Kimberly Jinnett, PhD
Institute for Health & Aging
School of Nursing
Dr. Jinnett is an implementation scientist, systems researcher, pro-social activist and lifelong learner. She has over three decades of professional experience as executive leader, social scientist, practitioner and educator across a variety of sectors (nonprofit, commercial, philanthropic and government) and industries including health, education, housing, social services, biopharmaceutical.
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She is founder and chief executive officer of GoodWorkRegistry, a pro-social research, learning and evaluation organization focused on worker health and wellbeing. She serves on multiple advisory boards focused on leadership, access to care, worker health and wellbeing, mental health and the value of health investments. She is a Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health and professor at the UCSF Institute for Health & Aging, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences and the UCSF Emancipatory Sciences Lab Network. Dr. Jinnett is a graduate of University of Michigan (PhD Medical Sociology and Health Services Organization & Policy) and UCLA (BS Psychobiology, MSPH Health Planning & Policy Analysis). She resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and enjoys spending time with her adult children, husband, two cats and extended family and friends.
Education & Training
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- Certificate Artificial Intelligence University of California 03/2024
- Certificate Writing University of California 04/2022
- PhD Public Health & Sociology University of Michigan 06/1997
- MSPH Health Planning & Policy Analysis University of California 06/1990
- BS Psychobiology University of California 06/1988
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- Institute for Health & Aging (
- Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health (
- Emancipatory Sciences Lab Network (
- GoodWorkRegistry (
- LinkedIn Profile (
Publications (40)
Top publication keywords:
Occupational HealthWorkers' CompensationOccupational Health ServicesSick LeaveHealth PromotionEfficiencyObesity ManagementHealth Services AccessibilityAbsenteeismPharmacyTime ManagementWork PerformanceChronic DiseaseWorkplacePharmaceutical Services
Barriers accessing specialty care in the United States: a patient perspective.
BMC health services research 2024 Schuldt R, Jinnett K -
Referral Patterns from Primary Care Clinicians to Specialists among
People with Neurological Disorders
Neurology 2024 Mearns, E.S., Sheinson, D. , Jinnett, K., Patel, A., Gaur, A., Macaluso, C.J., Weiss, J.M., Win, N. -
A Rapid Review of Interventions to Improve Care for People Who Are Medically Underserved with Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetic Retinopathy, and Lung Cancer.
International journal of environmental research and public health 2024 Mossburg S, Kilany M, Jinnett K, Nguyen C, Soles E, Wood-Palmer D, Aly M -
Breaking Barriers: Partnerships to Improve Diabetic
Eye Health in Alabama
American Journal of Accountable Care. 2024 Wilson, B.A., Haney, D., Reuscher, R., Tabano, D., Jinnett, K., Ahmed, A., Gordon, A., Coleman, A., Wilson, R., Israel, R., Williams, J., Pevzner Hennesey, M., Wiggins, T., Pekas, E.J., Bannuru, R.R. -
Equity and Access to Specialty Care Series of Infographics: Ophthalmology, Neurology and Lung Cancer Specialists
Equity and Access to Specialty Care Series of Infographics: Ophthalmology, Neurology and Lung Cancer Specialists 2023 Kimberly Jinnett, Mona Kilany, Sarah Mossburg, Charlene Nguyen
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Estimating the US Baseline Distribution of Health Inequalities Across Race, Ethnicity, and Geography for Equity-Informative Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.
Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 2023 Kowal S, Ng CD, Schuldt R, Sheinson D, Jinnett K, Basu A -
Patient perspectives and use of copayment assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy 2022 Wong WB, Jinnett K -
Cardiovascular Health Research in the Workplace: A Workshop Report.
Journal of the American Heart Association 2021 Calitz C, Pratt C, Pronk NP, Fulton JE, Jinnett K, Thorndike AN, Addou E, Arena R, Brown AGM, Chang CC, Latts L, Lerner D, Majors M, Mancuso M, Mills D, Sanchez E, Goff D -
4R COVID-19 Toolkit for Patient Self-Management of Mild or
Moderate COVID-19 Symptoms
Social Sciences Research Network 2021 Weldon, C., James, B., Jinnett, K., Solon, C., Thesing, C., Fleurimont, J., Watson, K., and Trosman, J. -
Insights into the Role of Employers Supporting Obesity Management in People with Obesity: Results of the National ACTION Study.
Population health management 2018 Jinnett K, Kyle T, Parry T, Stevenin B, Ramasamy A, ACTION Steering Group -
The Impact of Worksite Wellness Programs by Size of Business: A 3-Year Longitudinal Study of Participation, Health Benefits, Absenteeism, and Presenteeism.
Annals of work exposures and health 2018 Schwatka NV, Smith D, Weitzenkamp D, Atherly A, Dally MJ, Brockbank CVS, Tenney L, Goetzel RZ, Jinnett K, McMillen J, Newman LS -
Reoccurring Injury, Chronic Health Conditions, and Behavioral Health: Gender Differences in the Causes of Workers' Compensation Claims.
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 2018 Schwatka NV, Shore E, Atherly A, Weitzenkamp D, Dally MJ, Brockbank CVS, Tenney L, Goetzel RZ, Jinnett K, McMillen J, Newman LS -
Mental Health in the Workplace: A Call to Action Proceedings From the Mental Health in the Workplace-Public Health Summit.
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 2018 Goetzel RZ, Roemer EC, Holingue C, Fallin MD, McCleary K, Eaton W, Agnew J, Azocar F, Ballard D, Bartlett J, Braga M, Conway H, Crighton KA, Frank R, Jinnett K, Keller-Greene D, Rauch SM, Safeer R, … -
Perceptions of Barriers to Effective Obesity Care: Results from the National ACTION Study.
Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.) 2017 Kaplan LM, Golden A, Jinnett K, Kolotkin RL, Kyle TK, Look M, Nadglowski J, O'Neil PM, Parry T, Tomaszewski KJ, Stevenin B, Lilleøre SK, Dhurandhar NV -
Einsichten und Sichtweisen der Adipositas-Behandlung bei Menschen mit Adipositas: Ergebnisse der nationalen ACTION Studie.
Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2017 D Staiger, AK Golden, NV Dhurandha, K Jinnett, LM Kaplan, RL Kolotkin, TK Kyle, J Nadglowski, T Parry, KJ Tomaszewski, G Guerrero, SK Lilleøre, J Kienhöfer, M Look -
Chronic Conditions, Workplace Safety, And Job Demands Contribute To Absenteeism And Job Performance.
Health affairs (Project Hope) 2017 Jinnett K, Schwatka N, Tenney L, Brockbank CV, Newman LS -
Health risk factors as predictors of workers' compensation claim occurrence and cost.
Occupational and environmental medicine 2016 Schwatka NV, Atherly A, Dally MJ, Fang H, vS Brockbank C, Tenney L, Goetzel RZ, Jinnett K, Witter R, Reynolds S, McMillen J, Newman LS -
Self-Reported Work Performance among Employees with Cancer:
Implications for Employers
Value in Health 2016 Kimberly Jinnett -
Predicting the impact of chronic health conditions on workplace productivity and accidents: results from two US Department of Energy national laboratories.
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 2015 Frey JJ, Osteen PJ, Berglund PA, Jinnett K, Ko J -
Implementation of a worksite wellness program targeting small businesses: the Pinnacol Assurance health risk management study.
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 2015 Newman LS, Stinson KE, Metcalf D, Fang H, Brockbank Cv, Jinnett K, Reynolds S, Trotter M, Witter R, Tenney L, Atherly A, Goetzel RZ -
Employees' work responses to episodes of illness: evidence from the American time use survey.
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 2014 Gifford B, Jinnett K -
Business and Workplace Issues.
Cultural Sociology of Mental Illness: An A-to-Z Guide 2014 Kimberly Jinnett, Brian Gifford -
Costs of Mental Illness.
Cultural Sociology of Mental Illness: An A-to-Z Guide 2014 Brian Gifford, Kimberly Jinnett -
Valuing Lost Work Time: Connecting Medication Adherence and
Short- term Disability
The American Journal of Pharmacy Benefits. 2012 Jinnett, K. and Parry, T. -
Medication adherence, comorbidities, and health risk impacts on workforce absence and job performance.
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 2011 Loeppke R, Haufle V, Jinnett K, Parry T, Zhu J, Hymel P, Konicki D -
Authors' Response.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2009 Ronald Loeppke, Michael Taitel, Vince Haufle, Ronald C. Kessler, Thomas Parry, Kimberly Jinnett -
Health and productivity as a business strategy: a multiemployer study.
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 2009 Loeppke R, Taitel M, Haufle V, Parry T, Kessler RC, Jinnett K -
Team leadership and patient outcomes in US psychiatric treatment settings.
Social science & medicine (1982) 2005 Wells R, Jinnett K, Alexander J, Lichtenstein R, Liu D, Zazzali JL -
Cross-functional team processes and patient functional improvement.
Health services research 2005 Alexander JA, Lichtenstein R, Jinnett K, Wells R, Zazzali J, Liu D -
How mental health providers spend their time: a survey of 10 Veterans Health Administration mental health services.
The journal of mental health policy and economics 2003 Sullivan G, Jinnett KJ, Mukherjee S, Henderson KL -
Predictors of contact with public service sectors among homeless adults with and without alcohol and other drug disorders.
Journal of studies on alcohol 2002 Bird CE, Jinnett KJ, Burnam MA, Koegel P, Sullivan G, Wenzel SL, Ridgely MS, Morton SC, Miu A -
Cases, contexts and care: the need for grounded network analysis.
2002 Kimberly Jinnett, Ian Coulter, Paul Koegel -
The temporal relationship between emotional distress and cigarette smoking during adolescence and young adulthood.
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2001 Orlando M, Ellickson PL, Jinnett K -
Access to inpatient or residential substance abuse treatment among homeless adults with alcohol or other drug use disorders.
Medical care 2001 Wenzel SL, Audrey Burnam M, Koegel P, Morton SC, Miu A, Jinnett KJ, Greer Sullivan J -
Case management and quality of life: assessing treatment and outcomes for clients with chronic and persistent mental illness.
Health services research 2001 Jinnett K, Alexander JA, Ullman E -
Organizational determinants of psychosocial treatment activity of providers in Va mental health facilities.
The journal of mental health policy and economics 1999 Alexander JA, Bloom JR, Zazzali JL, Jinnett K -
The Influence of Organizational Context on Quitting Intention: An Examination of Treatment Staff in Long-Term Mental Health Care Settings
Research on Aging 1999 Kimberly Jinnett, Jeffrey A. Alexander -
Embedded Intergroup Relations in Interdisciplinary Teams: Effects on Perceptions of Level of Team Integration
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 1997 Richard Lichtenstein, Jeffrey A. Alexander, Kimberly Jinnett, Esther Ullman -
Multilevel model of quality of life among United States veterans with serious mental illness
Multilevel model of quality of life among United States veterans with serious mental illness 1997 Kimberly Jinnett -
The effects of treatment team diversity and size on assessments of team functioning.
Hospital & health services administration 1996 Alexander JA, Lichtenstein R, Jinnett K, D'Aunno TA, Ullman E