonteggia's FractureIntra-Articular FracturesFractures, OpenRadius FracturesScaphoid Bone

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