Marina Tolou-Shams, PhD
School of Medicine 628-206-2212
Dr. Tolou-Shams is the Kilroy Realty Professor of Psychiatry and Vice Chair of Community Engagement, Outreach and Advocacy in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (DPBS) at UCSF. She is also Deputy Vice Chair for Research in the DPBS at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFG).
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From 2015-2022, she served as Director of the UCSF Division of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ICAP) at ZSFG and from 2006-2015 she served as Director of the Rhode Island Family Court (RIFC) Mental Health clinic which she started as a cross-system collaboration between Brown Medical School and the RIFC. Dr. Tolou-Shams received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in 2004 from the University of Illinois at Chicago and is trained as a pediatric and forensic psychologist and has many years of clinical experience with assessing and treating underserved adolescents and their families. Her 20 years of research experience has broadly focused on developing and testing integrated mental health, substance use, sexual and reproductive health prevention and treatment interventions (at individual, family and systems-levels) for youth and families in contact with the legal and/or child welfare systems. Dr. Tolou-Shams currently directs the UCSF Juvenile (in)Justice Behavioral Health lab ( and is PI of several active NIH-funded trials aimed toward improving behavioral health services access and outcomes and reducing health disparities for these youth. Specific emphasis includes gender and trauma-responsive interventions for girls in the juvenile legal system, studying the impact of structural racism and discrimination on behavioral health outcomes and services utilization, and identifying ways to leverage technology to improve access to behavioral health care for system-involved youth and families. Dr. Tolou-Shams is also involved in the UC Brain and Behavioral Health Consortium; a multi-UC campus initiative that aims, through rigorous research, education, clinical care and workforce development, to improve CA population behavioral health outcomes across the lifespan.
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- Juvenile (in)Justice Behavioral Health Lab (
Grants and Projects
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- Mentoring to reduce substance use for youth in the juvenile justice system, NIH, 2019-2024
- Foster Care Mental Health Family Navigator, NIH, 2020-2023
- Gender-Responsive Drug Use Treatment for Juvenile Justice Girls, NIH, 2014-2021
- Drug Use and HIV/STI Risk Trajectories in Court-Involved, Non-Incarcerated Youth, NIH, 2013-2019
- Juvenile Court Approaches to Reduce Reproductive Health Disparities, NIH, 2015-2018
- HIV Prevention in the Family Drug Court, NIH, 2008-2014
Publications (134)
Top publication keywords:
Adolescent BehaviorJuvenile DelinquencySexually Transmitted DiseasesParent-Child RelationsSubstance-Related DisordersCannabisRisk-TakingCriminalsSexual BehaviorRecidivismMental Health ServicesAdolescentAdolescent PsychiatrySocial JusticeBullying
Addressing System Challenges in Mental Health Services Research for Youth in the Child Welfare System: Insights From the Foster Care Family Navigator Trial.
Mental Health Science 2025 Marina Tolou-Shams, Megan Ramaiya, Jannet L. Salas, Adrian Aguilera, Martha Shumway, Brian Borsari, Emily Dauria, Jill D. Berrick -
Reflections of Foster Youth Engaging in the Co-Design of Digital Mental Health Technology: Duoethnography Study.
JMIR formative research 2025 Ezimora I, Lundberg T, Miars D, Trujeque J, Papias A, Del Cid MV, Folk JB, Tolou-Shams M -
Feasibility and Acceptability of a Family-Based Telehealth Intervention for Families Impacted by the Child Welfare System: Formative Mixed Methods Evaluation.
JMIR formative research 2024 Folk JB, Valencia-Ayala C, Holloway ED, Anvar S, Czopp A, Tolou-Shams M -
1.5 Transforming Systems of Care for Girls: An Interactive Panel.
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2024 Lisa R. Fortuna, William David Lohr, Eraka P.J. Bath, Marina Tolou-Shams, Pilar Trelles, Kristie M. Ladegard, Shelby Davies -
31.3 How Co-Design Can Enhance Cultural Responsiveness: Examples From a Digital Health App That Addresses Substance Use Among Foster Youth.
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2024 Juan Carlos Gonzalez, Johanna B. Folk, Margareth V. Del Cid, Marina Tolou-Shams
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4.65 The Behavioral Health Needs of Legally Involved Sexual-Minority Female Adolescents.
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2024 Elizabeth M. Olsen, Laura B. Whiteley, Sarah Bailey, Andrew P. Barnett, Daphne Koinis-Mitchell, Johanna B. Folk, Marina Tolou-Shams, Larry K. Brown -
83.3 Fostering TechQuity Through Co-Designing Behavioral Health Interventions With Systems-Impacted Families.
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2024 Johanna B. Folk, Marina Tolou-Shams -
Family Factors Associated With Delinquency Outcomes in Court-Involved Youth in Mental Health Treatment.
JAACAP Open 2024 Elizabeth M. Olsen, Laura Whiteley, Marina Tolou-Shams, Christianne Esposito-Smythers, Larry K. Brown -
Advancing Youth Justice: The Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist's Role.
Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America 2024 Robles-Ramamurthy B, Bath E, Lowenhaupt EA, Tolou-Shams M -
Feasibility and Acceptability of a Trauma-informed Intervention to Leverage Caregivers in Preventing Opioid Use Among Youth Involved in the Legal System.
Journal of child & adolescent trauma 2024 Yang Y, Joseph ED, Shelley LT, Razuri EB, Tinius E, Tolou-Shams M, Knight DK -
eHealth-Enhanced Peer Navigation for Substance Use Treatment and HIV Prevention Service Linkage for Young Adults Surveilled by the Criminal Legal System: Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Trial Study.
JMIR research protocols 2024 Creasy SL, Sweet S, Myers JJ, Shumway M, Tolou-Shams M, McCaffrey N, Dauria EF -
Youth recidivism: youth self-report matters.
Frontiers in psychology 2024 Holloway ED, Irgens M, McPhee J, Folk JB, Tolou-Shams M -
Sexually transmitted infections.
Encyclopedia of Adolescence 2024 Megan Ramaiya, Sarah Anvar, Marina Tolou-Shams -
Implementation Considerations for Family-Based Telehealth Interventions for Youth in Foster Care: Focus Group Study With Child Welfare System Professionals.
JMIR formative research 2023 Leo HP, Folk JB, Rodriguez C, Tolou-Shams M -
Pathways From Early Childhood Maltreatment to Adolescent Dating Violence: The Role of Traumatic Stress and Substance Use Among Juvenile Justice-Involved Youth.
Traumatology An International Journal 2023 David Hoskins, Jocelyn I. Meza, Evan D. Holloway, Larry Brown, Kathleen Kemp, Marina Tolou-Shams -
A Family-Based Mental Health Navigator Intervention for Youth in the Child Welfare System: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.
JMIR research protocols 2023 Tolou-Shams M, Ramaiya M, Lara Salas J, Ezimora I, Shumway M, Duerr Berrick J, Aguilera A, Borsari B, Dauria E, Friedling N, Holmes C, Grandi A -
As a new challenger approaches, how will modern psychiatry cope with 'shifting realities'?
Acta neuropsychiatrica 2023 O'Neill J, Nakisa B, Eyre H, Vahia IV, Schueller SM, Tolou-Shams M, Lundin RM -
Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Self-Cutting Behavior Among Adolescents at First Contact with the Juvenile Court.
Journal of youth and adolescence 2023 Meza JI, Folk J, Hoskins D, Kemp K, Tolou-Shams M -
Prevention of Opioid Use and Disorder Among Youth Involved in the Legal System: Innovation and Implementation of Four Studies Funded by the NIDA HEAL Initiative.
Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research 2023 Ahrens K, Blackburn N, Aalsma M, Haggerty K, Kelleher K, Knight DK, Joseph E, Mulford C, Ryle T, Tolou-Shams M -
The Role of Family Factors in the Outcomes of Court-Involved Youth.
Youth violence and juvenile justice 2023 Olsen EM, Whiteley LB, Giorlando KK, Beausoleil N, Tolou-Shams M, Esposito-Smythers C, Brown LK -
Implementation strategies to screen, refer and link women involved in the carceral system to PrEP for HIV prevention.
International journal of prisoner health 2023 Dauria E, Rodriguez C, Bauerle Bass S, Tolou-Shams M, Christopoulos K -
Dating Violence Prevention for Juvenile-Justice Involved Females: A Hybrid Trial.
Pediatrics 2023 Rizzo CJ, Collibee C, Barker D, Houck C, Kemp K, Tolou-Shams M, Zlotnick C, Brown LK -
Psychiatric and Substance-Related Problems Predict Recidivism for First-Time Justice-Involved Youth.
The journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 2023 Tolou-Shams M, Folk JB, Holloway ED, Ordorica CM, Dauria EF, Kemp K, Marshall BDL -
The Association Between Expanded ACEs and Behavioral Health Outcomes Among Youth at First Time Legal System Contact.
Research on child and adolescent psychopathology 2022 Folk JB, Ramaiya M, Holloway E, Ramos L, Marshall BDL, Kemp K, Li Y, Bath E, Mitchell DK, Tolou-Shams M -
Using Social Media to Engage Justice-Involved Young Adults in Digital Health Interventions for Substance Use: Pilot Feasibility Survey Study.
JMIR formative research 2022 Harrison A, Folk J, Rodriguez C, Wallace A, Tolou-Shams M -
Exploratory qualitative study examining acceptability of strategies to improve access to substance use treatment and HIV prevention services for young adults on probation in Ukraine.
BMJ open 2022 Dauria E, Skipalska H, Gopalakrishnan L, Savenko O, Sabadash L, Tolou-Shams M, Flanigan T, Navario P, Castillo TP -
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2022 Barbara Robles-Ramamurthy, Lisa R. Fortuna, Marina Tolou-Shams -
Leveraging Technology to Increase Behavioral Health Services Access for Youth in the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Systems: a Cross-systems Collaboration Model.
The journal of behavioral health services & research 2022 Tolou-Shams M, Holloway ED, Ordorica C, Yonek J, Folk JB, Dauria EF, Lehn K, Ezimora I, Wiley HMF -
Juvenile Justice, Technology and Family Separation: A Call to Prioritize Access to Family-Based Telehealth Treatment for Justice-Involved Adolescents' Mental Health and Well-Being.
Frontiers in digital health 2022 Tolou-Shams M, Bath E, McPhee J, Folk JB, Porche MV, Fortuna LR -
An Ecodevelopmental Framework for Engaging Diverse Youth in Foster Care and Their Families Into Technology-Based Family Intervention Research Trials.
Frontiers in digital health 2022 Folk JB, Gill H, Ordorica C, Rodriguez CA, Holloway ED, Meza J, Tolou-Shams M -
Researchers' Perspectives on Digital Mental Health Intervention Co-Design With Marginalized Community Stakeholder Youth and Families.
Frontiers in psychiatry 2022 Porche MV, Folk JB, Tolou-Shams M, Fortuna LR -
Association of pregnancy attitudes and intentions with sexual activity and psychiatric symptoms in justice-involved youth.
Children and youth services review 2022 Rosen B, Dauria E, Shumway M, Smith JD, Koinis-Mitchell D, Tolou-Shams M -
Unpacking the Layers: Dismantling Inequities in Substance Use Services and Outcomes for Racially Minoritized Adolescents.
Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America 2022 Porche MV, Fortuna LR, Tolou-Shams M -
Peer, substance use, and race-related factors associated with recidivism among first-time justice-involved youth.
Law and human behavior 2022 Holloway ED, Folk JB, Ordorica C, Tolou-Shams M -
Bringing juvenile justice and public health systems together to meet the sexual and reproductive health needs of justice-involved youth.
The American journal of orthopsychiatry 2022 Tolou-Shams M, Dauria EF, Rosen RK, Clark MA, Spetz J, Levine A, Marshall BDL, Folk JB, Gopalakrishnan L, Nunn A, project emPOWER’D expert consultant panel -
Criminal justice and behavior 2021 Kemp K, Poindexter B, Ng MY, Correia V, Marshall BDL, Koinis-Mitchell D, Tolou-Shams M -
Impact of Family, Neighborhood, and Schools on Behavioral Health Needs of Justice-Involved Latinx Adolescents.
Couple & family psychology 2021 Hoskins D, Meza JI, Del Cid MV, Kemp K, Koinis-Mitchell D, Webb M, Tolou-Shams M -
Sexting and Behavioral Health in First-time Justice-Involved Adolescents.
Children and youth services review 2021 Ng MY, Harrison A, Bath E, Kemp K, Galbraith K, Brown LK, Tolou-Shams M -
Addressing adolescent substance use in an urban pediatric federally qualified health center.
Journal of substance abuse treatment 2021 Yonek JC, Velez S, Satre DD, Margolis K, Whittle A, Jain S, Tolou-Shams M -
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2021 Lisa R. Fortuna, Marina Tolou-Shams, Michelle Porche -
The Ethical Implications of Using Social Media to Engage and Retain Justice-Involved Youth in Behavioral Health Research.
Journal of empirical research on human research ethics : JERHRE 2021 Rodriguez CA, Gopalakrishnan L, Del Cid M, Folk JB, Yonek J, Tolou-Shams M -
Collecting Social Media Information in a Substance Use Intervention Trial With Adolescent Girls With Lifetime Substance Use History: Observational Study.
JMIR formative research 2021 Ramos LMC, Delgadillo J, Vélez S, Dauria E, Salas J, Tolou-Shams M -
The Relationship of E-Cigarette Use to Tobacco Use Outcomes Among Young Adults Who Smoke and Use Alcohol.
Journal of addiction medicine 2021 Yonek JC, Meacham MC, Ramo D, Delucchi K, Tolou-Shams M, Satre DD -
Smoking reduction is associated with lower alcohol consumption and depressive symptoms among young adults over one year.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2021 Yonek JC, Meacham MC, Shumway M, Tolou-Shams M, Satre DD -
VOICES: An efficacious trauma-informed, gender-responsive cannabis use intervention for justice and school-referred girls with lifetime substance use history.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2021 Tolou-Shams M, Dauria EF, Folk J, Shumway M, Marshall BDL, Rizzo CJ, Messina N, Covington S, Haack LM, Chaffee T, Brown LK -
Prevalence and Correlates of Self-Injurious Behaviors Among Justice-Involved Youth.
Journal of correctional health care : the official journal of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care 2021 Jin H, Marshall BDL, Kemp K, Tolou-Shams M -
Substance use screening and rates of treatment referral among justice-involved youth.
Addictive behaviors 2021 Yurasek AM, Kemp K, Otero J, Tolou-Shams M -
Rapid creation of child telemental health services during COVID-19 to promote continued care for underserved children and families.
Psychological services 2021 Tolou-Shams M, Folk J, Stuart B, Mangurian C, Fortuna L -
The prospective impact of adverse childhood experiences on justice-involved youth's psychiatric symptoms and substance use.
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2021 Folk JB, Ramos LMC, Bath EP, Rosen B, Marshall BDL, Kemp K, Brown L, Conrad S, Tolou-Shams M -
Predictors of cannabis use among first-time justice-involved youth: A cohort study.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2021 Tolou-Shams M, Folk JB, Marshall BDL, Dauria EF, Kemp K, Li Y, Koinis-Mitchell D, Brown LK -
Cannabis Use Among Court-Involved Minority Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Adolescents.
The journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 2021 Hirschtritt ME, Folk JB, Marshall BDL, Li Y, Tolou-Shams M -
Brief Report: HIV Testing and Risk Among Justice-Involved Youth.
AIDS and behavior 2021 Haney-Caron E, Brown LK, Tolou-Shams M -
Perspectives of Girls and Young Women Affected by Commercial Sexual Exploitation: mHealth as a Tool to Increase Engagement in Care.
Journal of health care for the poor and underserved 2021 Bath EP, Godoy SM, Perris GE, Morris TC, Hayes MD, Bagot K, Barnert E, Tolou-Shams M -
Dating Aggression among Court-Involved Adolescents: Prevalence, Offense Type, and Gender.
Journal of interpersonal violence 2021 Collibee C, Fox K, Folk J, Rizzo C, Kemp K, Tolou-Shams M -
Adverse childhood experiences among justice-involved youth: Data-driven recommendations for action using the sequential intercept model.
The American psychologist 2021 Folk JB, Kemp K, Yurasek A, Barr-Walker J, Tolou-Shams M -
Multilevel Factors Shaping Awareness of and Attitudes Toward Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention among Criminal Justice-Involved Women.
Archives of sexual behavior 2020 Dauria EF, Levine A, Hill SV, Tolou-Shams M, Christopoulos K -
Suicide Screening Among Youth at First Court Contact.
Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research 2020 Kemp K, Yurasek AM, Poindexter B, Webb M, Tolou-Shams M -
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2020 Matthew Hirschtritt, Johanna B. Folk, Brandon Marshall, Yu Li, Marina Tolou-Shams -
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2020 Johanna B. Folk, Marina Tolou-Shams, Brandon Marshall, Emily Dauria, Kathleen Kemp, Daphne Koinis-Mitchell, Larry Brown -
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2020 Melissa R. Dvorsky, Johanna B. Folk, Marina Tolou-Shams -
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2020 Marina Tolou-Shams, Johanna B. Folk, Evan Holloway, Kathleen Kemp, Brandon Marshall -
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2020 Catalina M. Ordorica, Johanna B. Folk, Sarah E. Velez, Marina Tolou-Shams -
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2020 Jessica A. Merritt, Roya Ijadi-Maghsoodi, Marina Tolou-Shams -
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2020 Marina Tolou-Shams, Larry Brown -
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2020 Marina Tolou-Shams, Eraka Bath -
Racial and Ethnic Disparities, Referral Source and Attrition From Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Among Adolescents in the United States.
Youth & society 2020 Marotta PL, Tolou-Shams M, Cunningham-Williams RM, Washington DM, Voisin D -
The Behavioral Health Needs of First-Time Offending Justice-Involved Youth: Substance Use, Sexual Risk and Mental Health.
Journal of child & adolescent substance abuse 2020 Tolou-Shams M, Brown LK, Marshall BDL, Dauria E, Koinis-Mitchell D, Kemp K, Poindexter B -
Inequity and the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on communities of color in the United States: The need for a trauma-informed social justice response.
Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy 2020 Fortuna LR, Tolou-Shams M, Robles-Ramamurthy B, Porche MV -
Key Components of Effective Pediatric Integrated Mental Health Care Models: A Systematic Review.
JAMA pediatrics 2020 Yonek J, Lee CM, Harrison A, Mangurian C, Tolou-Shams M -
Feasibility of Social Media-Based Recruitment and Perceived Acceptability of Digital Health Interventions for Caregivers of Justice-Involved Youth: Mixed Methods Study.
Journal of medical Internet research 2020 Folk JB, Harrison A, Rodriguez C, Wallace A, Tolou-Shams M -
Building Skills and Creating Change in the Healthcare System Through Public Psychiatry Fellowship Capstone Projects.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2019 Elser A, Thomas M, Tolou-Shams M, Peterson A, Seal J, Dilley J, Mangurian C -
Ecological systems in relation to Latinx youth in the juvenile justice system: A narrative literature review.
Children and youth services review 2019 Hoskins D, Tahir P, Cid MD, Perez-Gualdron L, Tolou-Shams M -
Cigarette Smoking, Mental Health, and Other Substance Use among Court-Involved Youth.
Substance use & misuse 2019 Harrison A, Ramo D, Hall SM, Estrada-Gonzalez V, Tolou-Shams M -
The Prospective Impact of Family Functioning and Parenting Practices on Court-Involved Youth's Substance Use and Delinquent Behavior.
Journal of youth and adolescence 2019 Folk JB, Brown LK, Marshall BDL, Ramos LMC, Gopalakrishnan L, Koinis-Mitchell D, Tolou-Shams M -
Parent Psychological Distress: A Moderator of Behavioral Health Intervention Outcomes among Justice-Involved Adolescents.
Journal of research on adolescence : the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence 2019 Ng MY, Tolou-Shams M, Galbraith K, Brown LK -
Latinx Youth in First Contact with the Justice System: Trauma and Associated Behavioral Health Needs.
Child psychiatry and human development 2019 Hoskins D, Marshall BDL, Koinis-Mitchell D, Galbraith K, Tolou-Shams M -
Factors Associated With Use of Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment Services by Justice-Involved Youths.
Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.) 2019 Yonek JC, Dauria EF, Kemp K, Koinis-Mitchell D, Marshall BDL, Tolou-Shams M -
Text Messaging to Enhance Behavioral Health Treatment Engagement Among Justice-Involved Youth: Qualitative and User Testing Study.
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2019 Tolou-Shams M, Yonek J, Galbraith K, Bath E -
Substance Use and HIV Among Justice-Involved Youth: Intersecting Risks.
Current HIV/AIDS reports 2019 Tolou-Shams M, Harrison A, Hirschtritt ME, Dauria E, Barr-Walker J -
Justice involvement and girls' sexual health: Directions for policy and practice.
Children and youth services review 2019 Tam CC, Dauria EF, Cook MC, Ti A, Comfort M, Tolou-Shams M -
Mental Health Symptoms and Delinquency among Court-Involved Youth Referred for Treatment.
Children and youth services review 2019 Haney-Caron E, Esposito-Smythers C, Tolou-Shams M, Lowery A, Brown LK -
Mobile Health (mHealth): Building the Case for Adapting Emerging Technologies for Justice-Involved Youth.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2018 Bath E, Tolou-Shams M, Farabee D -
3.28 Pregnancy Attitudes and Intentions Among First-Time Offending Youth.
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2018 Brooke Rosen, Emily Dauria, Marina Tolou-Shams -
Sexual Minority, Justice-Involved Youth: A Hidden Population in Need of Integrated Mental Health, Substance Use, and Sexual Health Services.
The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine 2018 Hirschtritt ME, Dauria EF, Marshall BDL, Tolou-Shams M -
Outcomes of the "STEPS" HIV prevention training program for young males in the penitentiary institution, Ukraine.
International journal of prisoner health 2018 Dauria E, Tolou-Shams M, Skipalska H, Bachmaha M, Hodgdon S -
The Path to Implementation of HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for People Involved in Criminal Justice Systems.
Current HIV/AIDS reports 2018 Brinkley-Rubinstein L, Dauria E, Tolou-Shams M, Christopoulos K, Chan PA, Beckwith CG, Parker S, Meyer J -
The role of family functioning in parenting practices of court-involved youth.
Journal of adolescence 2018 Tolou-Shams M, Brogan L, Esposito-Smythers C, Healy MG, Lowery A, Craker L, Brown LK -
Recidivism among First-Time Offending Truant Youth with Mental Health Symptoms.
Journal of applied juvenile justice services 2018 Doucette H, Tolou-Shams M, Rizzo CJ, Conrad SM -
Mental Health Symptoms and Parenting Stress of Parents of Court-Involved Youth.
Journal of child and family studies 2017 Brown LK, Tarantino N, Tolou-Shams M, Esposito-Smythers C, Healy MG, Craker L -
Challenges to conducting adolescent HIV prevention services research with court-involved youth.
Children and youth services review 2017 Tolou-Shams M, Harrison A, Conrad SM, Johnson S, Brown LK -
Psychiatric Symptoms, Substance Use, Trauma, and Sexual Risk: A Brief Report of Gender Differences in Marijuana-Using Juvenile Offenders.
Journal of child & adolescent substance abuse 2017 Conrad SM, Queenan R, Brown LK, Tolou-Shams M -
Outcomes of a family-based HIV prevention intervention for substance using juvenile offenders.
Journal of substance abuse treatment 2017 Tolou-Shams M, Dauria E, Conrad SM, Kemp K, Johnson S, Brown LK -
Criminal justice and behavior 2017 Kemp K, Thamotharan S, Poindexter B, Barker D, Tolou-Shams M, Houck CD -
Adolescent versus Adult Stalking: A Brief Review.
Journal of forensic psychology practice 2016 Roberts K, Tolou-Shams M, Madera K -
Suicidal ideation and attempts among court-involved, non-incarcerated youth.
Journal of forensic psychology practice 2016 Kemp K, Tolou-Shams M, Conrad S, Dauria E, Neel K, Brown L -
Frequency and Detection of Malingering in Homicide Defendants Undergoing Criminal Responsibility Evaluations Using the Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality.
SAGE Open 2016 Wade C. Myers, Ryan Hall, Richard Marshall, Marina Tolou-Shams, Kimberly Wooten -
HIV testing among non-incarcerated substance-abusing juvenile offenders.
International journal of adolescent medicine and health 2015 Tolou-Shams M, Conrad S, Louis A, Shuford SH, Brown LK -
Religion-Related Child Maltreatment: A Profile of Cases Encountered by Legal and Social Service Agencies.
Behavioral sciences & the law 2015 Bottoms BL, Goodman GS, Tolou-Shams M, Diviak KR, Shaver PR -
Collaborative divorce: An oxymoron?.
The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter 2015 Marina Tolou-Shams -
Assessment and Treatment of Substance Abuse in the Juvenile Justice Population.
2014 Elizabeth Janopaul-Naylor, Joanna D. Brown, Elizabeth A. Lowenhaupt, Marina Tolou-Shams -
Assessment and treatment of substance abuse in the juvenile justice population.
Adolescent medicine: state of the art reviews 2014 Janopaul-Naylor E, Brown JD, Lowenhaupt EA, Tolou-Shams M -
PTSD, substance use, and veterans' involvement in the legal system: Veterans treatment courts.
Trauma and substance abuse: Causes, consequences, and treatment of comorbid disorders (2nd ed.). 2014 Brian Borsari, Selby Conrad, Nadine R. Mastroleo, Marina Tolou-Shams -
Predictors of detention among juveniles referred for a court clinic forensic evaluation.
The journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 2014 Tolou-Shams M, Rizzo CJ, Conrad SM, Johnson S, Oliveira C, Brown LK -
Gender differences in recidivism rates for juvenile justice youth: the impact of sexual abuse.
Law and human behavior 2013 Conrad SM, Tolou-Shams M, Rizzo CJ, Placella N, Brown LK -
The development of a diversity mentoring program for faculty and trainees: A program at the Brown Clinical Psychology Training Consortium.
The Behavior therapist 2013 de Dios MA, Kuo C, Hernandez L, Clark US, Wenze SJ, Boisseau CL, Hunter HL, Reddy MK, Tolou-Shams M, Zlotnick C -
Prevalence and Assessment of Malingering in Homicide Defendants Using the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Rey 15-Item Memory Test.
Homicide studies 2012 Myers WC, Hall RCW, Tolou-Shams M -
Affect regulation and HIV risk among youth in therapeutic schools.
AIDS and behavior 2012 Brown LK, Houck C, Lescano C, Donenberg G, Tolou-Shams M, Mello J -
Truancy is associated with sexual risk among early adolescents.
Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP 2012 Houck CD, Hadley W, Tolou-Shams M, Brown L -
Depressive Symptoms, Illicit Drug Use and HIV/STI Risk Among Sexual Minority Young Adults.
Journal of gay & lesbian mental health 2012 Tolou-Shams M, Tarantino N, McKirnan DJ, Dyslin KJ -
Alcohol Use and HIV Risk among Juvenile Drug Court Offenders.
Journal of social work practice in the addictions 2012 Tolou-Shams M, Houck CD, Nugent N, Conrad SM, Reyes A, Brown LK -
The Role of Family Affect in Juvenile Drug Court Offenders' Substance Use and HIV Risk.
Journal of child and family studies 2011 Tolou-Shams M, Hadley W, Conrad SM, Brown LK -
HIV prevention for juvenile drug court offenders: a randomized controlled trial focusing on affect management.
Journal of correctional health care : the official journal of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care 2011 Tolou-Shams M, Houck C, Conrad SM, Tarantino N, Stein LA, Brown LK -
Monitoring challenges: a closer look at parental monitoring, maternal psychopathology, and adolescent sexual risk.
Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43) 2011 Hadley W, Hunter HL, Tolou-Shams M, Lescano C, Thompson A, Donenberg G, DiClemente R, Brown LK, Project STYLE Study Group -
Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Encyclopedia of Adolescence 2011 C.M. Lescano, M. Tolou-Shams -
The Treatment Advocacy Program: a randomized controlled trial of a peer-led safer sex intervention for HIV-infected men who have sex with men.
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2010 McKirnan DJ, Tolou-Shams M, Courtenay-Quirk C -
Crack and Cocaine Use among Adolescents in Psychiatric Treatment: Associations with HIV Risk.
Journal of child & adolescent substance abuse 2010 Tolou-Shams M, Ewing SW, Tarantino N, Brown LK -
A review of HIV prevention interventions for juvenile offenders.
Journal of pediatric psychology 2009 Tolou-Shams M, Stewart A, Fasciano J, Brown LK -
Youths' HIV Risk in the Justice System: A Critical but Neglected Issue.
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2008 Larry K. Brown, Marina Tolou-Shams, Laura Brave Whiteley -
Youths' HIV risk in the justice system: a critical but neglected issue.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2008 Brown LK, Tolou-Shams M, Brave Whiteley L -
Adolescent sexual risk: factors predicting condom use across the stages of change.
AIDS and behavior 2008 Grossman C, Hadley W, Brown LK, Houck CD, Peters A, Tolou-Shams M, Project SHIELD Study Group -
The association between depressive symptoms, substance use, and HIV risk among youth with an arrest history.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2008 Tolou-Shams M, Brown LK, Houck C, Lescano CM, Project SHIELD Study Group -
HIV testing among at-risk adolescents and young adults: a prospective analysis of a community sample.
The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine 2007 Tolou-Shams M, Payne N, Houck C, Pugatch D, Beausoleil N, Brown LK, Project SHIELD Study Group -
Mental Health and HIV Risk Among African American Adolescents.
Social Work in Mental Health 2007 Marina Tolou-Shams, Roberta Paikoff, David J. McKirnan, Grayson N. Holmbeck -
Determinants of Parental Monitoring and Preadolescent Sexual Risk Situations Among African American Families Living in Urban Public Housing.
Journal of Child and Family Studies 2007 Donna R. Baptiste, Marina Tolou-Shams, Scott R. Miller, Cami K. Mcbride, Roberta L. Paikoff -
Is the Web the culprit? Cognitive escape and Internet sexual risk among gay and bisexual men.
AIDS and behavior 2007 McKirnan D, Houston E, Tolou-Shams M -
Arrest history as an indicator of adolescent/young adult substance use and HIV risk.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2006 Tolou-Shams M, Brown LK, Gordon G, Fernandez I, Project SHIELD Study Group -
Depressive symptoms as a predictor of sexual risk among African American adolescents and young adults.
The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine 2006 Brown LK, Tolou-Shams M, Lescano C, Houck C, Zeidman J, Pugatch D, Lourie KJ, Project SHIELD Study Group -
Elevated risk for tobacco use among men who have sex with men is mediated by demographic and psychosocial variables.
Substance use & misuse 2006 McKirnan DJ, Tolou-Shams M, Turner L, Dyslin K, Hope B -
"Islands of Risk": subgroups of adolescents at risk for HIV.
Journal of pediatric psychology 2005 Houck CD, Lescano CM, Brown LK, Tolou-Shams M, Thompson J, Diclemente R, Fernandez MI, Pugatch D, Schlenger WE, Silver BJ -
Cortical Gray Matter Loss in Treatment-Naïve Alcohol Dependent Individuals.
Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research 2002 G. Fein, V. Di Sclafani, V. A. Cardenas, H. Goldmann, M. Tolou-Shams, D. J. Meyerhoff -
Cortical gray matter loss in treatment-naïve alcohol dependent individuals.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2002 Fein G, Di Sclafani V, Cardenas VA, Goldmann H, Tolou-Shams M, Meyerhoff DJ -
Neuropsychological performance of individuals dependent on crack-cocaine, or crack-cocaine and alcohol, at 6 weeks and 6 months of abstinence.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2002 Di Sclafani V, Tolou-Shams M, Price LJ, Fein G -
Premorbid brain size is a determinant of functional reserve in abstinent crack-cocaine and crack-cocaine-alcohol-dependent adults.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS 1998 Di Sclafani V, Clark HW, Tolou-Shams M, Bloomer CW, Salas GA, Norman D, Fein G -
Abstinent chronic crack-cocaine and crackcocaine/alcohol abusers evidence normal hippocampal volumes on MRI despite persistent cognitive impairments.
Addiction biology 1998 DI Sclafani V, Truran DL, Bloomer C, Tolou-Shams M, Clark HW, Norman D, Hannauer D, Fein G