Laura Collins, MD
Volunteer Assistant Clinical Professor
School of Medicine 415-221-4810 ext. 4229

Dr. Collins works full-time at the San Francisco VA Community Living Center. She is the physician-leader of the Social Focus Cohort, an interdisciplinary team that specializes in the care of veterans with complex medical, psychiatric and behavioral needs.

Education & Training

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  • M.D. Medicine University of California, San Francisco 1998
  • Residency School of Medicine University of California, San Francisco

Publications (11)

Top publication keywords:
AcetanilidesNutritional StatusBioethicsWearable Electronic DevicesCardiac Resynchronization TherapySeptal Occluder DeviceAngina, StableProfessional CompetenceParent-Child RelationsEnergy IntakeAustraliaAtrioventricular NodeFeeding BehaviorThinkingCD36 Antigens

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