Michael Walker
Associate Chair of Operations
School of Medicine
michael.walker@ucsf.edu 415-502-3427
Publications (8)
Top publication keywords:
Child Development Disorders, PervasiveChromosomes, Human, XAutism Spectrum DisorderAutistic DisorderNerve Tissue ProteinsSequence DeletionProtein Interaction MapsFrameshift MutationPalaemonidaeINDEL MutationProtein IsoformsGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseContactinsOpen Reading FramesExome
An analytical framework for whole-genome sequence association studies and its implications for autism spectrum disorder.
Nature genetics 2018 Werling DM, Brand H, An JY, Stone MR, Zhu L, Glessner JT, Collins RL, Dong S, Layer RM, Markenscoff-Papadimitriou E, Farrell A, Schwartz GB, Wang HZ, Currall BB, Zhao X, Dea J, Duhn C, Erdman CA, … -
Neurogenetic analysis of childhood disintegrative disorder.
Molecular autism 2017 Gupta AR, Westphal A, Yang DYJ, Sullivan CAW, Eilbott J, Zaidi S, Voos A, Vander Wyk BC, Ventola P, Waqar Z, Fernandez TV, Ercan-Sencicek AG, Walker MF, Choi M, Schneider A, Hedderly T, Baird G, … -
Insights into Autism Spectrum Disorder Genomic Architecture and Biology from 71 Risk Loci.
Neuron 2015 Sanders SJ, He X, Willsey AJ, Ercan-Sencicek AG, Samocha KE, Cicek AE, Murtha MT, Bal VH, Bishop SL, Dong S, Goldberg AP, Jinlu C, Keaney JF, Klei L, Mandell JD, Moreno-De-Luca D, Poultney CS, … -
No evidence for association of autism with rare heterozygous point mutations in Contactin-Associated Protein-Like 2 (CNTNAP2), or in Other Contactin-Associated Proteins or Contactins.
PLoS genetics 2015 Murdoch JD, Gupta AR, Sanders SJ, Walker MF, Keaney J, Fernandez TV, Murtha MT, Anyanwu S, Ober GT, Raubeson MJ, DiLullo NM, Villa N, Waqar Z, Sullivan C, Gonzalez L, Willsey AJ, Choe SY, Neale BM, … -
The contribution of de novo coding mutations to autism spectrum disorder.
Nature 2014 Iossifov I, O'Roak BJ, Sanders SJ, Ronemus M, Krumm N, Levy D, Stessman HA, Witherspoon KT, Vives L, Patterson KE, Smith JD, Paeper B, Nickerson DA, Dea J, Dong S, Gonzalez LE, Mandell JD, Mane SM, … -
De novo insertions and deletions of predominantly paternal origin are associated with autism spectrum disorder.
Cell reports 2014 Dong S, Walker MF, Carriero NJ, DiCola M, Willsey AJ, Ye AY, Waqar Z, Gonzalez LE, Overton JD, Frahm S, Keaney JF, Teran NA, Dea J, Mandell JD, Hus Bal V, Sullivan CA, DiLullo NM, Khalil RO, Gockley J… -
De novo mutations revealed by whole-exome sequencing are strongly associated with autism.
Nature 2012 Sanders SJ, Murtha MT, Gupta AR, Murdoch JD, Raubeson MJ, Willsey AJ, Ercan-Sencicek AG, DiLullo NM, Parikshak NN, Stein JL, Walker MF, Ober GT, Teran NA, Song Y, El-Fishawy P, Murtha RC, Choi M, … -
In vitro cultivation of Microphallus turgidus (Trematoda: Microphallidae) from metacercaria to ovigerous adult with continuation of the life cycle in the laboratory.
The Journal of parasitology 2009 Pung OJ, Burger AR, Walker MF, Barfield WL, Lancaster MH, Jarrous CE