Lisa Lattanza, MD
Professor Emeritus
Orthopaedic Surgery
School of Medicine 415-353-7200
Education & Training
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- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training University of California 2018
Publications (55)
Top publication keywords:
Elbow JointOrthopedic ProceduresJoint InstabilityFractures, MalunitedTendon InjuriesRespiratory Protective DevicesElbowTendonsOrthopedicsForearmCollateral LigamentsJoint Deformities, AcquiredContractureRadius FracturesFinger Injuries
A Patient-Specific Three-Dimensional-Printed Surgical Guide for Dorsal Scaphoid Fracture Fixation: A Comparative Cadaver Study.
Journal of Hand Surgery Global Online 2024 Grayson A. Wagner, Alyssa Glennon, Johannes M. Sieberer, Steven M. Tommasini, Lisa L. Lattanza -
The Impact of Sustained Outreach Efforts on Gender Diversity in Orthopaedic Surgery.
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2024 Jenni M. Buckley, Laura M. Dearolf, Lily Wood, Julie Agel, Ann E. Van Heest, Lisa L. Lattanza -
AOA Critical Issues Symposium: The Disruptive Physician: Bad Apple or Toxic Tree?
The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume 2024 Ramirez RN, Mayerson JL, Lewis VO, Friedman A, Lattanza L -
Trends in Open Versus Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release From 2010 to 2021.
Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Global research & reviews 2024 Ratnasamy PP, Rudisill KE, Joo PY, Lattanza LL, Grauer JN -
AOA Critical Issues Symposium: Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Orthopaedic Surgery.
The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume 2024 Tabaie SA, Dance S, Schmitz M, Lattanza L, Mesfin A
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AOA Critical Issues: Perceptions on the State of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Orthopaedic Surgery: A Survey of the AOA Membership.
The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume 2023 Tabaie SA, Schermerhorn JT, Baird M, Lattanza L, Ode G, Mesfin A -
AOA Critical Issues: Gender Justice in Academic Medicine: What It Might Look Like in Orthopaedic Surgery.
The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume 2023 Day CS, Lattanza L, Van Heest A, Templeton K, Fore JA, Ode GE -
Three-Dimensional Printing of the Patellofemoral Joints of Patellar Instability Patients.
Arthroscopy techniques 2023 Beitler BG, Yu KE, Wang A, Frumberg DB, Tommasini SM, Wiznia DH, Cooperman DR, Lattanza LL, Fulkerson JP -
Recruitment of the Next Generation of Diverse Hand Surgeons.
Hand clinics 2023 Donnelley CA, Halim A, Lattanza LL -
AOA Critical Issues Symposium: Deficit Recovery for the Orthopaedic Service Line.
The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume 2022 Day CS, Goldfarb CA, Lattanza LL, Yoshida MT, Levin LS -
The Perry Initiative: Building the Pipeline for Women in Orthopaedics.
The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2022 Buckley J, Dearolf L, Lattanza L -
Anatomic Radial Head Arthroplasty: The Importance of Implant Angle.
The Journal of hand surgery 2022 Cherches MF, Halvorson R, Lalchandani G, Kandemir U, Lattanza LL, Lee N -
Interobserver and Intraobserver Reliability of Classification Systems for Radiographic Complications After Radial Head Arthroplasty.
The Journal of hand surgery 2022 Halvorson RT, Lalchandani GR, Cherches MF, Petit LM, Lattanza L, Lee NH, Kandemir U -
Interpretation of regulatory factors for 3D printing at hospitals and medical centers, or at the point of care.
3D printing in medicine 2022 Beitler BG, Abraham PF, Glennon AR, Tommasini SM, Lattanza LL, Morris JM, Wiznia DH -
The Perry Initiative's Impact on Gender Diversity Within Orthopedic Education.
Current reviews in musculoskeletal medicine 2021 Harbold D, Dearolf L, Buckley J, Lattanza L -
Composite Vascularized Autograft Elbow Transplant: A Case Report.
JBJS case connector 2021 Pathak N, Sides EE, Piper SL, Lee CK, Hansen SL, Terry MJ, Lattanza LL -
Patient outcomes and costs after isolated flexor tendon repairs of the hand.
Journal of hand therapy : official journal of the American Society of Hand Therapists 2021 Lalchandani GR, Halvorson RT, Zhang AL, Lattanza LL, Immerman I -
The Use of Photogrammetry for Interactive, Three-Dimensional Modeling of an Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of the Elbow.
Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Global research & reviews 2020 Isaacson DS, Tanaka KS, Wang NK, Storelli DAR, Lattanza LL -
An accessible method for screening aerosol filtration identifies poor-performing commercial masks and respirators.
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology 2020 Schilling K, Gentner DR, Wilen L, Medina A, Buehler C, Perez-Lorenzo LJ, Pollitt KJG, Bergemann R, Bernardo N, Peccia J, Wilczynski V, Lattanza L -
Improving Sexual, Racial, and Ethnic Diversity in Orthopedics: An Imperative.
Orthopedics 2020 Lin JS, Lattanza LL, Weber KL, Balch Samora J -
Reporters of TCR signaling identify arthritogenic T cells in murine and human autoimmune arthritis.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2019 Ashouri JF, Hsu LY, Yu S, Rychkov D, Chen Y, Cheng DA, Sirota M, Hansen E, Lattanza L, Zikherman J, Weiss A -
Open Surgical Release of Posttraumatic Elbow Contracture in Children and Adolescents.
Journal of pediatric orthopedics 2019 Piper SL, Lattanza LL, Shen TS, Wall LB, Goldfarb CA -
34 Elbow Stiffness in Children and Adolescents.
2018 Lisa Lattanza, Samantha Lee Piper -
Scapholunate Interosseous Ligament and Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament Repair: A Two-Tailed Tendon Graft Repair for Scapholunate Ligament Dissociation.
Orthopedic Research Online Journal 2017 Lisa L Lattanza -
Preoperative Computer Simulation and Patient-specific Guides are Safe and Effective to Correct Forearm Deformity in Children.
Journal of pediatric orthopedics 2017 Bauer AS, Storelli DAR, Sibbel SE, McCarroll HR, Lattanza LL -
Response to "Observation About 'Open Surgical Release of Posttraumatic Elbow Contracture in Children and Adolescents'".
Journal of pediatric orthopedics 2017 Piper SL, Lattanza LL, Wall LB, Goldfarb CA -
Distal Forearm Fracture Open Reduction-Internal Fixation: Sonographic Detection of Hardware Malalignment and Associated Tendon Injuries Missed by Radiography.
Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine 2017 Morgan TA, Piper SL, Lattanza LL, Goldstein RB, Link T, Motamedi D -
Breast Radiation Exposure in Female Orthopaedic Surgeons.
The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume 2016 Valone LC, Chambers M, Lattanza L, James MA -
The Perry Initiative's Medical Student Outreach Program Recruits Women Into Orthopaedic Residency.
Clinical orthopaedics and related research 2016 Lattanza LL, Meszaros-Dearolf L, O'Connor MI, Ladd A, Bucha A, Trauth-Nare A, Buckley JM -
Surgical Correction of Cubitus Varus.
The Journal of hand surgery 2016 Bauer AS, Pham B, Lattanza LL -
Outcomes after surgical stabilization of chronic traumatic elbow dislocations.
Current Orthopaedic Practice 2016 Samantha L. Piper, Jennifer Tangtiphaiboontana, Lisa L. Lattanza -
In vivo flexor tendon forces generated during different rehabilitation exercises.
The Journal of hand surgery, European volume 2015 Edsfeldt S, Rempel D, Kursa K, Diao E, Lattanza L -
The use of computer-aided design and 3-dimensional models in the treatment of forearm malunions in children.
Techniques in hand & upper extremity surgery 2015 Storelli DA, Bauer AS, Lattanza LL, McCarroll HR -
Monteggia Fracture Dislocations.
The Pediatric Upper Extremity 2015 Lisa L. Lattanza, Sam Chen -
Open extensor tendon injuries.
The Journal of hand surgery 2015 Amirtharajah M, Lattanza L -
Monteggia Fracture-Dislocations.
The Pediatric Upper Extremity 2014 Lisa L. Lattanza, Sam Chen -
Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma causing acute compartment syndrome of the forearm: a case report and review of the literature.
Journal of hand and microsurgery 2013 Valone F, Liu J, Genrich G, Lattanza LL -
Clinical presentation of posterolateral rotatory instability of the elbow in children.
The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume 2013 Lattanza LL, Goldfarb CA, Smucny M, Hutchinson DT -
Measurement scales in clinical research of the upper extremity, part 1: general principles, measures of general health, pain, and patient satisfaction.
The Journal of hand surgery 2013 Badalamente M, Coffelt L, Elfar J, Gaston G, Hammert W, Huang J, Lattanza L, Macdermid J, Merrell G, Netscher D, Panthaki Z, Rafijah G, Trczinski D, Graham B, American Society for Surgery of the Hand … -
Measurement scales in clinical research of the upper extremity, part 2: outcome measures in studies of the hand/wrist and shoulder/elbow.
The Journal of hand surgery 2013 Badalamente M, Coffelt L, Elfar J, Gaston G, Hammert W, Huang J, Lattanza L, Macdermid J, Merrell G, Netscher D, Panthaki Z, Rafijah G, Trczinski D, Graham B, American Society for Surgery of the Hand … -
Free Vascularized Iliac Crest Bone Graft for the Treatment of a Pediatric Lateral Humeral Condyle Fracture Nonunion: A Case Report.
JBJS case connector 2012 Chubb P, Oishi S, Lattanza L -
How placement affects force and contact pressure between a volar plate of the distal radius and the flexor pollicus longus tendon: a biomechanical investigation.
The Journal of hand surgery, European volume 2012 Matityahu AM, Lapalme SN, Seth A, Marmor MT, Buckley JM, Lattanza LL -
Surgeon perceptions and patient outcomes regarding proximal ulna fixation: a multicenter experience.
Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery 2012 Edwards SG, Cohen MS, Lattanza LL, Iorio ML, Daniels C, Lodha S, Smucny M -
The prevalence, rate of progression, and treatment of elbow flexion contracture in children with brachial plexus birth palsy.
The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume 2012 Sheffler LC, Lattanza L, Hagar Y, Bagley A, James MA -
Biceps brachii long head overactivity associated with elbow flexion contracture in brachial plexus birth palsy.
The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume 2012 Sheffler LC, Lattanza L, Sison-Williamson M, James MA -
Fungal infections of the hand.
Current Orthopaedic Practice 2010 Mohana Amirtharajah, Lisa Lattanza -
Interclinician and intraclinician variability in the mechanics of the pivot shift test for posterolateral rotatory instability (PLRI) of the elbow.
Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery 2010 Lattanza LL, Chu T, Ty JM, Orazov B, Strauss N, O'Reilly OM, Buckley JM -
Open surgical treatment of posttraumatic elbow contractures in children.
Techniques in hand & upper extremity surgery 2010 Strauss NL, Lattanza L -
Surgical treatment of posterolateral rotatory instability of the elbow in children.
Techniques in hand & upper extremity surgery 2010 Lattanza LL -
CHAPTER 13 Extensor Tendon Repair and Reconstruction.
2009 Lisa L. Lattanza, Emily Anne Hattwick -
Elbow instability in children.
Hand clinics 2008 Lattanza LL, Keese G -
Finger flexor motor control patterns during active flexion: an in vivo tendon force study.
Human movement science 2006 Nikanjam M, Kursa K, Lehman S, Lattanza L, Diao E, Rempel D -
In vivo flexor tendon forces increase with finger and wrist flexion during active finger flexion and extension.
Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society 2006 Kursa K, Lattanza L, Diao E, Rempel D -
In vivo forces generated by finger flexor muscles do not depend on the rate of fingertip loading during an isometric task.
Journal of biomechanics 2004 Kursa K, Diao E, Lattanza L, Rempel D -
Southern Medical Journal 1996 Rich E. Rattay, Lisa L. Lattanza, David C. Pendergrass, Ganesh G. Gupta, William R. Millington