Lei Chen, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
Institute for Health Policy Studies
School of Medicine


Dr. Lei Chen is a postdoctoral scholar at the UCSF Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies. She is a trans-disciplinary and cross-cultural researcher whose research focuses on Long-term services and supports, immigrants' access to healthcare, migrant workforce, aging and health policy, aging and technology, and cross-cultural study.

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She applies both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to her research. Before joining UCSF, she worked on several research projects at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and collaborated with UCLA Human-Centered Computing and Intelligent Sensing Lab. Apart from being an academic, Lei actively engages in policy-related work (e.g., assisting in developing and implementing the Master Plan for Aging in California).

Lei is working closely with Dr. Joanne Spetz, Dr. Susan Chapman, Dr. Laura Wagner, Dr. Kezia Scales, and Dr. Bianca Frogner in the Advancing Workforce Analysis and Research for Dementia (AWARD). She is developing a data compendium, a research-ready harmonized dataset of policies and programs that affect the demand, supply, working conditions, and skills of direct care workers.


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  • Inaugural Steven P. Wallace Emerging Advocate Award, Aging and Public Health Section of the American Public Health Association (APHA), 2022
  • Health Equity Challenge Award, UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and MolinaCares, 2022
  • Inaugural Kathy Hyer Summer Policy Intern Award, The Gerontological Society of America (GSA), 2021
  • Wei-Lim Lee Memorial Best Paper, UCLA Asian American Studies Center, 2021

Education & Training

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  • Ph.D. Social Welfare University of California Los Angeles 06/2023
  • M.S.P. Social Policy Washington University in St. Louis 08/2016
  • M.A. Demography Fudan University 06/2015
  • B.A. Sociology Nanjing University 06/2012


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  • Aging and technology
  • Migrant workforce
  • Long-term Services and Supports
  • Aging and health policy
  • Immigrants' access to health care


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Publications (9)

Top publication keywords:
Law EnforcementHealth PolicySocial Control, FormalEmigration and ImmigrationHealth Services AccessibilityFearCaliforniaEmigrants and ImmigrantsHumansSocial Determinants of HealthPublic PolicyData CollectionEmploymentChinaSocial Isolation

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  • Social exclusion at the intersections of immigration, employment, and healthcare policy: A qualitative study of Mexican and Chinese immigrants in California.
    Social science & medicine (1982) 2022 Nakphong MK, De Trinidad Young ME, Morales B, Guzman-Ruiz IY, Chen L, Kietzman KG
  • Cumulative Experiences of Immigration Enforcement Policy and the Physical and Mental Health outcomes of Asian and Latinx immigrants
    Int. Migr. Rev. 2021 Young MT, Chen L, Sudhinaraset M, Saadi A, Kietzman K, Wallace SP.
  • Cross-Cultural Researchers' Positionality in Immigrant Health Research: Reflections on Research Examining Chinese Immigrants’ Experiences of Exclusion
    Int. J. Qual. Methods 2021 Chen L, Tse HW, Wu D, Young MT.
  • Environmental Volunteerism for Social Good: A Longitudinal Study of Older Adults’ Health
    Res Soc Work Pract 2019 Hsiao HY, Hsu CT, Chen L, Wu J, Chang PS, Lin CL, Lin MN, Lin TK.