Linda Hopkins, MD
Associate Physician Diplomate
Ob/Gyn, Reproductive Sciences
School of Medicine

Dr. Linda Hopkins is a maternal-fetal medicine physician who specializes in prenatal diagnosis, which involves testing for fetal health problems before birth and counseling parents on their testing options.

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While Hopkins finds satisfaction in all aspects of her job, she especially enjoys guiding patients through the sometimes-complicated experience of prenatal diagnosis.

Hopkins earned her medical degree at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. At UCSF, she completed a residency in obstetrics and gynecology, followed by a fellowship in maternal-fetal medicine; she also completed advanced training in clinical research at UCSF. Before turning her focus to prenatal diagnosis, she practiced full-spectrum obstetric care, including for high-risk pregnancies, in both Oregon and Northern California.

Hopkins is a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, an associate member of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and a member of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.

In the 1990s, Hopkins worked in East Africa as a Peace Corps volunteer. She remains dedicated to improving the health of mothers and babies in remote parts of the world through her involvement with the nonprofit Global Force for Healing.

Hopkins is a yoga devotee and indoor cycling instructor at the YMCA, where she has achieved Spinning Rockstar certification – although her three teenage children currently challenge the "rock star" title. She also loves hiking, mountain biking and road cycling.

Education & Training

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  • Fellowship Maternal-Fetal Medicine UCSF 2005
  • Residency Obstetrics and Gynecology UCSF 2002
  • Feinberg School of Medicine 1998

Publications (14)

Top publication keywords:
Ultrasonography, PrenatalUreterVaginaKidney PelvisObstetric Labor ComplicationsFetal DiseasesLabor Stage, SecondCervix UteriPerineumMonitoring, IntraoperativeUrogenital AbnormalitiesLabor, ObstetricDelivery, ObstetricFetoscopyLabor Stage, First

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