Mark Leary, MD
School of Medicine



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Publications (27)

Top publication keywords:
NarcissismDecision Support TechniquesSelf-ManagementViolenceBehavior, AddictiveAIDS SerodiagnosisMethamphetamineHospitals, CountyPsychiatric Department, HospitalAntipsychotic AgentsHospitals, UrbanSelf ConceptFood AddictionEatingPsychiatry

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  • What you don't know might hurt me: Keeping secrets in interpersonal relationships.
    Personal Relationships 2021 Alisa Bedrov, Mark R. Leary
  • Emotional reactions to threats to acceptance and belonging: a retrospective look at the big picture.
    Australian Journal of Psychology 2021 Mark R. Leary
  • The need to belong, the sociometer, and the pursuit of relational value: Unfinished business.
    Self and Identity 2020 Mark R. Leary
  • Labeling.
    2020 Susan Watt, Katrin Bittrich, Torsten Schubert, Andrew M. Lane, Kevin Lanning, Jinbo He, Xitao Fan, Claudio Colace, Manuel C. Voelkle, Jinbo He, Xitao Fan, Mazen El-Baba, Rozel S. Balmores-Paulino, …
  • Leary, Mark R.
    2020 Mark Leary
  • Hypo-Egoic Nonentitlement as a Feature of Humility.
    Personality & social psychology bulletin 2019 Banker CC, Leary MR
  • A Critical Examination and Reconceptualization of Humility.
    2019 Mark R. Leary, Chloe C. Banker
  • Personality, Social Psychology, and Psychopathology.
    2018 Philip R. Costanzo, Rick H. Hoyle, Mark R. Leary
  • Increasing HIV Testing in Inpatient Psychiatry.
    Psychosomatics 2017 Shumway M, Mangurian C, Carraher N, Momenzadeh A, Leary M, Lee EK, Dilley JW
  • The Hypo-Egoic Impact of Mindfulness on Self, Identity, and the Processing of Self-Relevant Information.
    2017 Mark R Leary, Kate J Diebels
  • Implementation of a violence risk assessment tool on a safety-net inpatient psychiatry unit.
    General hospital psychiatry 2017 Seal J, Lee B, Leary M, Riano N, Mangurian C
  • Self-Presentational Congruence and Psychosocial Adjustment: A Test of Three Models.
    Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 2016 Dina Gohar, Mark R. Leary, Philip R. Costanzo
  • Patient Factors Associated with Extended Length of Stay in the Psychiatric Inpatient Units of a Large Urban County Hospital.
    Community mental health journal 2016 Cheng JE, Shumway M, Leary M, Mangurian CV
  • The Systems SOAP Note: A Systems Learning Tool.
    Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2014 Mitsuishi F, Young JQ, Leary M, Dilley J, Mangurian C
  • Use of a brief version of the self-compassion inventory with an international sample of people with HIV/AIDS.
    AIDS care 2013 Kemppainen JK, Brion JM, Leary M, Wantland D, Sullivan K, Nokes K, Bain CA, Chaiphibalsarisdi P, Chen WT, Holzemer WL, Eller LS, Iipinge S, Johnson MO, Portillo C, Voss J, Tyer-Viola L, Corless IB, …
  • Evolutionary Perspectives on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection.
    2013 Mark R. Leary, Catherine A. Cottrell
  • The relationship between level of training and accuracy of violence risk assessment.
    Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.) 2012 Teo AR, Holley SR, Leary M, McNiel DE
  • Personality, Social Psychology, and Psychopathology.
    2012 Philip R. Costanzo, Rick H. Hoyle, Mark R. Leary
  • Impact of capacity reductions in acute public-sector inpatient psychiatric services.
    Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.) 2012 Shumway M, Alvidrez J, Leary M, Sherwood D, Woodard E, Lee EK, Hall H, Catalano RA, Dilley JW
  • Single, physically active, female: The effects of information about exercise participation and body weight on perceptions of young women.
    Social Behavior and Personality An International Journal 2006 Kathleen Martin Ginis, Mark R. Leary
  • Self-Presentational Processes in Health-Damaging Behavior.
    Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 2004 KATHLEEN A. MIN GINIS, MARK R. LEARY
  • Interfaces of social and clinical psychology: Where we have been, where we are.
    1999 Robin M. Kowalski, Mark R. Leary