Mark Mamlouk, MD
Volunteer Associate Clinical Professor
School of Medicine


Mark Mamlouk, MD, is a volunteer associate clinical professor of radiology at the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Mamlouk completed his radiology residency at the University of California, Irvine and became board-certified in radiology in 2013. From 2013-2015, he completed a two-year fellowship in neuroradiology at UCSF, where he was chief fellow.

Dr. Mamlouk currently works at Kaiser Permanente in Santa Clara but still maintains a volunteer associate professor role with UCSF, where he teaches trainees, participates in research studies, leads multi-disciplinary conferences, and practices neuroradiology.

Dr. Mamlouk's research interests include many areas within neuroradiology, including cutaneous vascular anomalies, adult & pediatric head/neck, and spine procedures. He is trained in advanced myelographic techniques and targeted blood patches for spinal CSF leaks and CSF-venous fistulas. Lastly, he is interested in revolutionizing radiology reporting to make it more tailored to specific diseases.


  • ASPNR Cum Laude for Branchial Sinuses, 2020
  • RSNA Certificate of Merit for CNS Syndromes with Overgrowth, 2020
  • RSNA Cum Laude for Vascular Anomaly Imaging Mimics, 2018
  • RSNA Magna Cum Laude for Contextual Radiology Reporting, 2017
  • RSNA Certificate of Merit, 2013
  • RSNA Certificate of Merit, 2012
  • RSNA Roentgen Resident Research Award, 2012
  • ARRS Travel Grant Scholarship, 2011
  • RSNA Cum Laude Award, 2011
  • SIR Resident-In-Training Annual Scientific Meeting Scholarship, 2011

Publications (59)

Top publication keywords:
FibrinIntracranial HypotensionTomography, X-Ray ComputedFibrin Tissue AdhesiveRadiology, InterventionalFistulaVascular MalformationsVascular FistulaAortic CoarctationMyelographyCerebrospinal Fluid LeakRadiologyBlood Patch, EpiduralNeurocutaneous SyndromesEye Abnormalities