Michael Crawford, MD
Emeritus Faculty
School of Medicine

michael.crawford@ucsf.edu 415-502-8584

Dr. Crawford is a general clinical cardiologist with interests in non-invasive testing, coronary artery and valvular heart disease, left ventricular function, stress testing and the athlete’s heart. His research has been focused on studies that directly impact patient care.

He manages inpatients and outpatients with cardiovascular disease, interprets echocardiograms and ECG based testing, and supervises a variety of stress tests. His teaching has focused on post-graduate education. He was a cardiology fellowship director at 2 medical schools, including UCSF, for a total of 22 years. He was the chief of cardiology at the University of New Mexico for 12 years and was chief of clinical cardiology at UCSF for 13 years. Currently, he is Professor of Medicine, Emeritus at UCSF.

Education & Training

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  • M.D. Medicine University of California, San Francisco 1969
  • BA Communication and Public Policy University of California, Berkeley 1965


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Publications (237)

Top publication keywords:
Cardiomyopathy, DilatedMethamphetamineAmphetamine-Related DisordersHeart VentriclesCoronary DiseaseHeart Valve DiseasesVentricular Function, LeftStroke VolumeExercise TestAngina PectorisEchocardiography, TransesophagealCardiovascular AgentsHeart DiseasesHeart FailureEchocardiography