Marion Lanteri, PhD
Assistant Professor
Laboratory Medicine
School of Medicine 415-923-5772
Publications (73)
Top publication keywords:
DisinfectionUltraviolet RaysFurocoumarinsBlood PlateletsWest Nile virusAntibodies, ViralBlood SafetyWest Nile FeverTransfusion ReactionVirus InactivationErythrocytesDengueBlood DonorsZika VirusZika Virus Infection
Spike and nucleocapsid antibody dynamics following SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination: Implications for sourcing COVID-19 convalescent plasma from routinely collected blood donations.
Transfusion 2024 Di Germanio C, Deng X, Balasko BG, Simmons G, Martinelli R, Grebe E, Stone M, Spencer BR, Saa P, Yu EA, Lanteri MC, Green V, Wright D, Lartey I, Kleinman S, Jones J, Biggerstaff BJ, Contestable P, … -
Implementing pathogen reduction technology while discontinuing blood donor deferral criteria for sexual risk behaviors: A simulation study.
Transfusion 2024 Domingue MP, O'Brien SF, Grégoire Y, Lanteri MC, Stramer SL, Camirand Lemyre F, Lewin A -
SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels and long COVID occurrence in blood donors.
Transfusion 2024 Avelino-Silva VI, Bruhn R, Zurita KG, Deng X, Yu EA, Grebe E, Stone M, Lanteri MC, Spencer BR, Busch MP, Custer B -
Detection of Nucleocapsid Antibodies Associated with Primary SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Unvaccinated and Vaccinated Blood Donors.
Emerging infectious diseases 2024 Grebe E, Stone M, Spencer BR, Akinseye A, Wright D, Di Germanio C, Bruhn R, Zurita KG, Contestable P, Green V, Lanteri MC, Saa P, Biggerstaff BJ, Coughlin MM, Kleinman S, Custer B, Jones JM, Busch MP -
End of selection criteria based on sexual orientation: An international symposium on alternatives to donation deferral.
Vox sanguinis 2024 Lewin A, Goldman M, Busch MP, Davison K, van de Laar T, Tiberghien P, Shinar E, O'Brien SF, Lambert G, Field S, Hervig T, Tan DHS, Custer B, Drews SJ, Lanteri MC, Klochkov D, Widmer E, Domingue MP, …
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Associations of Temporal Cardiometabolic Patterns and Incident SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among U.S. Blood Donors With Serologic Evidence of Vaccination.
AJPM focus 2024 Yu EA, Stone M, Bravo MD, Grebe E, Bruhn RL, Lanteri MC, Townsend M, Kamel H, Jones JM, Busch MP, Custer B -
Syphilis seroprevalence and incidence in US blood donors from 2020 to 2022.
Transfusion 2024 Conti G, Notari EP, Dodd RY, Kessler D, Custer B, Reik R, Lanteri MC, Hailu B, Yang H, Stramer SL, U.S. Transfusion-Transmissible Infections Monitoring System (TTIMS) -
Estimates of SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence and Incidence of Primary SARS-CoV-2 Infections Among Blood Donors, by COVID-19 Vaccination Status - United States, April 2021-September 2022.
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report 2023 Jones JM, Manrique IM, Stone MS, Grebe E, Saa P, Germanio CD, Spencer BR, Notari E, Bravo M, Lanteri MC, Green V, Briggs-Hagen M, Coughlin MM, Stramer SL, Opsomer J, Busch MP -
Plasma transfusion-transmission of Zika virus in mice and macaques.
Transfusion 2023 Van Rompay KKA, Coffey LL, Yee JL, Singapuri A, Stuart J, Lanteri MC, Santa Maria F, Lu K, Singh I, Bakkour S, Stone M, Williamson PC, Muench MO, Busch MP, Simmons G -
A diagnostic classifier for gene expression-based identification of early Lyme disease.
Communications medicine 2022 Servellita V, Bouquet J, Rebman A, Yang T, Samayoa E, Miller S, Stone M, Lanteri M, Busch M, Tang P, Morshed M, Soloski MJ, Aucott J, Chiu CY -
Mitigating the risk of transfusion-transmitted infections with vector-borne agents solely by means of pathogen reduction.
Transfusion 2022 Stramer SL, Lanteri MC, Brodsky JP, Foster GA, Krysztof DE, Groves JA, Townsend RL, Notari E, Bakkour S, Stone M, Simmons G, Spencer B, Tonnetti L, Busch MP -
Robust inactivation of Plasmodium falciparum in red blood cell concentrates using amustaline and glutathione pathogen reduction.
Transfusion 2022 Sow C, Bouissou A, Girard YA, Singh GB, Bounaadja L, Payrat JM, Haas D, Isola H, Lanteri MC, Bringmann P, Grellier P -
Quantitative restoration of immune defense in old animals determined by naive antigen-specific CD8 T-cell numbers.
Aging cell 2022 Uhrlaub JL, Jergovic M, Bradshaw CM, Sonar S, Coplen CP, Dudakov J, Murray KO, Lanteri MC, Busch MP, van den Brink MRM, Nikolich-Žugich J -
Identification of Anti-Premembrane Antibody as a Serocomplex-Specific Marker To Discriminate Zika, Dengue, and West Nile Virus Infections.
Journal of virology 2021 Hsieh SC, Tsai WY, Tsai JJ, Stone M, Simmons G, Busch MP, Lanteri M, Stramer SL, Balmaseda A, Harris E, Wang WK -
Multiple-ancestry genome-wide association study identifies 27 loci associated with measures of hemolysis following blood storage.
The Journal of clinical investigation 2021 Page GP, Kanias T, Guo YJ, Lanteri MC, Zhang X, Mast AE, Cable RG, Spencer BR, Kiss JE, Fang F, Endres-Dighe SM, Brambilla D, Nouraie M, Gordeuk VR, Kleinman S, Busch MP, Gladwin MT, National Heart, … -
Donor sex, age and ethnicity impact stored red blood cell antioxidant metabolism through mechanisms in part explained by glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase levels and activity.
Haematologica 2021 D'Alessandro A, Fu X, Kanias T, Reisz JA, Culp-Hill R, Guo Y, Gladwin MT, Page G, Kleinman S, Lanteri M, Stone M, Busch MP, Zimring JC, Recipient Epidemiology and Donor Evaluation Study-III (REDS III) -
Sepsis from an apheresis platelet contaminated with Acinetobacter calcoaceticus/baumannii complex bacteria and Staphylococcus saprophyticus after pathogen reduction.
Transfusion 2020 Fridey JL, Stramer SL, Nambiar A, Moayeri M, Bakkour S, Langelier C, Crawford E, Lu T, Lanteri MC, Kamm J, Miller S, Wagner SJ, Benjamin RJ, Busch MP -
Zika virus RNA and IgM persistence in blood compartments and body fluids: a prospective observational study.
The Lancet. Infectious diseases 2020 Stone M, Bakkour S, Lanteri MC, Brambilla D, Simmons G, Bruhn R, Kaidarova Z, Lee TH, Orlando Alsina J, Williamson PC, Galel SA, Pate LL, Linnen JM, Kleinman S, Busch MP, NHLBI Recipient Epidemiology … -
Inactivation of a broad spectrum of viruses and parasites by photochemical treatment of plasma and platelets using amotosalen and ultraviolet A light.
Transfusion 2020 Lanteri MC, Santa-Maria F, Laughhunn A, Girard YA, Picard-Maureau M, Payrat JM, Irsch J, Stassinopoulos A, Bringmann P -
Corrigendum to: Blood Gene Signatures of Chagas Cardiomyopathy With or Without Ventricular Dysfunction.
The Journal of infectious diseases 2020 Ferreira LRP, Ferreira FM, Nakaya HI, Deng X, Cândido DDS, de Oliveira LC, Billaud JN, Lanteri MC, Rigaud VO, Seielstad M, Kalil J, Fernandes F, Ribeiro ALP, Sabino EC, Cunha-Neto E -
Inactivation of Plasmodium falciparum in whole blood using the amustaline and glutathione pathogen reduction technology.
Transfusion 2020 Sow C, Laughhunn A, Girard YA, Lanteri MC, Amar El Dusouqui S, Stassinopoulos A, Grellier P -
Inactivation of yellow fever virus with amotosalen and ultraviolet A light pathogen-reduction technology.
Transfusion 2020 Girard YA, Santa Maria F, Lanteri MC -
Differential Pattern of Soluble Immune Markers in Asymptomatic Dengue, West Nile and Zika Virus Infections.
Scientific reports 2019 Fares-Gusmao R, Rocha BC, Sippert E, Lanteri MC, Áñez G, Rios M -
Piloting and implementation of quality assessment and quality control procedures in RBC-Omics: a large multi-center study of red blood cell hemolysis during storage.
Transfusion 2018 Stone M, Keating SM, Kanias T, Lanteri MC, Lebedeva M, Sinchar D, Hampton D, Jakub A, Rychka V, Brewer G, Bakkour S, Gefter N, Murcia K, Page GP, Endres-Dighe S, Bialkowski W, Fu X, Zimring J, Raife … -
In vitro evaluation of pathogen inactivated platelet quality: An 8 year experience of routine use in Galicia, Spain.
Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis 2018 Castrillo Fernández A, Lanteri MC, Arcas Otero C, Díaz Pereira A, Adelantado Pérez M -
Frequent blood donations alter susceptibility of red blood cells to storage- and stress-induced hemolysis.
Transfusion 2018 Kanias T, Stone M, Page GP, Guo Y, Endres-Dighe SM, Lanteri MC, Spencer BR, Cable RG, Triulzi DJ, Kiss JE, Murphy EL, Kleinman S, Gladwin MT, Busch MP, Mast AE, NHLBI Recipient Epidemiology Donor … -
Intradonor reproducibility and changes in hemolytic variables during red blood cell storage: results of recall phase of the REDS-III RBC-Omics study.
Transfusion 2018 Lanteri MC, Kanias T, Keating S, Stone M, Guo Y, Page GP, Brambilla DJ, Endres-Dighe SM, Mast AE, Bialkowski W, D'Andrea P, Cable RG, Spencer BR, Triulzi DJ, Murphy EL, Kleinman S, Gladwin MT, Busch … -
Heterogeneity of blood processing and storage additives in different centers impacts stored red blood cell metabolism as much as storage time: lessons from REDS-III-Omics.
Transfusion 2018 D'Alessandro A, Culp-Hill R, Reisz JA, Anderson M, Fu X, Nemkov T, Gehrke S, Zheng C, Kanias T, Guo Y, Page G, Gladwin MT, Kleinman S, Lanteri M, Stone M, Busch M, Zimring JC, Recipient Epidemiology … -
Blood, sweat, and tears: Red Blood Cell-Omics study objectives, design, and recruitment activities.
Transfusion 2018 Endres-Dighe SM, Guo Y, Kanias T, Lanteri M, Stone M, Spencer B, Cable RG, Kiss JE, Kleinman S, Gladwin MT, Brambilla DJ, D'Andrea P, Triulzi DJ, Mast AE, Page GP, Busch MP, NHLBI Recipient … -
Inactivation of chikungunya virus in blood components treated with amotosalen/ultraviolet A light or amustaline/glutathione.
Transfusion 2018 Laughhunn A, Huang YS, Vanlandingham DL, Lanteri MC, Stassinopoulos A -
Amustaline (S-303) treatment inactivates high levels of Chikungunya virus in red-blood-cell components.
Vox sanguinis 2018 Aubry M, Laughhunn A, Santa Maria F, Lanteri MC, Stassinopoulos A, Musso D -
Genomewide association study of HLA alloimmunization in previously pregnant blood donors.
Transfusion 2017 Seielstad M, Page GP, Gaddis N, Lanteri M, Lee TH, Kakaiya R, Barcellos LF, Criswell LA, Triulzi D, Norris PJ, Busch MP, NHLBI REDS-III Study Investigators -
Zika virus in French Polynesia 2013-14: anatomy of a completed outbreak.
The Lancet. Infectious diseases 2017 Musso D, Bossin H, Mallet HP, Besnard M, Broult J, Baudouin L, Levi JE, Sabino EC, Ghawche F, Lanteri MC, Baud D -
Distinguishing Secondary Dengue Virus Infection From Zika Virus Infection With Previous Dengue by a Combination of 3 Simple Serological Tests.
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2017 Tsai WY, Youn HH, Brites C, Tsai JJ, Tyson J, Pedroso C, Drexler JF, Stone M, Simmons G, Busch MP, Lanteri M, Stramer SL, Balmaseda A, Harris E, Wang WK -
Pathogen inactivation of Dengue virus in red blood cells using amustaline and glutathione.
Transfusion 2017 Aubry M, Laughhunn A, Santa Maria F, Lanteri MC, Stassinopoulos A, Musso D -
Zika virus preferentially replicates in the female reproductive tract after vaginal inoculation of rhesus macaques.
PLoS pathogens 2017 Carroll T, Lo M, Lanteri M, Dutra J, Zarbock K, Silveira P, Rourke T, Ma ZM, Fritts L, O'Connor S, Busch M, Miller CJ -
Detection of Zika virus RNA in semen of asymptomatic blood donors.
Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2017 Musso D, Richard V, Teissier A, Stone M, Lanteri MC, Latoni G, Alsina J, Reik R, Busch MP, Recipient Epidemiology and Donor Evaluation Study (REDS-III) ZIKV Study Group -
Inactivation of Zika virus in platelet components using amotosalen and ultraviolet A illumination.
Transfusion 2017 Santa Maria F, Laughhunn A, Lanteri MC, Aubry M, Musso D, Stassinopoulos A -
Ethnicity, sex, and age are determinants of red blood cell storage and stress hemolysis: results of the REDS-III RBC-Omics study.
Blood advances 2017 Kanias T, Lanteri MC, Page GP, Guo Y, Endres SM, Stone M, Keating S, Mast AE, Cable RG, Triulzi DJ, Kiss JE, Murphy EL, Kleinman S, Busch MP, Gladwin MT -
An update on Zika virus infection.
Lancet (London, England) 2017 Baud D, Gubler DJ, Schaub B, Lanteri MC, Musso D -
Serum from dengue virus-infected patients with and without plasma leakage differentially affects endothelial cells barrier function in vitro.
PloS one 2017 Tramontini Gomes de Sousa Cardozo F, Baimukanova G, Lanteri MC, Keating SM, Moraes Ferreira F, Heitman J, Pannuti CS, Pati S, Romano CM, Cerdeira Sabino E -
Molecular detection of Zika virus in blood and RNA load determination during the French Polynesian outbreak.
Journal of medical virology 2017 Musso D, Rouault E, Teissier A, Lanteri MC, Zisou K, Broult J, Grange E, Nhan TX, Aubry M -
Zika virus in Singapore: unanswered questions.
The Lancet. Infectious diseases 2017 Musso D, Lanteri MC -
Emergence of Zika virus: where does it come from and where is it going to?
The Lancet. Infectious diseases 2017 Musso D, Lanteri MC -
Relative analytical sensitivity of donor nucleic acid amplification technology screening and diagnostic real-time polymerase chain reaction assays for detection of Zika virus RNA.
Transfusion 2017 Stone M, Lanteri MC, Bakkour S, Deng X, Galel SA, Linnen JM, Muñoz-Jordán JL, Lanciotti RS, Rios M, Gallian P, Musso D, Levi JE, Sabino EC, Coffey LL, Busch MP -
Amustaline (S-303) treatment inactivates high levels of Zika virus in red blood cell components.
Transfusion 2017 Laughhunn A, Santa Maria F, Broult J, Lanteri MC, Stassinopoulos A, Musso D, Aubry M -
Blood Gene Signatures of Chagas Cardiomyopathy With or Without Ventricular Dysfunction.
The Journal of infectious diseases 2017 Ferreira LR, Ferreira FM, Nakaya HI, Deng X, Cândido DD, de Oliveira LC, Billaud JN, Lanteri MC, Rigaud VO, Seielstad M, Kalil J, Fernandes F, Ribeiro AL, Sabino EC, Cunha-Neto E -
Zika Virus Tissue and Blood Compartmentalization in Acute Infection of Rhesus Macaques.
PloS one 2017 Coffey LL, Pesavento PA, Keesler RI, Singapuri A, Watanabe J, Watanabe R, Yee J, Bliss-Moreau E, Cruzen C, Christe KL, Reader JR, von Morgenland W, Gibbons AM, Allen AM, Linnen J, Gao K, Delwart E, … -
Documentation of transfusion-transmitted arbovirus infections in endemic areas.
Transfusion 2016 Musso D, Gould E, Lanteri MC -
Thoughts Around the Zika Virus Crisis.
Current infectious disease reports 2016 Musso D, Lanteri MC -
Zika virus: a new threat to the safety of the blood supply with worldwide impact and implications.
Transfusion 2016 Lanteri MC, Kleinman SH, Glynn SA, Musso D, Keith Hoots W, Custer BS, Sabino EC, Busch MP -
Human memory T cells with a naive phenotype accumulate with aging and respond to persistent viruses.
Nature immunology 2016 Pulko V, Davies JS, Martinez C, Lanteri MC, Busch MP, Diamond MS, Knox K, Bush EC, Sims PA, Sinari S, Billheimer D, Haddad EK, Murray KO, Wertheimer AM, Nikolich-Žugich J -
Human Galectin-9 Is a Potent Mediator of HIV Transcription and Reactivation.
PLoS pathogens 2016 Abdel-Mohsen M, Chavez L, Tandon R, Chew GM, Deng X, Danesh A, Keating S, Lanteri M, Samuels ML, Hoh R, Sacha JB, Norris PJ, Niki T, Shikuma CM, Hirashima M, Deeks SG, Ndhlovu LC, Pillai SK -
Blood group A and D negativity are associated with symptomatic West Nile virus infection.
Transfusion 2016 Kaidarova Z, Bravo MD, Kamel HT, Custer BS, Busch MP, Lanteri MC -
Incidence of West Nile virus infection in the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area during the 2012 epidemic.
Epidemiology and infection 2016 Williamson PC, Custer B, Biggerstaff BJ, Lanciotti RS, Sayers MH, Eason SJ, Dixon MR, Winkelman V, Lanteri MC, Petersen LR, Busch MP -
Neuroinvasive West Nile Infection Elicits Elevated and Atypically Polarized T Cell Responses That Promote a Pathogenic Outcome.
PLoS pathogens 2016 James EA, Gates TJ, LaFond RE, Yamamoto S, Ni C, Mai D, Gersuk VH, O'Brien K, Nguyen QA, Zeitner B, Lanteri MC, Norris PJ, Chaussabel D, Malhotra U, Kwok WW -
Probable and possible transfusion-transmitted dengue associated with NS1 antigen-negative but RNA confirmed-positive red blood cells.
Transfusion 2015 Matos D, Tomashek KM, Perez-Padilla J, Muñoz-Jordán J, Hunsperger E, Horiuchi K, Noyd D, Winton C, Foster G, Lanteri M, Linnen JM, Stramer SL -
Soluble T cell immunoglobulin mucin domain 3 is shed from CD8+ T cells by the sheddase ADAM10, is increased in plasma during untreated HIV infection, and correlates with HIV disease progression.
Journal of virology 2015 Clayton KL, Douglas-Vail MB, Nur-ur Rahman AK, Medcalf KE, Xie IY, Chew GM, Tandon R, Lanteri MC, Norris PJ, Deeks SG, Ndhlovu LC, Ostrowski MA -
Downregulation of Cytokines and Chemokines by GB Virus C After Transmission Via Blood Transfusion in HIV-Positive Blood Recipients.
The Journal of infectious diseases 2014 Lanteri MC, Vahidnia F, Tan S, Stapleton JT, Norris PJ, Heitman J, Deng X, Keating SM, Brambilla D, Busch MP, Custer B, NHLBI REDS III Study -
West Nile virus nucleic acid persistence in whole blood months after clearance in plasma: implication for transfusion and transplantation safety.
Transfusion 2014 Lanteri MC, Lee TH, Wen L, Kaidarova Z, Bravo MD, Kiely NE, Kamel HT, Tobler LH, Norris PJ, Busch MP -
Galectin-9 is rapidly released during acute HIV-1 infection and remains sustained at high levels despite viral suppression even in elite controllers.
AIDS research and human retroviruses 2014 Tandon R, Chew GM, Byron MM, Borrow P, Niki T, Hirashima M, Barbour JD, Norris PJ, Lanteri MC, Martin JN, Deeks SG, Ndhlovu LC -
Increased frequency of Tim-3 expressing T cells is associated with symptomatic West Nile virus infection.
PloS one 2014 Lanteri MC, Diamond MS, Law JP, Chew GM, Wu S, Inglis HC, Wong D, Busch MP, Norris PJ, Ndhlovu LC -
IL-1β signaling promotes CNS-intrinsic immune control of West Nile virus infection.
PLoS pathogens 2012 Ramos HJ, Lanteri MC, Blahnik G, Negash A, Suthar MS, Brassil MM, Sodhi K, Treuting PM, Busch MP, Norris PJ, Gale M -
Dengue in the context of "safe blood" and global epidemiology: to screen or not to screen?
Transfusion 2012 Lanteri MC, Busch MP -
Association between HLA class I and class II alleles and the outcome of West Nile virus infection: an exploratory study.
PloS one 2011 Lanteri MC, Kaidarova Z, Peterson T, Cate S, Custer B, Wu S, Agapova M, Law JP, Bielawny T, Plummer F, Tobler LH, Loeb M, Busch MP, Bramson J, Luo M, Norris PJ -
[West Nile virus - I. conquest of the West].
Medecine sciences : M/S 2011 Lanteri MC, Assal A, Norris PJ, Busch MP -
[West Nile virus. II. Immunopathophysiology in humans].
Medecine sciences : M/S 2011 Lanteri MC, Diamond MS, Norris PJ, Busch MP -
HIV+ elite controllers have low HIV-specific T-cell activation yet maintain strong, polyfunctional T-cell responses.
AIDS (London, England) 2010 Owen RE, Heitman JW, Hirschkorn DF, Lanteri MC, Biswas HH, Martin JN, Krone MR, Deeks SG, Norris PJ, NIAID Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology -
A novel human CD4+ T-cell inducer subset with potent immunostimulatory properties.
European journal of immunology 2010 Ndhlovu LC, Leal FE, Eccles-James IG, Jha AR, Lanteri M, Norris PJ, Barbour JD, Wachter DJ, Andersson J, Taskén K, Torheim EA, Aandahl EM, Kallas EG, Nixon DF -
The importance of Foxp3 antibody and fixation/permeabilization buffer combinations in identifying CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells.
Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology 2009 Law JP, Hirschkorn DF, Owen RE, Biswas HH, Norris PJ, Lanteri MC -
Tregs control the development of symptomatic West Nile virus infection in humans and mice.
The Journal of clinical investigation 2009 Lanteri MC, O'Brien KM, Purtha WE, Cameron MJ, Lund JM, Owen RE, Heitman JW, Custer B, Hirschkorn DF, Tobler LH, Kiely N, Prince HE, Ndhlovu LC, Nixon DF, Kamel HT, Kelvin DJ, Busch MP, Rudensky AY, … -
Interferon and interferon-induced chemokine expression is associated with control of acute viremia in West Nile virus-infected blood donors.
The Journal of infectious diseases 2008 Tobler LH, Cameron MJ, Lanteri MC, Prince HE, Danesh A, Persad D, Lanciotti RS, Norris PJ, Kelvin DJ, Busch MP -
Comprehensive analysis of west nile virus-specific T cell responses in humans.
The Journal of infectious diseases 2008 Lanteri MC, Heitman JW, Owen RE, Busch T, Gefter N, Kiely N, Kamel HT, Tobler LH, Busch MP, Norris PJ