Lilianna Yuen, MD
Assistant Professor
Psychiatry - Fresno
School of Medicine


Dr. Yuen is from Venice, CA and attended UC Berkeley for her undergraduate education where she majored in molecular and cell biology with an emphasis in neurobiology and a minor in English. She completed medical school at UC San Diego and also earned a master's degree in clinical research at the same institution.

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She completed her psychiatry residency at UCSF Fresno. After graduating from residency she joined the faculty at UCSF Fresno as a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor and works as an attending at Community Behavioral Health Center and Community Regional Medical Center.

In her free time, she enjoys being active, including rock climbing, snowboarding, hiking and running.

Publications (1)

Top publication keywords:
AgedAdultGeneral SurgeryLogistic ModelsElective Surgical ProceduresHealth Services AccessibilityMiddle AgedPatient Protection and Affordable Care ActRetrospective StudiesMaleMedically UninsuredUnited StatesHumansFemale