Mark Hawes, PhD, MSSW
Postdoctoral Scholar
Cardiovascular Research Inst
School of Medicine

Mark Hawes, MSW, PhD, received his doctorate in Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis, Brown School of Social Work where he was funded by the NIMH as a T32 Pre-Doctoral Fellow.

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During his time at the Brown School, he was affiliated with the Center for Mental Health Services Research, worked on projects aiming to reduce health inequities among people with serious mental illness, and co-taught a gradate course on behavioral health policy and services. Mark’s recent work focused on understanding how tobacco smoking and substance use impacted outcomes in a healthy lifestyle intervention among people living in supportive housing. In his role as a joint CTCRE / BHHI post-doctoral fellow, he wants to continue working to eliminate health inequities among people experiencing homelessness and those living in supportive housing by integrating health care services and increasing access and quality of tobacco and substance use treatment services. Mark’s research interests stem from his experience working as a hospital social worker on inpatient medical and psychiatric units, as well as in the emergency department. Mark holds Bachelor and Master of Social Work degrees and is a licensed clinical social worker.

Education & Training

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  • PhD Social Work Washington University in St. Louis 06/2023
  • MSW Social Work Florida State University 08/2015
  • BSW Social Work University of South Alabama 12/2011

Publications (8)

Top publication keywords:
SmokingMaleMental DisordersRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicHealthy LifestylePublic HousingMinority GroupsCardiovascular DiseasesSmoking CessationLife StyleBupropionHumansExerciseBehavior TherapyQualitative Research