Lauren Asarnow, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Medicine

Dr. Asarnow’s research program aims to reduce the burden of mental illness in youth by developing behavioral interventions that are effective, youth friendly, engaging, widely disseminable and easily accessible. Her program of research has primarily focused on sleep as a potential target for intervention in the prevention and treatment of mental and physical health problems.

Dr. Asarnow has shown that late bedtime is an important target for early intervention for the prevention of adverse emotional, academic and physical health outcomes among youth. Her current recent program aims to utilize an experimental design to (a) improve sleep health (through a sleep focused treatment), (b) determine whether a sleep focused treatment improves depression and anxiety symptoms, and a known biological marker of risk for depression and anxiety, cortisol reactivity and recovery in response to a stress exposure, and (c) elucidate target mechanisms underlying the effect of poor sleep health on depression and anxiety symptoms, and cortisol measures. Dr. Asarnow developed and is currently testing an innovative adaptation of an existing evidence based intervention to improve sleep in adolescents that can be accessed through mobile phones or computers, an approach that will increase the accessibility of the treatment.


  • NARSAD Young Investigator Award, Brain Behavior Research Foundation, 2019-Pres
  • Access to Care Award, Klingenstein Third Generation Foundation, 2018-2020
  • Career Development Institute Fellow, University of Pittsburgh/Stanford University, 2018-2019
  • Beck Institute Scholar, Beck Institute, 2013
  • Travel Award, Society for Research in Child Development, 2013
  • NSF Fellow, National Science Foundation, 2011-2014
  • Lisa M. Capps Award, UC Berkeley, 2011
  • Summer Research Fellow, UC Berkeley, 2011

Education & Training

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  • Fellowship Behavioral Sleep Medicine Stanford University 08/2019
  • PhD Clinical Science University of California, Berkeley 08/2016
  • Internship Clinical Psychology University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 08/2016
  • BA Comparative Literature University of California, Berkeley 12/2006


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  • Depression
  • Sleep
  • Adolescents
  • Prevention
  • Behavioral Interventions


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Grants and Projects

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Publications (22)

Top publication keywords:
Child of Impaired ParentsPediatric ObesitySleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersSleep Wake DisordersMood DisordersDepressionEnergy IntakeSleepCircadian RhythmFood PreferencesHypothalamo-Hypophyseal SystemDepressive DisorderDepressive Disorder, MajorAntidepressive AgentsMothers