Mark Petersen, MD
Associate Professor
School of Medicine 415-476-3728

My research centers on vascular mechanisms of neurological disease with a particular focus on neonatal brain injury. Blood vessels become damaged in the injured or diseased brain which allows proteins from the blood to leak into the nervous system.

My work seeks to identify new therapies for neurological diseases by targeting toxic blood proteins and inflammatory signals at the blood-brain interface that block normal brain development and repair. To achieve this goal, our group has developed a multifaceted research program incorporating basic science studies of stem cells and animal models with translational studies of human tissue and blood biomarkers. We have discovered critical links between blood coagulation, inflammation, and stem cell dysfunction in neurological disease. The nervous system has long been defined by its limited capacity for regeneration which results in persistent neurological deficits after nervous system damage. Stem cells are abundant in the brain, but why these stem cells are unable to fully restore neural tissue after injury has remained a mystery. We found that the blood clotting protein fibrinogen causes inflammation in the brain and blocks stem cells from becoming mature, myelin-repairing cells. We are now designing therapies to overcome the inhibitory environment in the damaged nervous system to promote regeneration and normal brain development.

Through collaborations with the UCSF Preterm Birth Initiative and UCSF Newborn Brain Research Institute, we are also extending our studies to explore how maternal inflammation and coagulation contribute to preterm birth and poor neonatal outcomes. By combining large population datasets with state-of-the-art multiplex and proteomic approaches to measure blood biomarkers, we hope to identify druggable pathways at the maternal-fetal interface that can be targeted to prevent or lessen the impact of preterm birth and neonatal brain injury.


  • Inducted into the Society for Pediatric Research, Society for Pediatric Research, 2024
  • Certificate of Commendation and Appreciation for Exceptional Service, University of California San Francisco, 2023
  • Award for Scientific Excellence in Neuroscience, Gladstone Institutes, 2018
  • Nomination for Fellow Teaching Award, University of California San Francisco, 2011
  • Honor Roll for Teaching, Stanford University School of Medicine, 2007-2009
  • Letter of Distinction for Teaching, Stanford University School of Medicine, 2007-2008
  • Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) Honor Medical Society, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, 2005
  • Pediatric Faculty Award for Outstanding Performance in Pediatrics, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, 2005
  • W.R. Ingram Award for Superior Achievement in Medical Neuroscience, Univerisity of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, 2003
  • Highest Distinction and Honors in Biology, University of Iowa, 2001
  • Robbie Prize for Excellence in Biological Research, University of Iowa, 2001

Education & Training

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  • Fellowship Neonatology University of California San Francisco 2013
  • Residency Pediatrics Stanford University / Lucile Packard Children's Hospital 2009
  • M.D. Medicine University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine 2005
  • B.S. Biology University of Iowa 2001


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Grants and Projects

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Publications (22)

Top publication keywords:
Bone Morphogenetic ProteinsHedgehog ProteinsOligodendrocyte Precursor CellsFibrinogenMicrogliaNeuroimagingRemyelinationSpinal CordBone Morphogenetic Protein ReceptorsBlood-Brain BarrierFibrinNervous System DiseasesEncephalomyelitis, Autoimmune, ExperimentalCerebellumOligodendroglia