Matt Durstenfeld, MD, MAS
Assistant Professor
School of Medicine

Matt Durstenfeld is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco and a general cardiologist at Zuckerberg San Francisco General. His research focuses on preventing and managing infection-associated cardiovascular disease; his other interests are in global cardiology, health equity, and advanced methods for robust observational research.

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As a team scientist, he loves working closely with mentors and collaborators from Cardiology, Infectious Diseases, and Pulmonology. His lab conducts echocardiography and cardiopulmonary exercise testing for multiple studies. He recently completed his K12 career development award focused on mechanisms of cardiopulmonary phenotype Long COVID. His K23 Career Development Award is focused on cardiorespiratory fitness in HIV. He is also involved in clinical trials of lipid-lowering therapies in HIV, an immune-modulator for Long COVID, an over-encapsulated polypill for heart failure, cardiac rehabilitation for Long COVID, and a first-in-human COVID vaccine. He also conducts observational research to try to understand mechanisms of Long COVID, strategies to prevent atherosclerosis and heart failure among people with HIV, and post-tuberculosis heart and lung disease in Uganda. He was recently recognized with the ZSFG Department of Medicine Outstanding Early Career Investigator Award and as a World Heart Federation Emerging Leader.

Education & Training

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  • MAS Clinical Research University of California San Francisco 06/2022
  • Cardiology (Fellowship) University of California, San Francisco 06/2021
  • Chief Resident in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety New York University 06/2018
  • Internal Medicine (Residency) New York University 06/2017
  • MD Medicine University of Pennsylvania 05/2014
  • BS Biomedical Engineering Yale University 05/2009

Grants and Projects

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Publications (58)

Top publication keywords:
Safety-net ProvidersQuality ImprovementHIV InfectionsHeart FailurePneumonia, BacterialMineralocorticoid Receptor AntagonistsPatient AdmissionCoinfectionCardiovascular DiseasesBundle-Branch BlockPericardial EffusionHeart RateChest PainShockExercise Tolerance

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