Matt Pantell, MD, MS
Associate Professor
School of Medicine 415-476-5001
Dr. Pantell worked at the Health Policy Center of the Urban Institute before attending the UC Berkeley - UCSF Joint Medical Program for medical school, where he earned an MD and a Master's in Health and Medical Sciences focusing on social epidemiology. He then completed his residency in pediatrics and was Chief Resident at the University of California, San Francisco.
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He was also a fellow in the Clinical Research Training Program at the NIH, where his work focused on biomarkers of social adversity.
Currently he is an Assistant Professor at UCSF, where his research is conducted with the UCSF Center for Health and Community, the UCSF Social Interventions Research and Evaluation Network, and the UCSF Preterm Birth Initiative. Broadly, his research focuses on social determinants of health and social needs. More specifically, his research focuses on implementing social needs screening in clinical settings, the utility of incorporating social information into clinical decision making, addressing social needs in clinical settings, data mining and the analysis of large datasets, and biological manifestations of the social determinants of health.
Clinically, Dr. Pantell works is as a pediatric hospitalist at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital - Mission Bay and Washington Hospital in Fremont. He also works as an pediatric urgent care physician and runs the Tattoo Removal Clinic at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital.
Education & Training
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- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training University of California 2017
- Chief Resident Pediatrics University of California, San Francisco 06/2017
- Residency Pediatrics University of California, San Francisco 06/2016
- MD Medicine University of California, San Francisco 05/2013
- Clinical Research Training Program National Institutes of Health 07/2011
- MS Health and Medical Sciences University of California, Berkeley 04/2010
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- Information technology
- Learning health systems
- Informatics
- Health disparities
- Childhood adversity
- Preterm birth
- Social isolation
- Recursive partitioning analysis
- Telomeres
- Tattoo removal
- Pediatric hospital medicine
- Social determinants of health
- Social needs
- Adverse childhood experiences
Publications (80)
Top publication keywords:
DocumentationHospitalizationSocial IsolationHealth Services Needs and DemandInfantElectronic Health RecordsInfant, PrematureChild HealthPremature BirthArthritis, JuvenilePrescription Drug Monitoring ProgramsInformaticsSocial Determinants of HealthPatient CareMedicaid
Effects of In-Person Navigation to Address Family Social Needs on Child Health Care Utilization: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
JAMA network open 2020 Pantell MS, Hessler D, Long D, Alqassari M, Schudel C, Laves E, Velazquez DE, Amaya A, Sweeney P, Burns A, Harrison FL, Adler NE, Gottlieb LM -
Associations Between Social Factor Documentation and Hospital Length of Stay and Readmission Among Children.
Hospital pediatrics 2020 Pantell MS, Kaiser SV, Torres JM, Gottlieb LM, Adler NE -
Association of Social and Behavioral Risk Factors With Earlier Onset of Adult Hypertension and Diabetes.
JAMA network open 2019 Pantell MS, Prather AA, Downing JM, Gordon NP, Adler NE -
Social isolation: a predictor of mortality comparable to traditional clinical risk factors.
American journal of public health 2013 Pantell M, Rehkopf D, Jutte D, Syme SL, Balmes J, Adler N -
Inequities in the Application of Behavioral Flags for Hospitalized Pediatric Patients.
JAMA network open 2025 Edwell A, Huang JX, Bongiovanni T, Pantell M
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Inequities in Inpatient Pediatric Patient Safety Events by Category.
Hospital pediatrics 2024 Pantell MS, Karvonen KL, Porter P, Stotts J, Neuhaus J, Bekmezian A -
Do new quality measures for social risk screening 'measure up'?
Current opinion in pediatrics 2024 Potharaju K, Gottlieb LM, Pantell M, Jones DH -
Prioritization of Randomized Clinical Trial Questions for Children Hospitalized With Common Conditions: A Consensus Statement.
JAMA network open 2024 Coon ER, McDaniel CE, Paciorkowski N, Grimshaw M, Frakes E, Ambroggio L, Auger KA, Cohen E, Garber M, Gill PJ, Jennings R, Joshi NS, Leyenaar JK, McCulloh R, Pantell MS, Sauers-Ford HS, Schroeder AR, … -
Pediatric Research ECI highlight: Matthew S. Pantell.
Pediatric research 2024 Pantell MS -
Mental Well-Being Among Adversity-Exposed Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
JAMA network open 2024 Raney JH, Weinstein S, Ganson KT, Testa A, Jackson DB, Pantell M, Glidden DV, Brindis CD, Nagata JM -
Structured and unstructured social risk factor documentation in the electronic health record underestimates patients' self-reported risks.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2024 Iott BE, Rivas S, Gottlieb LM, Adler-Milstein J, Pantell MS -
Associations between Social Adversity and Biomarkers of Inflammation, Stress, and Aging in Children.
Pediatric research 2024 Pantell MS, Silveira PP, de Mendonça Filho EJ, Wing H, Brown EM, Keeton VF, Pokhvisneva I, O'Donnell KJ, Neuhaus J, Hessler D, Meaney MJ, Adler NE, Gottlieb LM -
Parent and staff perceptions of racism in a single-center neonatal intensive care unit.
Pediatric research 2024 Karvonen KL, Smith O, Chambers Butcher BD, Franck LS, McKenzie-Sampson S, McLemore MR, Pantell MS, Rogers EE -
Hospital Characteristics Associated With Social Needs Activities in the US.
JAMA 2023 Sandhu S, Liu M, Gottlieb LM, Pantell MS -
Patient Perspectives on Social Risk Screening and Documentation in a Dermatology Clinic.
JAMA dermatology 2023 Wilkerson K, De Marchis E, Rudd N, Williams JC, Pantell M, Ackerman SL, Amerson EH, Chang AY -
Estimating the effect of timing of earned income tax credit refunds on perinatal outcomes: a quasi-experimental study of California births.
BMC public health 2023 Karasek D, Batra A, Baer RJ, Butcher BDC, Feuer S, Fuchs JD, Kuppermann M, Gomez AM, Prather AA, Pantell M, Rogers E, Snowden JM, Torres J, Rand L, Jelliffe-Pawlowski L, Hamad R -
Social and Medical Care Integration Practices Among Children's Hospitals.
Hospital pediatrics 2023 Pantell MS, Holmgren AJ, Leary JC, Iott BE, Neuhaus J, Adler-Milstein J, Gottlieb LM -
Screening for Financial Hardship: Comparing Patient Survey Responses Using Two Different Screening Tools.
Journal of general internal medicine 2023 De Marchis EH, Fleegler EW, Cohen AJ, Tung EL, Clark CR, Ommerborn MJ, Lindau ST, Pantell M, Hessler D, Gottlieb LM -
Elevating Parents' Voices in Designing and Implementing Pediatric Inpatient Social Care Systems.
Hospital pediatrics 2023 Leary JC, Pantell M, Garg A -
Subspecialty Pediatrics: An Unmet Opportunity to Address Unmet Social Risks.
Academic pediatrics 2023 Wadhwani SI, Pantell MS, Winestone LE -
Evaluating the comparability of patient-level social risk data extracted from electronic health records: A systematic scoping review.
Health informatics journal 2023 Linfield GH, Patel S, Ko HJ, Lacar B, Gottlieb LM, Adler-Milstein J, Singh NV, Pantell MS, De Marchis EH -
Assessing Area-Level Deprivation as a Proxy for Individual-Level Social Risks.
American journal of preventive medicine 2023 Brown EM, Franklin SM, Ryan JL, Canterberry M, Bowe A, Pantell MS, Cottrell EK, Gottlieb LM -
Structural Racism Operationalized via Adverse Social Events in a Single-Center Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
The Journal of pediatrics 2023 Karvonen KL, Anunwah E, Chambers Butcher BD, Kwarteng L, Mathis-Perry T, McLemore MR, Oh S, Pantell MS, Smith O, Rogers E -
The association between prescription drug monitoring programs and controlled substance prescribing: a cross-sectional study using data from 2019 National Electronic Health Records Survey.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2023 Mehta S, Brown W, Ferguson E, Najera J, Pantell MS -
Unmet Social Needs and Patterns of Hair Cortisol Concentration in Mother-Child Dyads.
Chronic stress (Thousand Oaks, Calif.) 2023 Keeton VF, Bidwell JT, de Mendonça Filho EJ, Silveira PP, Hessler D, Pantell MS, Wing H, Brown EM, Iott B, Gottlieb LM -
Socioeconomic Factors Are Associated With Severity of Hospitalization in Pediatric Lupus: An Analysis of the 2016 Kids' Inpatient Database.
Arthritis care & research 2023 Soulsby WD, Lawson E, Okumura M, Pantell MS -
Racial and sociodemographic predictors of COVID-19 compared with influenza, appendicitis, and all-cause hospitalization: retrospective cohort analysis.
Ethnicity & health 2023 Raphael E, Azar KMJ, Gu D, Shen Z, Rubinsky A, Wang M, Pantell M, Lyles CR, Fernandez A, Bibbins-Domingo K, Pressman A, Nasrallah C, Hamad R -
Characterizing the relative frequency of clinician engagement with structured social determinants of health data.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2023 Iott BE, Adler-Milstein J, Gottlieb LM, Pantell MS -
Household Social Needs, Emotional Functioning, and Stress in Low-Income Latinx Children and their Mothers.
Journal of child and family studies 2023 Keeton VF, Bell JF, Drake C, Fernandez Y Garcia EO, Pantell M, Hessler D, Wing H, Silveira PP, O'Donnell KJ, de Mendonça Filho EJ, Meaney MJ, Gottlieb LM -
Structural racism is associated with adverse postnatal outcomes among Black preterm infants.
Pediatric research 2022 Karvonen KL, McKenzie-Sampson S, Baer RJ, Jelliffe-Pawlowski L, Rogers EE, Pantell MS, Chambers BD -
Social Needs and Acculturation as Predictors of Emotional Problems and Perceived Stress Among Latinx Mothers with Low Income.
Journal of immigrant and minority health 2022 Keeton VF, Bell JF, Gottlieb LM, Drake C, Pantell M, Hessler D, Wing H, Fernandez Y Garcia EO -
Physician awareness of social determinants of health documentation capability in the electronic health record.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2022 Iott BE, Pantell MS, Adler-Milstein J, Gottlieb LM -
Assessing Alignment of Patient and Clinician Perspectives on Community Health Resources for Chronic Disease Management.
Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) 2022 Potharaju KA, Fields JD, Cemballi AG, Pantell MS, Desai R, Akom A, Shah A, Cruz T, Nguyen KH, Lyles CR -
Social Risk Factor Documentation in Emergency Departments.
Annals of emergency medicine 2022 Molina MF, Pantell MS, Gottlieb LM -
Cumulative Social Disadvantage Associated with Childhood Arthritis: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the National Survey of Children's Health.
Arthritis care & research 2022 Soulsby WD, Lawson E, Pantell MS -
Association of 2 Social Needs Interventions With Child Emergency Department Use and Hospitalizations: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial.
JAMA pediatrics 2022 Pantell MS, Hessler D, Wing H, Herrera P, Velazquez DE, Adler NE, Gottlieb LM -
Child Opportunity Index and Changes in Pediatric Acute Care Utilization in the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Pediatrics 2022 Fritz CQ, Fleegler EW, DeSouza H, Richardson T, Kaiser SV, Sills MR, Cooper JN, Parikh K, Puls HT, DeLaroche AM, Hogan AH, Pantell MS, Kornblith AE, Heller KR, Bigham MT, Goyal M -
Lessons learned from academic medical centers' response to the COVID-19 pandemic in partnership with the Navajo Nation.
PloS one 2022 Bongiovanni T, Shamasunder S, Brown W, Rivera Carpenter C, Pantell M, Ghali B, Harrison JD -
Applying a socioecological framework to chronic disease management: implications for social informatics interventions in safety-net healthcare settings.
JAMIA open 2022 Nguyen KH, Cemballi AG, Fields JD, Brown W, Pantell MS, Lyles CR -
Interpregnancy Interval and Birth Outcomes: A Propensity Matching Study in the California Population.
Maternal and child health journal 2022 Congdon JL, Baer RJ, Arcara J, Feuer SK, Gómez AM, Karasek D, Oltman SP, Pantell MS, Ryckman K, Jelliffe-Pawlowski L -
Assessment of structured data elements for social risk factors.
The American journal of managed care 2022 Vest JR, Adler-Milstein J, Gottlieb LM, Bian J, Campion TR, Cohen GR, Donnelly N, Harper J, Huerta TR, Kansky JP, Kharrazi H, Khurshid A, Kooreman HE, McDonnell C, Overhage JM, Pantell MS, Parisi W, … -
Racial disparities in emergency mental healthcare utilization among birthing people with preterm infants.
American journal of obstetrics & gynecology MFM 2021 Karvonen KL, Baer RJ, Blebu B, Calthorpe L, Fuchs JD, Jelliffe-Pawlowski L, Karasek D, McKenzie-Sampson S, Oltman SP, Rand L, Shannon MT, Washington TE, Woolridge T, Rogers EE, Pantell MS -
Documentation and review of social determinants of health data in the EHR: measures and associated insights.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2021 Wang M, Pantell MS, Gottlieb LM, Adler-Milstein J -
The association of COVID-19 infection in pregnancy with preterm birth: A retrospective cohort study in California.
Lancet regional health. Americas 2021 Karasek D, Baer RJ, McLemore MR, Bell AJ, Blebu BE, Casey JA, Coleman-Phox K, Costello JM, Felder JN, Flowers E, Fuchs JD, Gomez AM, Karvonen K, Kuppermann M, Liang L, McKenzie-Sampson S, McCulloch CE… -
Maternal nativity and risk of adverse perinatal outcomes among Black women residing in California, 2011-2017.
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association 2021 McKenzie-Sampson S, Baer RJ, Blebu BE, Karasek D, Oltman SP, Pantell MS, Rand L, Rogers EE, Torres JM, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL, Scott KA, Chambers BD -
A reply to Shachak.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2021 Pantell MS, Adler-Milstein J, Wang MD, Prather AA, Adler NE, Gottlieb LM -
Brief report: Acute care visits vary by race and ethnicity among publicly insured preterm infants.
Pediatric research 2021 Karvonen KL, Baer RJ, Rogers EE, Steurer MA, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL, Pantell MS -
The association between preterm birth and postpartum mental healthcare utilization among California birthing people.
American journal of obstetrics & gynecology MFM 2021 Calthorpe LM, Baer RJ, Chambers BD, Steurer MA, Shannon MT, Oltman SP, Karvonen KL, Rogers EE, Rand LI, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL, Pantell MS -
Salivary cytokine cluster moderates the association between caregivers perceived stress and emotional functioning in youth.
Brain, behavior, and immunity 2021 Parent C, Pokhvisneva I, de Mendonça Filho EJ, O'Donnell KJ, Meaney MJ, Kee MZL, Thng G, Wing H, Adler NE, Keeton V, Pantell MS, Hessler D, Gottlieb LM, Silveira PP -
Impact of a National Quality Collaborative on Pediatric Asthma Care Quality by Insurance Status.
Academic pediatrics 2021 Schechter SB, Pantell MS, Parikh K, Nkoy F, McCulloh R, Fassl B, Kaiser SV -
High-risk Behavior Screening and Interventions in Hospitalized Adolescents.
Hospital pediatrics 2021 Pfaff N, Pantell MS, Kaiser SV -
Patient Experiences with Screening and Assistance for Social Isolation in Primary Care Settings.
Journal of general internal medicine 2021 Tung EL, De Marchis EH, Gottlieb LM, Lindau ST, Pantell MS -
Racial and ethnic disparities in outcomes through 1 year of life in infants born prematurely: a population based study in California.
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association 2021 Karvonen KL, Baer RJ, Rogers EE, Steurer MA, Ryckman KK, Feuer SK, Anderson JG, Franck LS, Gano D, Petersen MA, Oltman SP, Chambers BD, Neuhaus J, Rand L, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL, Pantell MS -
Addressing Social Isolation and Loneliness: Lessons from around the World
Addressing Social Isolation and Loneliness: Lessons from around the World. 2021 Shields-Zeeman L, Old A, Adler N, Gottlieb L, Pantell M. -
The National Academy of Medicine Social Care Framework and COVID-19 Care Innovations.
Journal of general internal medicine 2021 Gottlieb LM, Pantell MS, Solomon LS -
Emergency Visits and Hospitalizations for Child Abuse During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Pediatrics 2020 Kaiser SV, Kornblith AE, Richardson T, Pantell MS, Fleegler EW, Fritz CQ, Parikh K, Zagel A, Sills MR, Souza HG, Goyal MK, Hogan AH, Heller KR, DeLaroche AM, Cooper JN, Puls HT -
Differences in the prevalence of childhood adversity by geography in the 2017-18 National Survey of Children's Health.
Child abuse & neglect 2020 Calthorpe LM, Pantell MS -
A call for social informatics.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2020 Pantell MS, Adler-Milstein J, Wang MD, Prather AA, Adler NE, Gottlieb LM -
Comparison of Community-Level and Patient-Level Social Risk Data in a Network of Community Health Centers.
JAMA network open 2020 Cottrell EK, Hendricks M, Dambrun K, Cowburn S, Pantell M, Gold R, Gottlieb LM -
Newborn metabolic vulnerability profile identifies preterm infants at risk for mortality and morbidity.
Pediatric research 2020 Oltman SP, Rogers EE, Baer RJ, Jasper EA, Anderson JG, Steurer MA, Pantell MS, Petersen MA, Partridge JC, Karasek D, Ross KM, Feuer SK, Franck LS, Rand L, Dagle JM, Ryckman KK, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL -
Maintaining Social Connections in the Setting of COVID-19 Social Distancing: A Call to Action.
American journal of public health 2020 Pantell MS, Shields-Zeeman L -
Solutions from Around the World: Tackling Loneliness and Social Isolation During COVID-19
To the Point (blog), Commonwealth Fund. 2020 Abrams M, Williams II R, Tikkanen R, Shah T, Pantell M. -
Cohort study of respiratory hospital admissions, air quality and sociodemographic factors in preterm infants born in California.
Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology 2020 Steurer MA, Costello J, Baer RJ, Oltman SP, Feuer SK, Pacheco-Werner T, Rogers E, Jankowska MM, Block J, McCarthy M, Pantell MS, Chambers C, Ryckman KK, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL -
Depression Predicts Prolonged Length of Hospital Stay in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 2019 Patel PV, Pantell MS, Heyman MB, Verstraete S -
Prevalence of Patient-Reported Social Risk Factors and Receipt of Assistance in Federally Funded Health Centers.
Journal of general internal medicine 2019 De Marchis E, Pantell M, Fichtenberg C, Gottlieb LM -
Associations between unstable housing, obstetric outcomes, and perinatal health care utilization.
American journal of obstetrics & gynecology MFM 2019 Pantell MS, Baer RJ, Torres JM, Felder JN, Gomez AM, Chambers BD, Dunn J, Parikh NI, Pacheco-Werner T, Rogers EE, Feuer SK, Ryckman KK, Novak NL, Tabb KM, Fuchs J, Rand L, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL -
Socioeconomic Status, Preeclampsia Risk and Gestational Length in Black and White Women.
Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities 2019 Ross KM, Dunkel Schetter C, McLemore MR, Chambers BD, Paynter RA, Baer R, Feuer SK, Flowers E, Karasek D, Pantell M, Prather AA, Ryckman K, Jelliffe-Pawlowski L -
Autoimmune Cytopenias in Pediatric Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Patients.
Frontiers in pediatrics 2019 Neely JA, Dvorak CC, Pantell MS, Melton A, Huang JN, Shimano KA -
Practice Capacity to Address Patients' Social Needs and Physician Satisfaction and Perceived Quality of Care.
Annals of family medicine 2019 Pantell MS, De Marchis E, Bueno A, Gottlieb LM -
Pre-pregnancy or first-trimester risk scoring to identify women at high risk of preterm birth.
European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology 2018 Baer RJ, McLemore MR, Adler N, Oltman SP, Chambers BD, Kuppermann M, Pantell MS, Rogers EE, Ryckman KK, Sirota M, Rand L, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL -
Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Febrile Infants: Challenging Tradition.
Advances in pediatrics 2018 Pantell RH, Roberts KB, Greenhow TL, Pantell MS -
Perspectives from the Society for Pediatric Research: interventions targeting social needs in pediatric clinical care.
Pediatric research 2018 Beck AF, Cohen AJ, Colvin JD, Fichtenberg CM, Fleegler EW, Garg A, Gottlieb LM, Pantell MS, Sandel MT, Schickedanz A, Kahn RS -
Initial Metabolic Profiles Are Associated with 7-Day Survival among Infants Born at 22-25 Weeks of Gestation.
The Journal of pediatrics 2018 Oltman SP, Rogers EE, Baer RJ, Anderson JG, Steurer MA, Pantell MS, Partridge JC, Rand L, Ryckman KK, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL -
Two Sides of the Same Coin: Pediatric-Onset and Adult-Onset Common Variable Immune Deficiency.
Journal of clinical immunology 2017 Sanchez LA, Maggadottir SM, Pantell MS, Lugar P, Rundles CC, Sullivan KE, USIDNET Consortium -
Auditory analysis of xeroderma pigmentosum 1971-2012: hearing function, sun sensitivity and DNA repair predict neurological degeneration.
Brain : a journal of neurology 2013 Totonchy MB, Tamura D, Pantell MS, Zalewski C, Bradford PT, Merchant SN, Nadol J, Khan SG, Schiffmann R, Pierson TM, Wiggs E, Griffith AJ, DiGiovanna JJ, Kraemer KH, Brewer CC -
Rigor, vigor, and the study of health disparities.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2012 Adler N, Bush NR, Pantell MS -
Educational attainment and late life telomere length in the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study.
Brain, behavior, and immunity 2012 Adler N, Pantell MS, O'Donovan A, Blackburn E, Cawthon R, Koster A, Opresko P, Newman A, Harris TB, Epel E -
Cumulative inflammatory load is associated with short leukocyte telomere length in the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study.
PloS one 2011 O'Donovan A, Pantell MS, Puterman E, Dhabhar FS, Blackburn EH, Yaffe K, Cawthon RM, Opresko PL, Hsueh WC, Satterfield S, Newman AB, Ayonayon HN, Rubin SM, Harris TB, Epel ES, Health Aging and Body … -
Cost sharing in Medicaid and CHIP: how does it affect out-of-pocket spending?
Health affairs (Project Hope) 2009 Selden TM, Kenney GM, Pantell MS, Ruhter J -
Access to and use of paid sick leave among low-income families with children.
Pediatrics 2008 Clemans-Cope L, Perry CD, Kenney GM, Pelletier JE, Pantell MS