Naomi Bardach, MD
School of Medicine 415-476-9188
Dr. Bardach is a Professor of Pediatrics and Policy in the Department of Pediatrics and the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies at the University of California San Francisco. She is Vice Chair of Health Services Research in the Department of Pediatrics.
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In recognition of her passion and capacity for mentoring, she received the UCSF Academic Senate Distinction in Mentoring Award for Associate Professors in 2020. Her research program is focused on improving the quality and equity of inpatient and outpatient pediatric care, with a foundation in implementation and dissemination science. She was co-investigator on two of the AHRQ-funded U18 Pediatric Quality Measurement Program (PQMP) grants to support development and testing of pediatric quality measures in asthma, sickle cell and mental health. As PI of an NICHD-funded R01, she is collecting reports on inpatient safety events from family and patients using a mobile phone interfaec, and making those reports rapidly available for safety improvements. Specific areas of interest for Dr. Bardach are: quality measurement; health equity in measurement and payment; and leveraging technology to integrate patient and caregiver voices into care.
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- 2015 Nemours Child Health Services Research Award, 2015
Education & Training
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- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training University of California 2019
- M.A.S. in Clinical Research Graduate Division (Advance Training in Clinical Research) University of California, San Francisco 2012
- M.D. Medicine University of California, San Francisco 2003
- Residency School of Medicine University of California, San Francisco
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- Implementation & dissemination science
- Implementation Science
- pediatric asthma
- health policy
- pay for performance in medicaid practices
- social media
- Children/youth
- public reporting of quality
- consumer engagement
- Community-based organization
- P4P
- Web site
- child health equity
- quality improvement
- Department of public health
- Audit and feedback
- Interdisciplinary research collaboration
- Brief implementation science training courses
- Hospital
- disparity
- readmissions
- pediatrics
- quality measurement
- social determinants of health
- consumer-generated online hospital reviews
- Policy-making institute or agency
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- LinkedIn Profile (
- Clinical Profile at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital (
Grants and Projects
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Publications (78)
Top publication keywords:
Ultrasonography, Doppler, TranscranialQuality Indicators, Health CareQuality ImprovementHospitalizationReimbursement, IncentiveRisk AdjustmentPatient ReadmissionHospitalsRisk ManagementAsthmaNarrationHospitals, PediatricPatient SafetyTechnologyEmergency Service, Hospital
Variations in digital health literacy for pediatric caregivers of hospitalized children: implications for digital health equity.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2025 Crook S, Rosenbluth G, Glidden DV, Fernandez A, Lee CM, Avina L, Magana L, Washington K, Bardach NS -
Improving Completion Rates of Transcranial Doppler Ultrasounds in Children With Sickle Cell Disease Using Quality Improvement Efforts: In-Clinic Versus Population-Based Assessments.
Pediatric blood & cancer 2025 Vissa M, Parikh P, McCulloch C, Bhasin N, Cabana MD, Chung J, Marsh A, Wong T, Treadwell M, Bardach NS -
Implementation of Immunization Services Through a Pediatric Urgent Care Clinic.
Pediatrics 2024 Gordon DM, Vega T, Aulakh S, Bhargava-Shah A, Bardach NS, Jain S -
Trends in dexamethasone treatment for asthma in U.S. emergency departments.
Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine 2024 Shapiro DJ, Coon ER, Kaiser SV, Grupp-Phelan J, Hersh AL, Bardach NS -
Antibiotic Treatment and Health Care Use in Children and Adolescents With Conjunctivitis.
JAMA ophthalmology 2024 Shapiro DJ, Geanacopoulos AT, Subramanian SV, Wu AC, Bardach NS, Oke I
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Implementation and Performance of a Point-of-Care COVID-19 Test Program in 4000 California Schools.
The Journal of pediatrics 2024 Le Marchand C, Rizzo K, Nakamura R, Bornstein L, Bardach NS, Pritchard D, Medlin S, Ahmed A, Cornejo M, Moser L, Bakhtar O, Silver LD, Iton A, May L, Kimsey P, Sud SR, Pan E, Jacobson K, Glaser C -
Association between language discordance and unplanned hospital readmissions or emergency department revisits: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
BMJ quality & safety 2024 Chu JN, Wong J, Bardach NS, Allen IE, Barr-Walker J, Sierra M, Sarkar U, Khoong EC -
What do patients and families observe about pediatric safety?: A thematic analysis of real-time narratives.
Journal of hospital medicine 2024 Studenmund C, Lyndon A, Stotts JR, Peralta-Neel C, Sharma AE, Bardach NS -
Use of Electronic Health Record-Based Measures to Assess Quality of Care for Pediatric Agitation.
Hospital pediatrics 2024 Hoffmann JA, Corboy JB, Liu L, Cieslak K, Pergjika A, Patel TR, Bardach NS, Alpern ER -
Clinical physicists' perceptions of weekly chart checks and the potential role for automated image review assessed by structured interviews.
Journal of applied clinical medical physics 2024 Petragallo R, Luximon DC, Neylon J, Bardach NS, Ritter T, Lamb JM -
Making lemonade out of lemons: an approach to combining variable race and ethnicity data from hospitals for quality and safety efforts.
BMJ quality & safety 2024 Karvonen KL, Bardach NS -
Pediatric Medical Traumatic Stress and Trauma-Informed Care in Pediatric Chronic Illness: A Healthcare Provider Survey.
The Journal of pediatrics 2023 Cuneo AA, Sifflet C, Bardach N, Ly N, von Scheven E, Perito ER -
Improving the Quality of Written Discharge Instructions: A Multisite Collaborative Project.
Pediatrics 2023 Desai AD, Tolpadi A, Parast L, Esporas M, Britto MT, Gidengil C, Wilson K, Bardach NS, Basco WT, Brittan MS, Johnson DP, Wood KE, Yung S, Dawley E, Fiore D, Gregoire L, Hodo LN, Leggett B, Piazza K, … -
Postpartum Family Planning in Pediatrics: A Survey of Parental Contraceptive Needs and Health Services Preferences.
Academic pediatrics 2023 Congdon JL, Bardach NS, Franck LS, Brindis CD, Boscardin WJ, Carrasco Z, Cabana MD, Dehlendorf C -
Follow-up After Pediatric Mental Health Emergency Visits.
Pediatrics 2023 Hoffmann JA, Krass P, Rodean J, Bardach NS, Cafferty R, Coker TR, Cutler GJ, Hall M, Morse RB, Nash KA, Parikh K, Zima BT -
Collaborative to Increase Lethal Means Counseling for Caregivers of Youth With Suicidality.
Pediatrics 2022 Leyenaar JK, Tolpadi A, Parast L, Esporas M, Britto MT, Gidengil C, Wilson KM, Bardach NS, Basco WT, Brittan MS, Williams DJ, Wood KE, Yung S, Dawley E, Elliott A, Manges KA, Plemmons G, Rice T, … -
Utility of illness symptoms for predicting COVID-19 infections in children.
BMC pediatrics 2022 Zhou GY, Penwill NY, Cheng G, Singh P, Cheung A, Shin M, Nguyen M, Mittal S, Burrough W, Spad MA, Bourne S, Bardach NS, Perito ER -
COVID-19 Testing Strategies for K-12 Schools in California: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.
International journal of environmental research and public health 2022 Maya S, McCorvie R, Jacobson K, Shete PB, Bardach N, Kahn JG -
Adjusting for Social Risk Factors in Pediatric Quality Measures: Adding to the Evidence Base.
Academic pediatrics 2022 Bucholz EM, Toomey SL, McCulloch CE, Bardach N -
Development and Testing of an Emergency Department Quality Measure for Pediatric Suicidal Ideation and Self-Harm.
Academic pediatrics 2022 Parast L, Burkhart Q, Bardach NS, Thombley R, Basco WT, Barabell G, Williams DJ, Mitchel E, Machado E, Raghavan P, Tolpadi A, Mangione-Smith R -
Follow-Up After Asthma Emergency Department Visits and Its Relationship With Subsequent Asthma-Related Utilization.
Academic pediatrics 2022 Bardach NS, Harder VS, McCulloch CE, Thombley R, Shaw JS, Hart VC, Cabana MD -
Barriers and facilitators to clinical implementation of radiotherapy treatment planning automation: A survey study of medical dosimetrists.
Journal of applied clinical medical physics 2022 Petragallo R, Bardach N, Ramirez E, Lamb JM -
Family Input for Quality and Safety (FIQS): Using mobile technology for in-hospital reporting from families and patients.
Journal of hospital medicine 2022 Bardach NS, Stotts JR, Fiore DM, Sarkar U, Sharma AE, Boscardin WJ, Avina L, Peralta-Neel C, Rosenbluth G -
Improving Completion Rates of Transcranial Doppler Ultrasounds in Children with Sickle Cell Disease Using Quality Improvement Efforts: In-Clinic Vs. Population-Based Assessments.
Blood 2021 Madhav Vissa, Marsha Treadwell, Naomi Bardach -
Weekend Versus Weekday Asthma-Related Emergency Department Utilization.
Academic pediatrics 2021 Mahony T, Harder VS, Ang N, McCulloch CE, Shaw JS, Thombley R, Cabana MD, Kleinman LC, Bardach NS -
Optimizing COVID-19 Symptom Screening in the Pediatric Population.
2021 Geena Zhou, Prachi Singh, Emily R. Perito, Naomi Bardach, Nicole Penwill, William Burrough, Ann Cheung, Margaret Nguyen, Shalini Mittal, Grace Cheng, Mia-Ashley Spad -
Preventing COVID-19 Transmission in Education Settings.
Pediatrics 2021 Kaiser SV, Watson A, Dogan B, Karmur A, Warren K, Wang P, Camano Sosa M, Olarte A, Dorsey S, Su M, Brown L, Sachdev D, Bardach NS -
Quality of Care for Youth Hospitalized for Suicidal Ideation and Self-Harm.
Academic pediatrics 2021 Connell SK, Burkhart Q, Tolpadi A, Parast L, Gidengil CA, Yung S, Basco WT, Williams D, Britto MT, Brittan M, Wood KE, Bardach N, McGalliard J, Mangione-Smith R, Pediatric Research in Inpatient … -
School closures reduced social mixing of children during COVID-19 with implications for transmission risk and school reopening policies.
Journal of the Royal Society, Interface 2021 Head JR, Andrejko KL, Cheng Q, Collender PA, Phillips S, Boser A, Heaney AK, Hoover CM, Wu SL, Northrup GR, Click K, Bardach NS, Lewnard JA, Remais JV -
Assessment of automated clinical trial recruitment and enrolment using patient-facing technology.
BMJ health & care informatics 2021 Bardach NS, Lam R, Jasik CB -
Supervised Self-Collected SARS-Cov-2 Testing in Classroom-Based Summer Camps to Inform Safe In-Person Learning.
Journal of Pediatrics Perinatology and Child Health 2021 Peter B Cooch, Annalisa Watson, Apryl Olarte, Emily D Crawford, Joseph L DeRisi, Bryan Greenhouse, Jill Hakim, Keirstinne Turcios, Katherine S Pollard, Lee R Atkinson-McEvoy, Raphael Hirsch, Roberta L… -
Improving Preventive Care for Children With Sickle Cell Anemia: A Quality Improvement Initiative.
Pediatric quality & safety 2020 Cabana MD, Marsh A, Treadwell MJ, Stemmler P, Rowland M, Bender MA, Bhasin N, Chung JH, Hassell K, Abdul Rashid NFN, Wong TE, Bardach NS -
Statewide Asthma Learning Collaborative Participation and Asthma-Related Emergency Department Use.
Pediatrics 2020 Harder VS, Shaw JS, McCulloch CE, Kill L, Robinson KJ, Shepard MT, Cabana MD, Bardach NS -
How What You Measure Matters: Risk-Adjusted Length of Stay and Observation Status.
Pediatrics 2020 Bardach NS -
ED Visits and Readmissions After Follow-up for Mental Health Hospitalization.
Pediatrics 2020 Bardach NS, Doupnik SK, Rodean J, Zima BT, Gay JC, Nash C, Tanguturi Y, Coker TR -
Depression, Anxiety, and Emergency Department Use for Asthma.
Pediatrics 2019 Bardach NS, Neel C, Kleinman LC, McCulloch CE, Thombley R, Zima BT, Grupp-Phelan J, Coker TR, Cabana MD -
Barriers to Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease Guideline Recommendations.
Global pediatric health 2019 Cabana MD, Kanter J, Marsh AM, Treadwell MJ, Rowland M, Stemmler P, Bardach NS -
Best practices in implementing inpatient pediatric asthma pathways: a qualitative study.
The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma 2019 Kaiser SV, Lam R, Cabana MD, Bekmezian A, Bardach NS, Auerbach A, Rehm RS, Pediatric Research in Inpatient Settings (PRIS) Network -
What Words Convey: The Potential for Patient Narratives to Inform Quality Improvement.
The Milbank quarterly 2019 Grob R, Schlesinger M, Barre LR, Bardach N, Lagu T, Shaller D, Parker AM, Martino SC, Finucane ML, Cerully JL, Palimaru A -
Limitations of Using Pediatric Respiratory Illness Readmissions to Compare Hospital Performance.
Journal of hospital medicine 2018 Kaiser SV, Lam R, Joseph GB, McCulloch C, Hsia RY, Cabana MD, Bardach NS -
Mental Health Conditions and Unplanned Hospital Readmissions in Children.
Journal of hospital medicine 2018 Doupnik SK, Lawlor J, Zima BT, Coker TR, Bardach NS, Rehm KP, Gay JC, Hall M, Berry JG -
Hospital-Based Quality Measures for Pediatric Mental Health Care.
Pediatrics 2018 Bardach NS, Burkhart Q, Richardson LP, Roth CP, Murphy JM, Parast L, Gidengil CA, Marmet J, Britto MT, Mangione-Smith R -
Letter to the Editor in response to "Online physician ratings fail to predict actual performance on measures of quality, value, and peer review".
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2018 Bardach NS -
Raising up the voices of the closest observers of care.
BMJ quality & safety 2017 Bardach NS -
Postacute Care after Pediatric Hospitalizations for a Primary Mental Health Condition.
The Journal of pediatrics 2017 Gay JC, Zima BT, Coker TR, Doupnik SK, Hall M, Rodean J, O'Neill M, Morse R, Rehm KP, Berry JG, Bardach NS -
Development of New Quality Measures for Hospital-Based Care of Suicidal Youth.
Academic pediatrics 2017 Parast L, Bardach NS, Burkhart Q, Richardson LP, Murphy JM, Gidengil CA, Britto MT, Elliott MN, Mangione-Smith R -
1.65 Use of Post-Acute Care Following Acute Care Hospitalization for Mental Health Conditions in Children and Adolescents.
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2017 James Gay, Bonnie T. Zima, Stephanie Doupnik, Tumaini R. Coker, Matt Hall, Jonathan Rodean, Margaret O'Neill, Jay G. Berry, Kris Rehm, Naomi S. Bardach -
High-Expenditure Pharmaceutical Use Among Children in Medicaid.
Pediatrics 2017 Cohen E, Hall M, Lopert R, Bruen B, Chamberlain LJ, Bardach N, Gedney J, Zima BT, Berry JG -
Mental Health Conditions and Medical and Surgical Hospital Utilization.
Pediatrics 2016 Doupnik SK, Lawlor J, Zima BT, Coker TR, Bardach NS, Hall M, Berry JG -
Psychiatric Disorders and Trends in Resource Use in Pediatric Hospitals.
Pediatrics 2016 Zima BT, Rodean J, Hall M, Bardach NS, Coker TR, Berry JG -
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2016 Stephanie K. Doupnik, Bonnie T. Zima, John Lawlor, Tumaini R. Coker, Naomi S. Bardach, Matthew Hall, Jay G. Berry -
Variation in Quality of Urgent Health Care Provided During Commercial Virtual Visits.
JAMA internal medicine 2016 Schoenfeld AJ, Davies JM, Marafino BJ, Dean M, DeJong C, Bardach NS, Kazi DS, Boscardin WJ, Lin GA, Duseja R, Mei YJ, Mehrotra A, Dudley RA -
From the closest observers of patient care: a thematic analysis of online narrative reviews of hospitals.
BMJ quality & safety 2015 Bardach NS, Lyndon A, Asteria-Peñaloza R, Goldman LE, Lin GA, Dudley RA -
Revisit rates and associated costs after an emergency department encounter: a multistate analysis.
Annals of internal medicine 2015 Duseja R, Bardach NS, Lin GA, Yazdany J, Dean ML, Clay TH, Boscardin WJ, Dudley RA -
Sources of traffic and visitors' preferences regarding online public reports of quality: web analytics and online survey results.
Journal of medical Internet research 2015 Bardach NS, Hibbard JH, Greaves F, Dudley RA -
Preoperative medical testing in Medicare patients undergoing cataract surgery.
The New England journal of medicine 2015 Chen CL, Lin GA, Bardach NS, Clay TH, Boscardin WJ, Gelb AW, Maze M, Gropper MA, Dudley RA -
Editorial: Moving Patients from Consultants to Partners in Health Care System Redesign: Achieving Meaningful Engagement.
Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety 2014 Lin GA, Bardach NS -
A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.
The Journal of pediatrics 2014 Cabana MD, Bardach NS -
Thirty-day hospital readmissions in systemic lupus erythematosus: predictors and hospital- and state-level variation.
Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.) 2014 Yazdany J, Marafino BJ, Dean ML, Bardach NS, Duseja R, Ward MM, Dudley RA -
Emergency department visits in the neonatal period in the United States.
Pediatric emergency care 2014 Lee HC, Bardach NS, Maselli JH, Gonzales R -
N-gram support vector machines for scalable procedure and diagnosis classification, with applications to clinical free text data from the intensive care unit.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2014 Marafino BJ, Davies JM, Bardach NS, Dean ML, Dudley RA -
National patterns of codeine prescriptions for children in the emergency department.
Pediatrics 2014 Kaiser SV, Asteria-Penaloza R, Vittinghoff E, Rosenbluth G, Cabana MD, Bardach NS -
Common and costly hospitalizations for pediatric mental health disorders.
Pediatrics 2014 Bardach NS, Coker TR, Zima BT, Murphy JM, Knapp P, Richardson LP, Edwall G, Mangione-Smith R -
Physician payment incentives to improve care quality--reply.
JAMA 2014 Bardach NS, Shih SC, Dudley RA -
Small practices' experience with EHR, quality measurement, and incentives.
The American journal of managed care 2013 Begum R, Smith Ryan M, Winther CH, Wang JJ, Bardach NS, Parsons AH, Shih SC, Dudley RA -
Effect of pay-for-performance incentives on quality of care in small practices with electronic health records: a randomized trial.
JAMA 2013 Bardach NS, Wang JJ, De Leon SF, Shih SC, Boscardin WJ, Goldman LE, Dudley RA -
Measuring hospital quality using pediatric readmission and revisit rates.
Pediatrics 2013 Bardach NS, Vittinghoff E, Asteria-Peñaloza R, Edwards JD, Yazdany J, Lee HC, Boscardin WJ, Cabana MD, Dudley RA -
The relationship between commercial website ratings and traditional hospital performance measures in the USA.
BMJ quality & safety 2012 Bardach NS, Asteria-Peñaloza R, Boscardin WJ, Dudley RA -
Prediction of hospital acute myocardial infarction and heart failure 30-day mortality rates using publicly reported performance measures.
Journal for healthcare quality : official publication of the National Association for Healthcare Quality 2011 Aaronson DS, Bardach NS, Lin GA, Chattopadhyay A, Goldman LE, Dudley RA -
The impact of statistical choices on neonatal intensive care unit quality ratings based on nosocomial infection rates.
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 2011 Lee HC, Chien AT, Bardach NS, Clay T, Gould JB, Dudley RA -
Small numbers limit the use of the inpatient pediatric quality indicators for hospital comparison.
Academic pediatrics 2010 Bardach NS, Chien AT, Dudley RA -
The unintended consequences of quality improvement.
Current opinion in pediatrics 2009 Bardach NS, Cabana MD -
Evolving health information technology and the timely availability of visit diagnoses from ambulatory visits: a natural experiment in an integrated delivery system.
BMC medical informatics and decision making 2009 Bardach NS, Huang J, Brand R, Hsu J -
Preparing fourth-year medical students to teach during internship.
Journal of general internal medicine 2006 Haber RJ, Bardach NS, Vedanthan R, Gillum LA, Haber LA, Dhaliwal GS -
Adjustment for do-not-resuscitate orders reverses the apparent in-hospital mortality advantage for minorities.
The American journal of medicine 2005 Bardach N, Zhao S, Pantilat S, Johnston SC -
Regionalization of treatment for subarachnoid hemorrhage: a cost-utility analysis.
Circulation 2004 Bardach NS, Olson SJ, Elkins JS, Smith WS, Lawton MT, Johnston SC -
'Teaching to teach': enhancing fourth year medical students' teaching skills.
Medical education 2003 Bardach NS, Vedanthan R, Haber RJ -
Association between subarachnoid hemorrhage outcomes and number of cases treated at California hospitals.
Stroke 2002 Bardach NS, Zhao S, Gress DR, Lawton MT, Johnston SC