Krishna Chaganti, MD, MS
Associate Professor
School of Medicine


Dr. R. Krishna Chaganti is a rheumatologist who cares for patients with a variety of rheumatologic diseases. She has been a clinician at UCSF since 2008 and has a special focus on rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and skeletal health/osteoporosis. She also has a strong interest in the use of musculoskeletal (MSK) ultrasound to enhance the diagnosis and care of patients in rheumatology.

She sees patients in general rheumatology at the Parnassus campus and at the Orthopedic Institute and also sees patients in the Skeletal Health clinic at the Orthopedic Institute. In her research, Dr. Chaganti studied risk factors associated with developing osteoarthritis of the hip, risk of revision hip surgery and factors associated with increased disability due to osteoarthritis.

Dr. Chaganti has a strong commitment to teaching and teaches medical students, residents and fellows at the Parnassus Fellows' clinic. She coordinates their weekly clinical case conference, lectures as part of their core didactics curriculum, and teaches MSK ultrasound as part of an ultrasound elective.


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  • Ira M. Goldstein Award for Outstanding Teaching in Rheumatology, UCSF, 2019
  • ACR Physician Scientist Development Award, Hospital for Special Surgery/NYP Weill Cornell Hospital, 2004-2007

Education & Training

  • RhMSUS MSK Ultrasound American College of Rheumatology 2019
  • M.S. Biostatistics Columbia University 2009
  • Postdoctoral Studies Graduate Division University of California, San Francisco 2008
  • Fellowship Rheumatology Hospital for Special Surgery/Weill Cornell Hospital 2006
  • Residency Internal Medicine Temple University 2003
  • M.D. School of Medicine Temple University 1999
  • A.B. History Princeton University 1994


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Publications (9)

Top publication keywords:
Ascorbic AcidArthroplasty, Replacement, HipOsteolysisHip JointOsteoarthritis, KneeQuadriplegiaAntimalarialsHydroxychloroquineLupus Erythematosus, SystemicInflammation MediatorsHip FracturesVitamin EMuscular DiseasesOsteoarthritis, HipVitamin D Deficiency