Lucia Abascal Miguel
Postdoctoral Scholar
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- PhD Global Health Sciences University of California, San Francisco 05/2023
- MSc Global Health Sciences University of California, San Francisco 08/2018
- MD Medicine Universidad Panamericana 2017
Publications (8)
Top publication keywords:
CommunicationSocial MediaContact TracingBiomedical ResearchSan FranciscoTuberculosisLatent TuberculosisCommunication BarriersLanguageFemaleHumansGuatemalaVaccinesInformation DisseminationPandemics
Revisión sobre aspectos bioéticos en las decisiones de triaje en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos durante la pandemia por COVID-19 // Review on bioethical aspects in triage decisions in the intensive care unit during the COVID-19 pandemic
Revista de Bioética y Derecho 2024 Grecia Alejandra García-León, Dania Nimbe Lima-Sánchez , Lucía Abascal Miguel -
Bridging Language Barriers in COVID-19 Research: Descriptive Study of's Reach and User Engagement.
JMIR formative research 2024 Abascal Miguel L, Forster M, Gallalee S, Carson M, Fieldhouse JK, Keir A, Maya S, Rahman S, Reid MJA, Vasilopoulos H, Lima Sanchez DN -
COVID-19 vaccine uptake and barriers among Indigenous language speakers in Mexico: Results from a nationally representative survey.
PLOS global public health 2024 Abascal Miguel L, Mendez-Lizarraga CA, Rojo EM, Sepúlveda J -
A Co-Created Tool to Help Counter Health Misinformation for Spanish-Speaking Communities in the San Francisco Bay Area.
International journal of environmental research and public health 2024 Abascal Miguel L, Maiorana A, Saggese GSR, Campbell CK, Bourdeau B, Arnold EA -
Barriers to COVID-19 vaccine acceptance to improve messages for vaccine uptake in indigenous populations in the central highlands of Guatemala: a participatory qualitative study.
BMJ open 2023 Skinner NA, Sanders K, Lopez E, Sotz Mux MS, Abascal Miguel L, Vosburg KB, Johnston J, Diamond-Smith N, Kraemer Diaz A -
Barriers and Enablers to COVID-19 Vaccination in San Francisco's Spanish-Speaking Population.
Global implementation research and applications 2023 Abascal Miguel L, Christian C, Accurso EC, Najmabadi A, Athavale P, Diala JA, Sachdev D, Philip S, Reid MJ, Handley MA -
Evaluating the impact of a linguistically and culturally tailored social media ad campaign on COVID-19 vaccine uptake among indigenous populations in Guatemala: a pre/post design intervention study.
BMJ open 2022 Abascal Miguel L, Lopez E, Sanders K, Skinner NA, Johnston J, Vosburg KB, Kraemer Diaz A, Diamond-Smith N -
The yield of tuberculosis contact investigation in low- and middle-income settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
BMC infectious diseases 2021 Velleca M, Malekinejad M, Miller C, Abascal Miguel L, Reeves H, Hopewell P, Fair E