Line Jacques, MD
Neurological Surgery
School of Medicine 415-353-4665
Education & Training
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- Diversity equity and inclusion champion training UCSF 02/15/2
Publications (36)
Top publication keywords:
NeurilemmomaGanglion CystsCervical VertebraeNeurosurgical ProceduresBrachial PlexusNeurofibromatosesSpinal Nerve RootsGangliaThoracic Outlet SyndromeScapulaSpinal Cord DiseasesGait Disorders, NeurologicCervical CordSpinal Cord StimulationPeroneal Neuropathies
Profound Neuropathy after Penetrating Transection of the Sciatic Nerve by Femoral Cerclage Wire: Illustrative Case and Management Strategy.
Neurotrauma reports 2025 Yue JK, Oh JY, Aabedi AA, Chen JS, Probst KX, Shah VN, Wustrack RL, Jacques LG -
Neuralgic amyotrophy: An update in evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment approaches.
Muscle & nerve 2024 Gabet JM, Anderson N, Groothuis JT, Zeldin ER, Norbury JW, Jack AS, Jacques L, Sneag DB, Poncelet A -
Human Cervical Epidural Spinal Electrogram Topographically Maps Distinct Volitional Movements.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2024 Shukla PD, Burke JF, Kunwar N, Presbrey K, Balakid J, Yaroshinsky M, Louie K, Jacques L, Shirvalkar P, Wang DD -
Functional interactions between neurofibromatosis tumor suppressors underlie Schwann cell tumor de-differentiation and treatment resistance.
Nature communications 2024 Vasudevan HN, Payne E, Delley CL, John Liu S, Mirchia K, Sale MJ, Lastella S, Nunez MS, Lucas CG, Eaton CD, Casey-Clyde T, Magill ST, Chen WC, Braunstein SE, Perry A, Jacques L, Reddy AT, Pekmezci M, … -
Somatic mosaic SOX10 indel mutations underlie a form of segmental schwannomatosis.
Acta neuropathologica 2023 Terry M, Gupta R, Ravindranathan A, Wu J, Chan E, Bollen AW, Chang SM, Berger MS, Jacques L, Solomon DA
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Characterization of Spinal Cord Injury Patients for Arm Functional Restoration through Nerve Transfer.
The Canadian journal of neurological sciences. Le journal canadien des sciences neurologiques 2023 Jack A, Rajshekar M, Witiw CD, Curran MWT, Olson JL, Morhart MJ, Jacques L, Chan KM -
Resident peripheral nerve surgery competence: An assessment of procedural exposure, self-reported competence and technical ability.
Clinical neurology and neurosurgery 2022 Jack AS, Chan VK, Mehta V, Jacques L -
Epidural Spinal Electrogram Provides Direct Spinal Recordings in Awake Human Participants.
Frontiers in human neuroscience 2021 Burke JF, Kunwar N, Yaroshinsky MS, Louie KH, Shirvalkar P, Su P, Henry M, Pasvankas G, Poree L, Jacques L, Wang DD -
Diagnostic Accuracy of MRI for the Detection of Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
AJR. American journal of roentgenology 2021 Wilson MP, Katlariwala P, Low G, Murad MH, McInnes MDF, Jacques L, Jack AS -
Appendiceal neurofibroma in a patient with neurofibromatosis 1 and recurrent abdominal infections from ventriculoperitoneal shunt: a case report.
Journal of surgical case reports 2021 Greenberg AL, Choi WT, Shaked O, Lee AT, Berrahou IK, Jacques LG, Lebares CC -
Pathologic Findings Associated With a Case of Acute Flaccid Myelitis.
Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology 2021 Haddad AF, Hofmann JW, Oh T, Jacques L, Yu G, Chiu C, Nolan A, Strober J, Gupta N -
Histopathologic findings in malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor predict response to radiotherapy and overall survival.
Neuro-oncology advances 2020 Lucas CG, Vasudevan HN, Chen WC, Magill ST, Braunstein SE, Jacques L, Dahiya S, Rodriguez FJ, Horvai AE, Perry A, Pekmezci M, Raleigh DR -
Foraminal Origin of the Dorsal Scapular Nerve: An Anatomical Study.
World neurosurgery 2020 Jack AS, Shah V, Jacques LG -
Foraminal Ligaments Tether Upper Cervical Nerve Roots: A Potential Cause of Postoperative C5 Palsy.
Journal of brachial plexus and peripheral nerve injury 2020 Jack AS, Osburn BR, Tymchak ZA, Ramey WL, Oskouian RJ, Hart RA, Chapman JR, Jacques LG, Tubbs RS -
Comments on: "Thoracic outlet syndrome: diagnostic accuracy of MRI" of A Hardy, C Pougès, G Wavreille, H Behal, X Demondion, G Lefebvre published in Orthop Traumatol Surg Res OTSR. 2019;105(8):1563-9.
Orthopaedics & traumatology, surgery & research : OTSR 2020 Wilson MP, Katlariwala P, Low G, Jacques L, Jack AS -
A Safe Transitions Pathway for post-craniotomy neurological surgery patients: high-value care that bypasses the intensive care unit.
Journal of neurosurgery 2020 Young JS, Chan AK, Viner JA, Sankaran S, Chan AY, Imershein S, Meary-Miller A, Theodosopoulos PV, Jacques L, Aghi MK, Chang EF, Hervey-Jumper SL, Ward T, Gibson L, Ward MM, Sanftner P, Wong S, Amara D… -
Ultrasound for Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Obstruction Remains Theoretical.
Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland) 2020 Wilson MP, Low G, Katlariwala P, Jacques L, Jack AS -
Radiological data of brachial plexus avulsion injury associated spinal cord herniation (BPAI-SCH) and comparison to anterior thoracic spinal cord herniation (ATSCH).
Data in brief 2020 Jack AS, Chapman JR, Mummaneni PV, Gerard CS, Jacques L -
Late Cervical Spinal Cord Herniation Resulting from Post-Traumatic Brachial Plexus Avulsion Injury.
World neurosurgery 2020 Jack AS, Chapman JR, Mummaneni PV, Jacques LG, Gerard CS -
Neuroglial stem cell-derived inflammatory pseudotumor (n-SCIPT): clinicopathologic characterization of a novel lesion of the lumbosacral spinal cord and nerve roots following intrathecal allogeneic stem cell intervention.
Acta neuropathologica 2019 Sloan EA, Sampognaro PJ, Junn JC, Chin C, Jacques L, Ramachandran PS, DeRisi JL, Wilson MR, Kriegstein AR, Bollen AW, Solomon DA, Margeta M, Engstrom JW -
Schwannomatosis of the Spinal Accessory Nerve: A Case Report.
Journal of brachial plexus and peripheral nerve injury 2019 Morshed RA, Lee AT, Lee YM, Chin CT, Jacques L -
Rare Aggressive Calvarial Osteoblastoma with Dural Invasion.
Cureus 2017 Jacques L, Mousseau I, Al Hinai Q, Santos J, Nahal A, Marcoux J -
Intrathecal catheter-associated inflammatory mass in a neurofibromatosis type-1 patient receiving fentanyl and bupivacaine.
Surgical neurology international 2017 Southwell DG, Osorio JA, Liverman CS, Friedman LM, Naidu RK, Poree LR, Henry MM, Jacques L -
Large Cervical Vagus Nerve Tumor in a Patient with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Treated with Gross Total Resection: Case Report and Review of the Literature.
Journal of brachial plexus and peripheral nerve injury 2016 Bray DP, Chan AK, Chin CT, Jacques L -
Rate of perioperative neurological complications after surgery for cervical spinal cord stimulation.
Journal of neurosurgery. Spine 2016 Chan AK, Winkler EA, Jacques L -
Peroneal Intraneural Ganglia Formation Causing Foot Drop in Children: A Clinical Perspective.
World neurosurgery 2015 Jacques L -
Neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome: current diagnostic criteria and advances in MRI diagnostics.
Neurosurgical focus 2015 Magill ST, Brus-Ramer M, Weinstein PR, Chin CT, Jacques L -
An algorithmic programming approach for back pain symptoms in failed back surgery syndrome using spinal cord stimulation with a multicolumn surgically implanted epidural lead: a multicenter international prospective study.
Pain practice : the official journal of World Institute of Pain 2014 Rigoard P, Jacques L, Delmotte A, Poon K, Munson R, Monlezun O, Roulaud M, Prevost A, Guetarni F, Bataille B, Kumar K -
The effects of spinal cord stimulation in neuropathic pain are sustained: a 24-month follow-up of the prospective randomized controlled multicenter trial of the effectiveness of spinal cord stimulation.
Neurosurgery 2008 Kumar K, Taylor RS, Jacques L, Eldabe S, Meglio M, Molet J, Thomson S, O'Callaghan J, Eisenberg E, Milbouw G, Buchser E, Fortini G, Richardson J, North RB -
Quality of life, resource consumption and costs of spinal cord stimulation versus conventional medical management in neuropathic pain patients with failed back surgery syndrome (PROCESS trial).
European journal of pain (London, England) 2008 Manca A, Kumar K, Taylor RS, Jacques L, Eldabe S, Meglio M, Molet J, Thomson S, O'Callaghan J, Eisenberg E, Milbouw G, Buchser E, Fortini G, Richardson J, Taylor RJ, Goeree R, Sculpher MJ -
Functional outcome of brachial plexus reconstruction after trauma.
Neurosurgery 2007 Ahmed-Labib M, Golan JD, Jacques L -
Spinal cord stimulation versus conventional medical management for neuropathic pain: a multicentre randomised controlled trial in patients with failed back surgery syndrome.
Pain 2007 Kumar K, Taylor RS, Jacques L, Eldabe S, Meglio M, Molet J, Thomson S, O'Callaghan J, Eisenberg E, Milbouw G, Buchser E, Fortini G, Richardson J, North RB -
Traumatic brain injury in intoxicated patients.
The Journal of trauma 2007 Golan JD, Marcoux J, Golan E, Schapiro R, Johnston KM, Maleki M, Khetarpal S, Jacques L -
Survey of the practice of spinal cord stimulators and intrathecal analgesic delivery implants for management of pain in Canada.
Pain research & management 2007 Peng PW, Fedoroff I, Jacques L, Kumar K -
Superficial femoral vein invasion by a benign neurofibroma in a non-neurofibromatosis patient: case report.
Neurosurgery 2006 Châtillon CE, Guiot MC, Corriveau MM, Jacques L -
Spinal Cord Stimulation vs. Conventional Medical Management: A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled, Multicenter Study of Patients with Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (PROCESS Study).
Neuromodulation : journal of the International Neuromodulation Society 2005 Kumar K, North R, Taylor R, Sculpher M, Van den Abeele C, Gehring M, Jacques L, Eldabe S, Meglio M, Molet J, Thomson S, O'Callaghan J, Eisenberg E, Milbouw G, Fortini G, Richardson J, Buchser E, …